My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and forty, a prairie fire

On August 29, Weibo and Sohu jointly held a press conference to publicly attack Liuyang Group. Che Yanjun posted his first Weibo post on the Weibo platform.

On August 30, Yao Ming, Niu Fei, Li Yuchun, Zhang Liangying and other sports and entertainment stars collectively forwarded Che Yanjun's Weibo to publicly call on all sectors of society to pay attention to the tainted milk powder incident.

Among them, Niu Fei seems to be working particularly hard!

The trapeze artist, who had disappeared for more than a week amidst a sea of ​​scolding, reappeared in front of everyone, but the location was no longer a sports venue, but a charity event.

Niu Fei's Weibo account uploaded a photo of him and Che Yanjun's family of four in the hospital, with the text: Life is like this, there will always be various setbacks and accidents. I hope your family will come out of the shadows and become beautiful again. strong!

Some people say that Niu Fei is putting on a show, trying to whitewash himself with charity and resolve everyone's criticism of him;

Some people are also thinking deeply about Niu Fei's words, which seem to be very suitable for him!

In any case, a large number of celebrities including Niu Fei called on all walks of life to pay attention to the tainted milk powder incident, and indeed achieved very good results.

Not only the Weibo platform, but also, Tianya Forum, and major portal websites are following up and discussing this incident.

At the same time, more and more print media began to come forward and publish articles questioning Liuyang milk powder.

Families whose infants and young children were sick due to consumption of milk powder also gathered on the Weibo platform as if they had found a beacon in the dark.

Weibo welcomes these families to come forward to tell their stories and defend their rights.

As soon as I find a Weibo post exposing content related to poisonous milk powder, I will immediately recommend a resource.

Gradually, more and more tainted milk powder incidents were exposed.

Ten people, a hundred people, a thousand people... the list of victims is getting longer and longer.

Zhejiang Province, Gansu Province, Hebei Province... the victims are covering an increasingly wider area, and even sick infants and young children have appeared in Bay and Hong Kong Island. It can be said that they are all in Greater China.

On August 31, Zhang Wei, director of the Department of Urology at the First Hospital, registered a Weibo account and posted on Weibo to announce various cases of infants and young children caused by milk powder that he had encountered in the past two months.

Starting from the end of June, in just one week, Zhang Wei's department received four consecutive cases of children suffering from calculus. After he reported it to the dean, the news spread, and the superior department immediately organized medical experts to the hospital to investigate. Although The main suspicion is Liuyang milk powder, but because there is no direct evidence, no one dares to draw conclusions.

On August 30th, Zhang Wei successfully rescued the dying child Yang Zhouao. Then he could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and summed up the total number of people he had encountered in the past two months. The characteristics, treatment plans, inferences, etc. of the 14 cases of infants and young children were compiled into a 10,000-word article and published on Weibo.

Suddenly, one stone stirred up a thousand waves!

This is the first doctor in the industry to speak out publicly, and his words are very decisive: Regardless of whether it has anything to do with Liuyang or not, I urge the relevant departments to conduct an investigation immediately, otherwise a large number of children will die. If the investigation results are that I am wrong Now, I can publicly apologize to Liuyang, even if it means quitting my job and not becoming a doctor!

In his previous life, this doctor risked his career and organized medical personnel to investigate Liuyang milk powder.

After the investigation, he contacted various reporters, which directly led to Jincheng Morning News reporter Shen Lili to publish an article "14 Babies Suffered from "Kidney Stones"". This was the first reporter and media in the previous life to report on babies with stones, which immediately attracted widespread attention in the industry. focus on.

At the same time, Jian Guangzhou, an investigative reporter from the Oriental Morning Post who was the first in the media world to point out problems with the Liuyang brand, also posted on Weibo and published his own investigation results. At the same time, he also named Liuyang milk powder. If there is a problem, please ask the relevant departments to investigate immediately.

Although history has taken a turn, it seems to have returned to its original trajectory.

Doctors and journalists who exuded the brilliance of humanity in their previous lives have been led by Weibo and Sohu in this life. Their speech and behavior seem to have been greatly encouraged and they have become more confident.

There are also many doctors and reporters who were in a state of hesitation and hesitation in their previous lives. They have also bravely taken a step forward and entered the Weibo platform to explain and analyze cases and events related to Liuyang milk powder that happened around them from a professional perspective.

So far, the Weibo platform has become the largest public opinion platform for the Liuyang Incident, attracting attention and voices from all walks of life including the families of the victims, celebrities, doctors, media reporters, etc.

Outside of Weibo, discussions about Liuyang milk powder have also spread like wildfire, and even spread from online to offline.




Shen Xinyi walked tiredly into the courtyard house in Houhai.

As soon as she walked into the courtyard, she saw Xia Jingxing sitting on the stone bench.

There was also a plate of peanuts and a bottle of red wine placed on the stone table.

"You will enjoy it, peanuts and red wine, the more you drink, the better!"

Shen Xinyi approached with a smile, but before she could react, Xia Jingxing pulled her into his arms.

"It hurts~"

Shen Xinyi pinched Xia Jingxing's arm hard, and then she took a breath and said, "My back hurts from working overtime recently. You almost broke my waist just now."

Xia Jingxing laughed loudly, "Who told you to work overtime every day and so late? Even though things are on the right track, you are always worried. You have to do it yourself and keep an eye on everything."

Shen Xinyi smiled lightly and said, "I'm not staring. Where did the 10 million new registered users come from in the past few days?"

Xia Jingxing looked surprised, "Hey, there are 10 million new registered users?"

Shen Xinyi raised her fair and delicate neck high and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, "Yes, Weibo is about to exceed 30 million registered users! What do you think, we can still see this result, right?"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "That's great, my dear wife, I will ask you to protect me more in the future."

Shen Xinyi turned around, pinched Xia Jingxing's chin, looked left and right, and suddenly shook her head, "Just because you look so worthless, you won't be able to earn a living for the rest of your life!"

"It doesn't matter, my teeth are bad."

The two joked with each other for a while before returning to the topic.

Shen Xinyi suddenly said coldly: "Today the public relations agency commissioned by Liuyang Group contacted me again, and the price has increased to 10 million yuan."

Xia Jingxing burst into laughter and said, "It's not like you can make much money selling poisonous milk powder!"

"Stop making trouble, let me tell you something serious. People from the public relations agency said that Liuyang offered a certain search engine 3 million yuan and requested that all negative search content be blocked.

If you offer us 10 million, you don't need to expel or ban anyone on Weibo, you just need to reduce the popularity of the incident.

The man also said that Mr. Liuyang gave the price because of your face, Mr. Xia, and he wanted to make friends with you. "

Xia Jingxing sneered: "My face is worth 10 million, this is so insulting! It's simply too much!"

After some teasing, Xia Jingxing's smile gradually faded, and he said calmly: "Ignore those flies, just refuse them straight away, don't give them any room for maneuver, Liuyang is basically entangled in the stone gate, and their hands can't reach it yet." Come to the capital."

"We are a company with a revenue of over 10 billion, and the domestic holding group is only a quarter of ours."

"It's okay. No matter what methods they use, there is no need to be afraid of them."

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing couldn't help but ask: "You haven't noticed anyone following you recently, have you?"

Shen Xinyi shook her head gently, "No one under the Emperor's feet dares to go that far."

"Be careful and you won't make any big mistakes. I'll have someone arrange another group of bodyguards tomorrow."

Xia Jingxing was actually a little worried that Liuyang Group would jump over the wall in a hurry. As the first person to name problems with Liuyang's milk powder, Shen Xinyi might have been on the top of the other party's blacklist.

Although the Liuyang Group was obediently executed in the previous life, this does not mean that Liuyang is really a sheep.

Shen Xinyi stretched out her two thin, boneless arms, hugged Xia Jingxing's neck, and said with a smile, "I know, I can really be called a majestic person when traveling now. There is always a wall of people around me."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "It will be fine after a few days."

Shen Xinyi keenly heard the deeper meaning and asked: "You mean the relevant departments are going to take action soon?"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Perhaps the First Elder, Second Elder...a group of elders are having a meeting right now."

Shen Xinyi's eyes lit up, "Great, it's time to take action to deal with these people. Send them all in to eat peanuts one by one."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Okay, go back to your room and go to bed!"

After saying that, he stood up and held Shen Xinyi in a princess hug. The latter's face was red and she carefully looked around, "Don't do this. The servant will see you later. I can't afford to embarrass you." that person."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "It's okay. Don't you have a backache? Hold it easier.

When you go back to your room later, I will give you a massage and loosen your muscles and bones. You have menstrual blood blockage caused by a long-term lack of exercise in your body. If you exercise more, your waist will naturally become softer. "

Shen Xinyi knew the meaning of these tiger and wolf words, and couldn't help but give Xia Jingxing a look, as her eyes were out of shape, as if they were flirting.

Seeing this, Xia Jingxing couldn't help but speed up his movements, and at the same time continued teasing, "Keep on holding on, and you'll be able to enjoy the authentic massage training techniques in no time. The old Chinese medicine has been passed down from generation to generation, and the skills are absolutely guaranteed!"

Shen Xinyi couldn't hold it in anymore and started laughing.

Walking to the door, Xia Jingxing kicked the door open, put him on the bed, and began to perform his real skills...

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