My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and twenty-nine, 0 years of vicissitudes, today we are re-creating glory (N


At the dinner table, Xia Jingxing and Kristina were both very busy. The former helped Xia Yuan translate the conversation with little Walsh, and the latter helped Xia Shihe translate the conversation with old Walsh.

"Yes, I finally gave up running for governor because my son has a large number of investment projects in Chengdu and Sichuan Province. One father and son are engaged in politics and the other is engaged in business. They cannot be in the same area. This can easily breed corruption. This is our CCP It’s never allowed…”

Listening to Xia Jingxing's translation, little Walsh didn't understand Xia Yuan's decision. Do political and business affairs need to be separated? Shouldn't father and son go into business together?

As the business gets bigger, he might not only run for governor, but also run for general office.

"Yuan, what a pity! You gave up running for governor because of this matter and chose to become the president of a university. But don't be discouraged. I think you can influence the university first, and then influence your district..."

Little Walsh was quite interested in politics, but he didn't understand China at all, and Xia Jingxing felt tired while translating.

Xia Yuanxian glanced at his son, "Why the hell did I start running for governor?"

Florida in Sichuan Province, or Liangshan and Aba Prefectures?

But having said that, if he chooses to stay in the system and become the governor, it won't be a big problem.

On the other side of the round table, Xia Shihe and Old Walsh were arguing fiercely about something.

"Well, Sister Screw, tell your grandpa, if we had had as good equipment and logistics as they did, we could have driven them into the sea to feed the sharks."

Xia Shihe turned his head and looked at Old Walsh, his eyes looking down on his defeated general.

Kristina's expression was a little embarrassed, but she was relatively honest. Unlike Xia Jingxing who liked to tamper with translations, she chose to translate the words intact.

After listening, Old Walsh was not only not angry, but laughed loudly and said: "I admit this, your fighting will is far stronger than ours, and you are an opponent truly worthy of respect and remembrance.

In the entire history of modern infantry, there have never been soldiers as willing to fight as you. "

After listening to Kristina's Chinese translation, Xia Shihe finally had a smile on his face, his tone softened, and what he said was no longer as domineering as before.

"We like and cherish peace, and we don't want to see another war. I can't bear to recall the battle scenes I have experienced in my life.

However, if anyone dares to reach out again, we will chop off his hand with a knife! "

Old Walsh smiled and looked at Xia Shihe, who was spitting and with firm eyes, and felt very emotional in his heart. Although more than fifty years have passed, the other party still has the imprint of that god-like army.

This is what he admires and fears the most. His will is too strong and invincible.

Old Walsh smiled and held out his palm to Xia Shihe and said, "Me too, I sincerely hope that this world will always be peaceful and there will never be another war."

After looking at the palm handed out by Old Walsh, Xia Shihe hesitated for a moment, thinking that this old devil should be like what the instructor said back then: those who have reflected on the war are those who can change their minds.

After thinking about it, Xia Shihe immediately stopped hesitating and reached out to shake hands with the other party, but did not speak and remained extremely cold the whole time.

Old Walsh didn't take it seriously, but instead admired the stubborn old man next to him even more.

Zhang Yuqiong and Caitlin on the side each held Xia Zerui's small hand and asked him to stand on the chair.

Then he looked around like a curious baby, and from time to time he babbling and pointed at the turntables and dishes on the table, his childish voice making people happy.

The meeting between the two families was quite pleasant. Except for a few quarrels between Xia Shihe and old Walsh, the rest were filled with laughter.

After the dinner, everyone stood up and prepared to leave. Xia Yuan pulled his son aside and warned: "Christina's parents came to China for the first time. It's not easy to come all the way. These days, you Spend more time with them.

You don't have to worry about your grandparents and uncles, just leave them to me. "

Xia Jingxing was a little stunned. Before he could react, his father pushed him away.

Later, Xia Jingxing took Kristina and her family to a courtyard house by car.

Before entering the house, the family was shocked by the antique, or exotic, door.

After listening to Xia Jingxing's introduction that this courtyard was a ducal residence in China hundreds of years ago, little Walsh couldn't help but grin, and he felt more pleased with Xia Jingxing.

A housekeeper led several servants to help carry the luggage. Xia Jingxing took Kristina and her family to visit the courtyard and various rooms. At the same time, he introduced them with quotes from classics. The tour guide was not as dedicated as him.

Working until late at night, Kristina's family all settled in the yard with satisfaction.

In a bedroom, after Xia Jingxing and Kristina stretched their muscles a bit, they began to have some leisure time, lying side by side on the bed and chatting.

"Dylan, thank you!"

Looking into Kristina's affectionate eyes, Xia Jingxing chuckled, "Isn't this how it should be? In my opinion, they are not only your family, but also my family."

Kristina moved her body, rested her head on Xia Jingxing's shoulder, and smiled: "I haven't seen them so happy for a long time. Everyone of them likes you very much, including my father.

Although he criticizes you and speaks ill of you every day, whenever he encounters any difficulties, he is always the first to think of you. "

Xia Jingxing couldn't help but laugh out loud. This little Walsh is quite capable. What do you think of me?

But after all, he slept with another girl and gave her a grandson, so he wasn't as knowledgeable as this old man.


While Xia Jingxing was still deep in thought, Kristina suddenly called him softly, her blue eyes filled with indescribable tenderness.

Just as Xia Jingxing was about to get on his horse, Kristina got the better of him and pinned him down, looking like a queen.

Then her soft, boneless body slowly curled up like a snake.

The moonlight flickered through the window, and the shadows of flowers moved between seats in front of the bed.



The next day, at 7:50 pm.

At night, the "Bird's Nest"-shaped National Stadium was illuminated with brilliant lights. The stadium, which can accommodate more than 90,000 people, was full of seats and the crowd was excited.

Amidst the joyful and lively music, heads of state from various countries stepped onto the podium one after another and waved to the audience. The audience continued to burst into thunderous applause.

Then, a dazzling light came from inside the stadium, illuminating the ancient sundial.

In the center of the stadium, with strong and powerful blows, 2008 ancient Chinese percussion instruments "Fou" made a soul-stirring sound.

The thunderous sound of the fou hammering was like a sleeping Eastern giant about to revive, and his heart began to beat vigorously.

The entire audience shouted loudly as the numbers on the screen wall changed: 10, 9, 8...

Amid huge cheers, the moment for the official start of the opening ceremony finally arrived - at twenty o'clock.

Thousands of dazzling fireworks trailed the light and bloomed high in the sky, turning the entire stadium into a sea of ​​fireworks.

Subsequently, colorful fireworks began to bloom along the north-south central axis of the capital, showing 29 huge footprints symbolizing the 29th Olympic Games.

But in Xia Jingxing's view, the huge footprints formed by the fireworks were like a giant returning from afar step by step!

In the stadium, as the melodious children's voice of "Singing the Motherland" sounded, the national flag began to enter the stadium.

The flag-raiser raised the bright five-star red flag in front of everyone's attention, and countless spectators sang the national anthem.

Infected by the emotions at the scene, Xia Jingxing, like most of the audience, was filled with emotions. While waving the small national flag in his hand, he sang the national anthem loudly.

Kristina suddenly felt something strange. She looked down and found that the hand holding hers by Xia Jingxing was trembling. When she looked up at Xia Jingxing, she saw that his eyes were moist and there were faint tears.

This was the first time she saw Xia Jingxing shed tears, and she felt very strange.

But when she saw the Chinese people around her burst into tears, she suddenly understood.

A hundred years of vicissitudes, re-creating glory today!

The sleeping Lion of the East in Napoleon's mouth seems to have woken up. Will the whole world tremble next?

Kristina looked at the huge scroll slowly opened in the stadium, her mouth slightly opened, and she seemed to have found the answer.

The four great inventions, Chinese characters and opera, the Silk Road, Zheng He’s voyages to the West...

Five thousand years of splendid civilization are rushing towards us, performing a spiritual baptism.

A nation that can create such a splendid civilization will one day usher in its own great renaissance!

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