My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and thirty-nine, relief fund

On the day of the press conference, Che Yanjun registered a Weibo account and posted a Weibo account under the guidance of Weibo staff.

Due to the limitation of the number of posts on Weibo, the family experiences, children's conditions, etc. described by Che Yanjun at the press conference were all compiled into pictures filled with text.

At the same time, Weibo uploaded dozens of photos of the big-headed dolls to its official Weibo account after obtaining the consent of dozens of victim families, including Che Yanjun and his wife.

Then, Weibo Company conducted a site-wide promotion for Che Yanjun’s Weibo and its own official Weibo.

As soon as Weibo users log in to the website, they can see these two Weibo posts on the homepage.

In just one hour, tens of thousands of comments appeared under the two Weibo posts.

"Is this true? Liuyang milk powder has caused such harm to children. It's simply shocking!"

"The official Weibo Weibo has made a statement, and there are so many photos to prove it. It can't be fabricated out of thin air, right?"

"It is absolutely unconscionable to ask the relevant departments to immediately investigate Liuyang milk powder! Arrest all these people and eat peanuts!"

"Ah! My baby is also drinking milk powder. After seeing these photos, I don't dare to buy milk powder anymore."

"Don't rush to express your position for the time being. Let's wait for the relevant departments to issue the investigation results."

In the conference room, Xia Jingxing looked at the computer in front of him and carefully read the Weibo comments.

In summary, most Weibo users were extremely angry about the incident and demanded that the government launch an immediate investigation.

There are also some rational voices who feel that we should wait for the relevant departments to speak out before drawing any conclusions.

However, there are still relatively few calm people on the domestic Internet at this time, or there have always been few. As long as the rhythm picks up, it is like chewing Xuanmai.

Xia Jingxing stopped reading the comments and looked up at Shen Xinyi, Gao Lili, and Zhang Yong.

"Now that the matter has been revealed, the media has responded with reports and Weibo hot tweets. It is estimated that this matter will soon become a hot topic in the news, the Internet, and society."

Shen Xinyi shook her head slightly and said: "Some media are too timid and fearful. They haven't joined the reporting team yet. They seem to be waiting and watching."

Gao Lili sneered: "What else can we do to wait and see? When the matter is over, we can pursue and fight fiercely!"

Shen Xinyi sighed: "This loses the most important feature of news - timeliness.

If news is released early, it can be prevented and remedied;

If it’s released late…”

Shen Xinyi's eyes dimmed and she didn't continue talking.

In fact, she also knows that except for online media, almost all newspapers and media are government-owned enterprises and public institutions, and they are very worried about news reporting for fear of making mistakes.

Therefore, a lot of content written by reporters will get stuck, and the higher level will check it mentally and confirm that there is no problem before it is published.

On the surface, the exposure of Liuyang milk powder seems to be an attack on a Sino-foreign joint venture private enterprise. In fact, there are dozens or even more big-headed dolls that have not yet been exposed, which can be regarded as a major food safety incident.

The meaning of the event will be completely different and will rise to another level.

Zhang Yong said slowly: "In any case, doctors had noticed something was wrong with infant patients before, but they did not dare to risk their reputation and career prospects to jump to conclusions easily;

Reporters actually discovered something was wrong, but they did not dare to report it, or they had the power to obstruct it;

In the past, family members of patients had posted articles online to defend their rights. Once such signs appeared, the public relations department of Liuyang Milk Powder would step in to smooth things over.

Therefore, the tainted milk powder incident began to emerge in March and has been dragging on for half a year.

If this matter had not been exposed on Weibo, we don’t know how long it would have dragged on.

Overall, the exposure this time far exceeded all previous online exposures.

Weibo has nearly 20 million users, and we also held a press conference together with Sohu.

Two major companies came forward to endorse it, the families of the victims came forward to give their own testimony, and hundreds of reporters witnessed it...

The previous voices were just drizzle, but Weibo dropped a nuclear bomb.

The lid will definitely blow off, but it will probably take some time for the news to ferment. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "Yes, it will take a certain amount of time for the news to be endorsed by the official to be disseminated. What's more, whether the poisonous milk powder is poisonous or not requires official intervention to conduct testing and issue a certificate!"

Having said this, he turned to look at Shen Xinyi and said, "We have done almost everything we can do. The rest will be left to time!"

"No! I don't think so!"

Shen Xinyi said firmly: "Mr.

Can we ask them to help forward and comment?

Celebrities are public figures, and the attention they receive is naturally different from ordinary people. "

Xia Jingxing shook his head and laughed, "It's a beautiful thought. Reposting by celebrities is indeed conducive to the spread of the incident.

But have you ever thought about it? Why do people forward it?

Especially now that the official has not given a clear definition, do you forward it based on your personal conscience? If you don’t convert, you’re not Chinese?

Let me tell you this, the vast majority of those people are just outsiders.

Nowadays, many celebrities have just started to use social media, and they may not know much about their influence, nor do they know how much responsibility and consequences they have for online speech.

Maybe a small number of Tiehanhan will follow and forward it.

But in the future, celebrities will definitely pay attention to controlling their online speaking behavior.

Even if they are unwilling to take control, the brokerage company behind them will make them "will". "

Shen Xinyi frowned slightly. She hoped that Weibo could be more active and proactive in exposing this incident, instead of just sitting around and waiting for so long.

Xia Jingxing changed the subject and said, "However, your suggestion is not unacceptable!

There is a first time for everything. You can contact those sports stars and entertainment stars and ask them to do a "little favor".

If you are willing to help, you can write it down and Weibo can return the favor later.

If you don't want to help, don't force it.

There is a certain lag in news dissemination. Even if the official test results are announced, it will take time to disseminate.

The dissemination of news through Weibo may be faster than official notification.

After seeing the irrefutable evidence, those outside celebrities should no longer hesitate, because it is easy to win the popularity and favor of the audience by creating a celebrity persona that "petitions for the people" and is "passionate about charity."

Profit is the real driving force!

A large number of celebrities speaking out should make Weibo the largest online platform for discussing tainted milk powder, which can help us attract more users.

At the same time, Weibo has also successfully completed its transformation, from discussing the Olympics to discussing the tainted milk powder incident.

The public’s understanding of us will also quietly change: Oh, it turns out that we are not just talking about the Olympics and giving away mobile phones!

Next, if a few more hot-spot events explode on Weibo and attract all people to participate in discussions, then our foundation will be basically laid.

Other celebrities who have not yet joined Weibo will follow suit after seeing their peers enjoying the benefits. "

Gao Lili said: "Mr. Xia, following your idea, I think more articles can be made.

The exposure of poisonous milk powder was the beginning of the incident. After the official announcement of the test results, everyone will discuss the disposal plan, including punishment of the poisonous milk companies, compensation and treatment of the big-headed dolls, etc.

The matter is not really over here. We can take the lead in setting up a relief fund to help and care for those poor children.

Focusing on this aspect, we can do some more work, which will not only fully reflect the social responsibility of our company, but also win more sympathy and care from society for these children. "

Shen Xinyi nodded immediately and said: "Yes, we can set up a relief fund, but we don't have to pay for it on Weibo. I can personally donate a sum of money."

Gao Lili immediately echoed: "I can also make a donation!"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "You two rich women are the only ones who have the money to co-write, right? I have my own arrangements for this matter, so you two don't have to worry about it."

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