My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and thirty-six, real people and true stories

“How to solve Weibo’s partiality problem?”

When the meeting ended, Shen Xinyi returned to the office on the floor where Weibo was located, and immediately took Gao Lili to discuss countermeasures.

Looking at Shen Xinyi, whose brows were full of worry and anxiety, Gao Lili peeled off a piece of chewing gum without haste, threw it into her mouth, and said while chewing: "Didn't your man say it? You need to be comprehensive in moral, intellectual, physical, artistic, and labor. Development allows experts from all walks of life to settle on the Weibo platform to provide guidance and inspire words.

His analysis is spot-on. Weibo’s biggest problem now is that there are too few Internet celebrities and opinion leaders, and they do not have the ability to continuously output high-quality content.

Only by continuously outputting content that users are interested in can Weibo's registered users grow bigger and bigger like a snowball. At the same time, the activity level will not drop, and may continue to rise steadily.

We just need to follow what he said. Many things cannot be rushed. "

Gao Lili walked over and patted Shen Xinyi on the shoulder, then sat down on the desk and joked: "I know you want to help him and become a good housekeeper, but everything is about a process, haste leads to haste. Not up to it.”

After being pointed out by her best friend, Shen Xinyi neither admitted nor denied, with a delicate and fair face showing a smile, "The Internet industry is a man's world. As women, we are entrusted with important responsibilities and cannot be underestimated." Now, let’s fight for our female compatriots.”

Gao Lili spread her hands and said, "Then you go talk to the woman. I'm a man, so I'll leave first."

After that, Gao Lili left without any hesitation.

When she walked to the door, she suddenly turned her head and consoled her: "Don't think too much. It takes a year to complete the road. You want to complete it in a month. Is it possible?"

Although the only martial arts in the world is quickness, there is also a saying that chaos arises in busyness.

Keep a normal mind and don't put too much pressure on yourself, I feel bad! bye! "

After blowing a kiss, Gao Lili laughed and walked away.

Shen Xinjie had a complicated expression. Although she knew that Gao Lili was caring about her and doing her best, and that what the other party said made sense, haste makes waste, but she still wanted to give it a try.

Although no strong competitors have emerged yet, we cannot take it lightly.

If Weibo can launch a series of offensives, even if competitors enter the market, they will only be able to follow behind and eat dust.

She sat on the chair, looking thoughtful, where was the point of breaking the situation?

She took advantage of the short sixteen days of the Olympic Games to become a grassroots internet celebrity like Brother 639.

Everyone praised her, but she knew it was not enough.

How about supporting Sister Furong?

She quickly dispelled this idea. Reviewing ugliness and promoting without bottom line were really inconsistent with her values.

She really wanted to see Weibo develop early and become Xia Jingxing's right-hand man, but she didn't want this success to be based on spreading negative energy in society.

Moreover, as soon as Weibo was launched, it joined hands with more than 600 Olympic athletes and dozens of Olympic champions to call on tens of millions of netizens to cheer for the Olympics, conveying the spirit of winning glory for the country and continuous self-improvement.

Immediately after the Olympics, an Internet celebrity who criticizes ugliness was promoted to the top. It really lowered the platform's style, and might even be counterproductive.

She thought about it and her brain ached. After banging her head, she decided not to think about it for the time being. She went to the Internet to find answers and see what hot topics were happening recently.

Then, she turned on her computer and started browsing Weibo, major news websites, and forums.

"Niu Fei retired from the competition, I'm sorry to the 1.3 billion people!"

Seeing this news, Shen Xinyi frowned. Now the whole country is shouting and killing Niu Fei, feeling that he has failed the ardent hopes of the people of the country, is a deserter, and is a coward. The Internet is full of abuse and accusations.

She actually understands everyone's deep love and deep responsibility.

After all, track and field has always been a weakness of the yellow race and the Chinese. Niu Fei's sudden emergence has given everyone hope that he can win the championship at home and let foreigners see: Chinese people can also run.

As a result, he retired from the game due to injury, and various conspiratorial voices appeared on the Internet: He was obviously injured but he didn't tell him earlier, he insisted on showing off, colluded with relevant interest groups, and treated everyone like monkeys;

Knowing that he could not beat Luo Si, he deliberately refused to run, lest his defeat would affect his advertising sponsorship.

The reasons are complicated, and Shen Xinyi doesn't know whether Niu Fei can't help himself or whether he has a big personal problem.

But when you calm down, you will see that the other party's previous achievements are worthy of recognition.

How about letting Weibo fan the flames and clear Niu Fei’s name? Start a scolding war online?

After Shen Xinyi thought about it for a while, she felt that the risk was not small, and it might even destroy Niu Fei, so she might as well give up.

She continued to read the news, analyzing and eliminating each one.

Suddenly, she saw a post on the Tianya Forum with the title "Can this kind of milk powder be given to children?"

She quickly scanned the post and found that the netizen who posted it bought Liuyang milk powder for her daughter at a supermarket in a county town in Zhejiang Province last year. Later, she found that the milk powder caused her daughter to urinate abnormally. After negotiating with Liuyang Group and the county industrial and commercial yamen, she had no choice. As a result, the netizen had no choice but to post online asking for help and defending his rights.

This news was very ordinary. Shen Xinyi read it once and planned to skip it.

But she suddenly noticed a lot of comments below.

"It's Liuyang milk powder again! My child also became unwell after eating this brand of milk powder."

“I am very sympathetic to the original poster’s experience, and wish her children safety! Liuyang milk powder was investigated four years ago, and there was a lot of noise at that time, saying that a batch of big-headed dolls appeared in Yingzhou, Hui Province...

The result ended with the Yingzhou CDC staff publicly admitting the false alarm, publicly apologizing to Liuyang Group, and blacklisting Liuyang milk powder as substandard milk powder and inferior milk powder!

The thing is very funny. If you are interested, you can search for this news. There should be some traces left on the Internet that have not been cleaned up. "

"Has the child's urine changed color or there are particles in the urine after consuming milk powder? What is your contact information? I want to join your rights protection team!"

Looking at the dense information in the comments, Shen Xinyi frowned, and her intuition told her that this might not be a coincidence, there was something wrong with Liuyang milk powder!

Thinking of this, she immediately quit the Tianya Forum and started searching the Internet for negative news about Liuyang milk powder.

Somewhat to her surprise, very little negative information appeared in the search engine.

She had an idea and switched to Google and Sogou to search.

After this search, completely different search results appeared.

She began to carefully read the relevant news carefully, while still holding a notebook in her hand.

By noon, several pages of information were densely recorded in her notebook according to the format of timeline, region, names of infants and children, etc. It was heart-wrenching to see!

"Bang bang bang~"

Gao Lili knocked on the door and walked into the office. She held a few lunch boxes in her hands and said with a joyful expression: "Quick, let's start a small stove today. Mr. Xia specially ordered the canteen to provide the ladies' set meal, and I will also take advantage of it!"

Seeing Shen Xinyi looking at the computer without even raising her head, Gao Lili walked over with a smile, "What are you doing? Eat it while it's hot, the food will be cold later!"

After approaching the desk, Gao Lili leaned next to Shen Xinyi and looked at the computer together.

"Hey~, what kind of mug shot is this? Why does it look a little scary?"

Shen Xinyi turned her head and said in a heavy and serious tone: "This is a real thing! A real thing that happened in our country!"

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