My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and twenty-eight, my governor father

After lunch, Xia Jingxing took his entire family to Dongshan Villa and arranged for his family to stay at this property.

Since my grandparents are old and have been tired from traveling all the way, they have already gone to their rooms to rest. My mother and aunt are sitting in the living room watching TV. My cousin took the little girl Ye Xin to the home theater in the basement to watch a movie.

Xia Jingxing took his father, uncle, and cousin-in-law to the pavilion in the backyard to sit and drink tea and chat.

After chatting for a few words, Xia Jingxing suddenly received a call from Kristina.

As soon as he answered the phone, a joyful voice came from the other end: "Darren, are you in the capital? Our plane will arrive in the capital soon."

Xia Jingxing looked a little surprised, "Didn't you say you would come a few days later? Why did you come earlier?"

"My parents, grandparents, younger brothers and sisters also plan to come to China to watch the Olympics, so I have advanced my plans just in time to catch the opening ceremony of the Olympics tomorrow."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "Okay, then I will pick you up. The courtyard, car, driver, nanny, security... everything has been arranged for you. You don't have to worry about these. I will definitely give you and your family an unforgettable trip to China." .”


Listening to the kissing sound on the other end of the phone, Xia Jingxing laughed knowingly, "Oh, by the way, my parents, grandparents, and uncle's family just arrived in the capital in the morning. When your family arrives, we will have a meal together in the evening. Let’s eat.”

Kristina was stunned for a moment, and then the smile on her face became extremely bright, "Okay, Enoch is more than a year old now, and I have never met his grandfather or great-grandfather."

Xia Jingxing laughed dryly and said, "It's my fault for some things. It's because I didn't arrange it well."

"Okay, I don't mean to blame you at all... Enoch is awake and crying. Let's talk about it later!"

Without waiting for Xia Jingxing's reply, Kristina quickly hung up the phone.

She stood up from the sofa in the middle of the cabin and walked quickly towards the bedroom at the rear of the plane.

"Wow wow wow~"

Caitlin held the crying Enoch, kept stroking his back, and sang children's songs.

But it didn't help at all, maybe because the singing was off-key, the little kid cried louder.

Caitlin pursed her lips, "This little guy is more naughty than you were when you were a child. He should be more like Darren, right?"

Christina smiled and didn't answer. After she took her son from her mother's hand, it didn't even take half a minute for the child to stop crying, and even started to grin, with two bright eyes like black grapes. looked at mother.

The young and old Mr. and Mrs. Walsh on the side were secretly amazed when they saw it. They felt that Kristina had put a lot of thought into taking care of the child.

Little Walsh felt sorry for his daughter and said viciously: "Christina, when you see that kid later, don't stop me. I will rush up and give him two uppercuts, one for you." Yes, the punch was for Enoch."

Caitlin was a little dissatisfied with her husband's rude behavior and scolded her coldly: "When we meet later, there will be not only Darren, but also Darren's parents, grandparents, and grandparents.

I have met Dai Lun's mother, who is a very elegant lady. I heard that his father almost ran for the prefect of Chengdu, so he should be a gentleman as well.

Put away your behavior on the country farm and don't embarrass your daughter. "

Little Walsh didn't dare to talk back. He was like a deflated rubber ball.

Since his family almost went bankrupt due to real estate speculation, his family throne was suddenly gone.

Old Walsh on the side smiled faintly, "I heard that Darren's grandfather was a warrior who participated in the Korean War. Maybe we have fought against each other. I would like to talk to him about that war."

"I heard that Darren's grandmother was a descendant of a farmer and I could talk to her about the farm," said the elder Walsh's wife, Kayla.

"And me, I'm going to visit DJI and learn how drones are made. When I return to the United States, I will build a unique drone myself."

Brady, who was leaning against the porthole and looking at the clouds outside the window, suddenly turned around and added.

Kristina glanced at him and said angrily: "You dismantled Enoch's toys into a bunch of parts, and I haven't settled the score with you yet."

Brady shrugged, "So I need to learn drone assembly, otherwise how can I restore Enoch's toys to their original form?"

Kristina thinks it makes sense. Should she fulfill her brother's wish?

Junior Walsh began to reveal his son's background, and mocked Xia Jingxing by saying, "At the beginning of this year, Brady insisted on driving the Roadster Founder Series given to him by Darren to attend a party. As a result, he bumped into someone else's car. Fortunately, the battery didn't explode and catch fire, otherwise your brother would have become a turkey."

Kristina frowned and said to Brady: "You are not allowed to drive a car on the road in the future. Wait until you are twenty-one years old. I will tell Darren that he will never give you a car again."

Brady suddenly became unhappy. He stood up and argued, "Why? I'm sixteen years old and I have my own driver's license."

"There is no reason. If you have the ability, just work and earn money to buy a car."

Christina's gaze was so strong that Brady was stabbed and immediately did not dare to talk back.

Next to her, eight-year-old Jessica ran to Kristina with a digital video camera, "Look, this is the Vlog I shot. This camera Darren gave me is so useful. I want to use it to record my video." "My summer life and trip to China, and then post it on YouTube, I want to become a big internet celebrity."

Kristina picked up the camera and checked the video, and smiled: "Yes, your dream will come true. I wish you good luck, girl."

When Jessica received her sister's praise, she immediately smiled and jumped up and down to shoot the video again.

The whole family kept talking about "Dylan", and all of them said good things. After witnessing this scene, little Walsh sighed slightly in his heart, and hid alone in the corner feeling sad. The whole family had been bribed by Daeron. .

Otherwise, stop beating Darren? When we meet, ask him how he maintains the number of visitors to Walsh Ranch?

Recently, due to the decline in the popularity of the overseas version of "Happy Ranch", the offline Walsh Ranch business of bundled marketing has been greatly affected.

Countless ranch hotel rooms have been built, but not many tourists have come to stay. They have been vacant for a long time, and high financing loan interest needs to be paid as usual. Little Walsh is now under a lot of pressure.

After scratching his scalp, little Walsh suddenly seemed to have noticed something. He slowly opened his palms and looked at the large amount of hair in his palms. He was on the verge of tears. He was overusing his brain!

No, I still have to ask Darren for help.

Two hours later, the business jet chartered by Kristina and her family landed at Beijing Capital Airport.

As soon as the group walked out of the VIP channel, they saw Xia Jingxing, Xia Yuan, and Zhang Yuqiong waiting here.

Regardless of the looks from their parents and passers-by, Xia Jingxing and Kristina hugged each other as soon as they met, and even nibbled each other a few times before letting go of each other.

The two then began to introduce their families to each other.

Xia Yuan had already returned English to the teacher. On the contrary, it was Zhang Yuqiong who took extra tutoring lessons for a few months last year and also went to live in the United States for a few months. She half spoke with her mouth and half gestured with Kristina. The family members were chatting and laughing.

It seems that I also need to learn English? Xia Yuan was a little confused at this moment.

Fortunately, he found a new target - the little grandson who was held in the hands of little Walsh.

Looking at the little guy's black hair and eyes, Xia Yuan felt a blood connection with him.

He reached out to hug his grandson. Little Walsh handed the child to him gently and babbled a lot, but Xia Yuan didn't understand a word of it.

Xia Jingxing, who was on the side, understood. Little Walsh asked exactly what he said: "Man, I heard that you participated in the election for the prefect of Rongcheng. How big is Rongcheng? Does it have a population as large as Dallas?"

Xia Jingxing's heart moved and he answered for his father: "Mr. Walsh, Dallas only has a population of one million, while Chengdu has more than ten times the population."

Little Walsh took a deep look at Xia Yuan and felt that he had seriously underestimated this guy. He was not a prefect, he was clearly a governor.

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