My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and thirty, Weibo picking up fox hair

"China's first gold medal! Chen Xiexia won the women's 48kg weightlifting championship and set a new Olympic record!"

On August 9, the morning of the first Olympic competition day, a conspicuous poster appeared on the homepage of the domestic website.

The two characters "First Gold" in the poster are bold and enlarged, making it particularly eye-catching.

Next to the font is the real protagonist, a young girl wearing a red jersey. She looks a little thin and thin, holding a barbell several times her own weight. Her eyes reveal a kind of perseverance, and her dark cheeks are full of determination. There are a few clearly visible pimples.

A seemingly ordinary girl has achieved extraordinary results.

Since today is Saturday, many people are taking a break at home. In their spare time while watching the Olympic competition programs, they also surf the Internet.

Countless users who visited saw this picture of Chen Xiexia holding a barbell high as soon as they logged into the website.

After watching and observing, many people were about to fork the page when they suddenly noticed a row of fonts under the picture: Go to Weibo to cheer for the Olympic athletes and win a Fuxing FX2 mobile phone.

Weibo, what kind of website is this? Someone was very curious.

Some people also couldn't take their eyes away immediately when they saw the words "win the Fuxing FX2 mobile phone".

The price of mobile phones is as low as 3,999 yuan, which makes even white-collar workers working in office buildings feel a little bit pained.

While many friends and colleagues around us have switched to Fuxing mobile phones in a fashionable manner and can enjoy the pleasure of slicing fruit with their fingers on the big screen anytime and anywhere, many people are still using backward mobile phones with physical buttons.

It’s not that I’m not interested in Fuxing phones, it’s just that I really can’t bear to buy them!

Driven by various factors such as curiosity and reward temptation, countless users of tried to click on the link behind the font and jumped to the Weibo registration page.

The registration page also has a background wall with five Olympic rings, which reads: Weibo joins hands with Fuxing Mobile to support the Olympics. For every gold, silver, and bronze medal won by the Chinese sports delegation, the Weibo website will give away 30, 20, and 10 medals respectively. A Fuxing FX2 mobile phone... unlimited stacking, no cap!

What is the origin of Weibo? Do you look like you are not short of money?

At this time, it is not very convenient to search for company information, but there are also people who are astute and have guessed some of the background of Weibo.

Promotion on the homepage of and giving away Fuxing mobile phones...

This is definitely Mr. Xia’s work!

Since it is Xia Jingxing, a billionaire, who is carrying out the activities, it should not be a joke to everyone.

Xia Jingxing has a good reputation in this regard and is known as "a child without deception".

Last year, the online game "Dungeon \u0026 Fighter", which was released and promoted domestically, launched a National Day event - play games to win Fuxing mobile phones.

An elementary school student revealed the Fuxing mobile phone while fighting monsters, and after careful verification, the staff of Domestic Games actually gave the elementary school student a Fuxing FX1 mobile phone.

The incident made headlines last year.

Of course, it’s a mixed bag.

Some people think that domestic games promise nothing but fair and just activities;

Some people also think that domestic games are teaching children bad things and are the electronic opium of the new era.

Public opinion was agitated, and finally the parents of primary school students stood up and spoke out, saying that they were working outside and therefore neglected to discipline their children. If not for this incident, they would have no idea that their children have become obsessed with online games...

Although this parent stepped forward and took over the responsibility for lax supervision of his children, there was still a large amount of public opinion criticizing Domestic Games.

Domestic Games also made a statement, stating that they would upgrade the game's anti-obsession system. At the same time, they also recycled the Fuxing mobile phones given to primary school students and replaced them with a 4,000 yuan scholarship.

The online game anti-obsession system was implemented in July last year under the leadership of relevant units.

However, due to the current technical means and the imperfect real-name environment on the Internet, it is basically impossible to prevent all kinds of naughty children.

Coupled with the fact that some people have released some cracking plans on the Internet, the so-called anti-addiction system can only be reduced to a sieve full of loopholes.

To truly solve the problem, breakthroughs in the application of facial recognition, artificial intelligence and other technologies are needed.

In short, because of the fact that primary school students won prizes while playing games, and Hainei Holding Group have established a fair and just corporate personality in their activities.

With trust in, Fuxing Mobile, and Mr. Xia, countless people registered and poured into Weibo.

In Weibo’s dedicated Olympic column, users saw rows of real-life portraits of athletes.

When you click on each avatar, there is a name and competition record introduction. In addition, the team is also broken down, such as the diving team, weightlifting team, swimming team...

There are a lot of 639 Chinese participating athletes, all neatly in the column.

In addition, the Olympic column also details how to participate in the activity of winning a mobile phone - comment and leave a message under each athlete's Weibo account. After the athlete wins the medal, Weibo officials will randomly select 30 and 20 people from the comment area. , 10 lucky users, after Weibo official personnel confirm that the information is correct, they will be sent the prize of Fuxing FX2 mobile phone.

Seeing this, some people felt troubled.

This not only relies on luck, but also bets on the athletes winning the prize.

The national football team...well, we can just rule it out.

In order to increase their chances of winning, some ruthless people click on the profile pictures of athletes and leave messages on them all, casting a wide net and catching more fish.

Some people also looked up the list of Chinese athletes who won the last Olympic Games and made accurate bets.

Others feel that there is little hope of winning a prize and are not so enthusiastic about leaving messages. They will only leave a few selective comments when they see an athlete they like or see interesting Weibo comments.

For example, a Weibo post posted by Chen Xiexia's account received a large number of comments and likes from users, sending flowers and applause to the first-time gold medalist.

Chen Xiexia posted a Weibo post with pictures and text.

The picture was a life photo taken at a training venue. She looked at the camera with a smile on her face and gave a thumbs up.

At the same time, there is also a text: Take the world, take the future!

Let’s look at the Weibo release date, August 2nd.

Posted on Weibo a week ago.

Careful people have noticed that almost all athletes posted Weibo information on that day.

The Weibo contents posted by athletes are all kinds of weird. Some congratulate the success of the Beijing Olympics in advance, some cheer themselves up, and some post their mood...

Some people are quite curious. Weibo is quite capable. One week before the opening of the Olympic Games, more than 600 participating athletes were invited to open Weibo accounts.

There are still people who still don’t understand, what kind of website is this Weibo?

Just to promote the Olympics? Let everyone cheer for the Olympic athletes?

Some people think that the page design and functions of Weibo are very similar to the public homepage accounts of As for the differences, they have not yet discovered them.

Since is helping to promote Weibo, it should be a product of the same company and both belong to Hainei Holding Group.

So why does the domestic holding group launch such a website?

Users have a lot of doubts in their minds, and they also feel that this Weibo is quite mysterious. It was launched secretly without any publicity, and it attracted more than 600 athletes to open accounts a week ago...

What do you want to do?

Some people don't think much about it and just treat Weibo as an Olympic website.

While watching the Olympic programs, they took the time to leave messages to encourage the athletes on Weibo. At the same time, they also had the opportunity to win the Fuxing FX2 mobile phone reward. Isn't this great? There is a strong sense of participation in the Olympics.

As a result, some people began to call their friends and invite their friends to leave messages on Weibo to draw the lottery.

Sohu, the Internet content service sponsor of the Beijing Olympics, was inexplicably taken advantage of by Weibo, and the traffic of the portal website began to decline little by little.

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