My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and thirty-seven, stab it directly into the sky


In the conference room of the Fiyta Building in Pengcheng, Ma Huateng looked up to the sky and laughed, his laughter was very magical.

Upon seeing this, the Penguin executives also followed the boss and showed bright smiles.

They had rarely seen a smile on Pawnee's face since this year, let alone a hearty laugh like this.

If the boss is happy, they will be scolded less.

Bonny, who has always been known for his gentleness in the Internet industry, seems to be a completely different person this year. He often criticizes and reprimands executives who are lagging behind in performance. He looks very anxious!

From top to bottom, the entire Penguin Company is in a state of high pressure, which makes people unable to breathe.

Executives who are familiar with the inside story know that it all started when the man returned to China three years ago...

“The Penguin Weibo project team did a great job this time!”

Ma Huateng looked around the senior executives with a bright face and said: "Everyone must learn from Penguin Weibo in the future! This kind of hard-working spirit of having the courage to catch up is exactly what other departments currently lack.

Overseas Holding Group launched "Overseas Weibo" more than ten days ago, and the results are very good. It is said that it has more than 10 million users.

In a week, our Penguin Weibo will be officially launched.

All in all, we were only more than 20 days behind them in launching the official product. can divert traffic to Hainan Weibo, but QQ can’t divert traffic to Penguin Weibo? The number of users of QQ is much greater than that of domestic websites!

So what if we let them run for more than twenty days?

This time, the group decided to invest heavily and a large amount of resources to support the development of Penguin Weibo.

In other words, we are going to have a decisive battle with domestic Weibo to see who is the king of social networking in China! "

Everyone unanimously claimed it was.

For a time, the entire conference room was laughing and full of confidence, and the decadence of this year was wiped away.

Ma Huateng nodded with satisfaction. This is the kingly aura that a penguin should have!

With a majestic formation, defeat domestic Weibo head-on!



A few days later.

Shen Xinyi stepped off the plane with a tired look on her face, and a dozen of her entourage followed her step by step.

In addition to the reporters carrying long guns and short cannons, there were also several Weibo media and public relations staff who were carefully taking care of a young couple walking at the end of the team.

The couple dressed very simply, which seemed a bit out of place in the magnificently decorated airport hall.

The two of them each held a several-month-old baby in their arms. Their eyes and movements were cautious, not daring to look around randomly. They followed the team obediently, and occasionally looked down at the child in their arms. , eyes filled with tears.

After walking out of the airport lobby, Shen Xinyi stopped, turned around and walked to the young couple holding the child, and said softly: "Brother Che and Sister Wang, I can't accompany you because I am anxious to go back to the company to report the situation. I'm taking you to the hospital. My colleagues will take you to the hospital in person.

But please rest assured, since I said I would fund the medical treatment of my two children, I will definitely help them to the end.

After I finish reporting my work to the leader, I will go to the hospital to visit you...and Pengpeng and He He. "

Speaking of this, Shen Xinyi gently pulled away the corner of the two swaddling clothes, took a look at the two children with obvious head deformities, and sighed slightly in her heart, man-made disasters are worse than natural disasters!

"Mr. Shen, we both kneel down and kowtow to you. Your kindness will be remembered by our family for the rest of our lives!"

The couple held their child in their arms and suddenly knelt down to Shen Xinyi with excitement.

Shen Xinyi and several staff members quickly tried to dissuade him.

Looking at the couple who were sobbing and wiping away tears, Shen Xinyi's eyes were also red.

She has visited many cities across the country in the past few days and has seen too many similar human tragedies.

Growing up, it was the first time she realized how evil human nature can be! It’s hard to describe it enough to describe it!

The images of infants and young children crying in pain in the ward began to appear in her mind, and she recalled the unfortunate families who cried to them as if they were seeing a savior and told them that they had no way to ask for help...

As if a fire was burning in her heart, she stretched out her hand to support the young couple in front of her and said seriously: "Brother Che and Sister Wang, we are media workers, and it is our responsibility to tell the people the truth.

You can rest assured that we will do our best to seek justice for you regarding Pengpeng and He He. "

After saying that, Shen Xinyi strode towards the Sohu reporters who were standing aside and shook hands with them one by one.

"Thank you to several friends from Sohu for their strong support along the way. I will return to the company soon to report to Mr. Xia. You are waiting for my news. This time we must poke a hole in the sky.

No matter how big and thick their protective umbrella is, no one can protect them when public opinion is boiling. "

A leading reporter replied indignantly: "Mr. Shen, don't worry, Charles has made a special statement and asked us to fully cooperate with your work.

As long as what we have seen and heard in the past few days is disclosed to the outside world, I believe that no Chinese with conscience will sit idly by.

Justice may be late, but it will never be absent! "

Shen Xinyi nodded solemnly, then said goodbye, got into the car, and left.

When she arrived in Zhongguancun, Shen Xinyi didn't rest for a moment. She got off the car and walked straight into Xia Jingxing's office holding a few folders.

She coldly put the folder on her desk, "All the evidence and news are here!"

Xia Jingxing raised his head and noticed that Shen Xinyi's face was not good-looking, and immediately asked with concern: "What's wrong? Is it not going well along the way?"

Shen Xinyi shook her head slightly and said rather sentimentally: "Those unfortunate families are willing to be interviewed and stand up to testify. But after seeing those poor children, I really can't feel happy."

Xia Jingxing pursed his lips and became completely silent.

A few days ago, when Shen Xinyi came to him with news about Liuyang milk powder, he was also shocked.

This case should be one of the biggest news stories in 2008, with nearly 300,000 victims.

The big-headed doll sounds cute, but behind it are the bitter tears of countless children and families.

Many of these children have been cured of their illnesses, but their heads will never return to their original shape throughout their lives. They have to endure the strange eyes of others when studying, working, and dating, which adds countless difficulties and obstacles to life.

In his previous life, he was in the United States and had only heard about this major case. Although he sympathized with it, he could not empathize with it.

Now that I have my own children and become parents in this life, my feelings are completely different.

While angry, he was also thinking seriously about how to help these unfortunate children and families.

Speaking of the impact, this sensational incident has completely ruined the reputation and credibility of Chinese dairy products!

Even more than ten years later, more families who have the means choose to give their children foreign milk powder.

It is not an exaggeration to say that these people make bloody money!

So when Shen Xinyi approached Xia Jingxing and asked Weibo to clear up this "heavy layer of fog," he agreed without hesitation.

In order to support Shen Xinyi in going to other places to investigate and collect evidence, he also specifically contacted Charles and called on reporters from Sohu to assist in the operation.

After sighing, Xia Jingxing remained silent and silently picked up the folder on the table, opened it and looked through it.

Looking at the pictures of big-headed children one after another, Xia Jingxing, a grown man, couldn't help but feel his scalp numb and his chest burning with anger.

"Among these children, some have unfortunately passed away, some have become big-headed children, and some have become children with kidney stones..."

Shen Xinyi's eyes were dark and she said: "Children who are only a few months old and one or two years old have to endure all kinds of pain and suffering.

Some families have become destitute and heavily in debt because of the medical treatment for their children.

I brought back a couple and two twin boys from Gansu Province. The couple came from a well-known poor county and made a living by working outside.

They bought the milk powder because they wanted to feed their twin sons better.

As a result, good intentions turned out to be bad, and both children turned into big-headed babies. Now they can't even get enough money for medical treatment and life-saving treatment.

I have been asking for help everywhere, but to no avail, and I have almost resigned myself to my fate.

When we found them, they almost worshiped them as Bodhisattvas, kowtowing and kneeling. "

Xia Jingxing listened patiently to Shen Xinyi's description of various encounters and discoveries during the trip, and his heart felt heavy as he listened.

"Okay, no need to say more, take action immediately, announce it immediately, we can't let this thing continue to harm people. If it were announced a day earlier, countless tragedies would have been avoided!"

Shen Xinyi asked back: "Then you still want me to collect evidence? I said it should have been announced a few days ago. The materials can be added slowly, but saving these children cannot be delayed!"

Xia Jingxing smiled bitterly, "This matter is not as simple as you think!"

"Isn't it just that someone is covering it up! I understand! Let 1.3 billion people see the facts, and I'll see what kind of ghosts and monsters dare to jump out."

The anger in Shen Xinyi's eyes was gushing out. As someone who personally went to the front line to check, her conscience would be tortured if she didn't do something for those suffering children.

Xia Jingxing said calmly: "I have arranged for people to inquire and investigate. Just a few days ago, New Zealand Fonterra notified the local states and counties, requesting an immediate recall of the product, but some people pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Liuyang Group executives even made a big decision: to block the media!

This pool of water is much turbid than you think. If you want to knock it, you have to hit it with a stick! Otherwise, it will be like scratching an itch and won’t have much effect.

Our goal is just one: to stab it directly into the sky! Let the lid never close again. "

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