My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and forty-one, come to an end

Remember [new] in one second! September 1st.

On this day when students started school, the Gansu Provincial Health Office held a press conference and reported that 59 cases of infant urinary stones were found in the area, and one of the patients died.

On the evening of the same day, the General Health Office in Beijing sent a spokesperson, saying that those responsible for the infant kidney stone incident would be strictly investigated.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Liuyang Group finally gave up the idea of ​​covering the lid and quickly issued a product recall statement to the outside world, saying that the company's self-inspection found that some batches of Liuyang infant milk powder shipped before August 6 this year were contaminated with cyanide. The amount of amine contamination is approximately 700 tons.

Hexacyanamide, this unpopular chemical raw material word, suddenly became popular.

As the largest public opinion platform for the tainted milk powder incident, Weibo was filled with voices denouncing Liuyang milk powder and popularizing the content and harm of hexamethonamide.

Many people on the Internet who originally did not believe that milk powder would cause babies and young children to turn into big-headed dolls finally chose to believe it.

Because a large number of popular science posts appeared, the cause and effect were completely connected.

Hexacyanamide is a low-cost chemical raw material. When added to raw milk as an additive, it can improve the detection value of protein in food during testing.

Criminals took advantage of this loophole to profit, deliberately reducing the content of raw milk and real protein, and using hexacyanamide instead.

Long-term intake of hexacyanamide can cause damage to the reproductive and urinary systems, specifically manifested in bladder and kidney stones, and in severe cases can induce bladder cancer.

This is in contrast to a series of recently exposed cases of infants and young children urinating blood, urinating particles, and suffering from kidney stones.

As for the big-headed doll, some nutrition experts also gave explanations through the Weibo platform.

Because it is fake milk powder, the real protein content is not enough. Long-term consumption of this kind of milk powder by newborn children who are growing rapidly will lead to insufficient nutritional intake of the body, thus affecting their development.

As we all know, the two fastest growing periods in a person's life are adolescence and infancy.

Lack of nutrition during adolescence may affect height, but at any rate teenagers can talk, tell their parents if they don't have enough to eat, and ask people around them for help.

A few-month-old baby cannot speak. Even if it cries, the parents will just treat it as sick.

After going to the hospital for examination, many doctors could not find the cause and thought it was infant kidney stones caused by the high calcium content in milk powder.

By the time things gradually came to light, many babies had been eating low-quality milk powder for several months or more than half a year.

Especially in rural areas, babies with large heads are the hardest hit. The parents of the children may not receive timely treatment due to lack of knowledge and culture or economic conditions. As a result, the skulls of many babies have been closed and set.

At this point, the fog has lifted, and the cruel truth is before the public.

Countless people crowded into the Weibo platform with righteous indignation, leaving messages of encouragement for some of the victims’ families, and actively participating in discussions about the tainted milk powder incident.

Seeing this, many celebrities who chose to protect themselves finally couldn't sit still, and began to post and post on Weibo to support the victims' families in safeguarding their rights.

What's more, he also followed Niu Fei's example and went to the hospital to visit the twin brothers, and then uploaded the photos to his Weibo.

For a time, the hospital became crowded, and many celebrities found the traffic password.

There are also many celebrities who have not joined the Weibo platform. They couldn't sit still after seeing this. They joined Weibo overnight and the first blog post they posted was to criticize Liuyang milk powder and express their grievances for the Chinese people.

On the land of China, public opinion is boiling.

At the same time, many countries and regions have begun to fully or partially ban the sale or import of Chinese dairy products, candies, coffee, chocolate and other products. The European Union has even announced a complete ban on the import of Chinese baby products containing milk ingredients.

Now there's a big fuss!

The next day.

The local government office in Shimen, where Liuyang Milk Powder is headquartered, gave a preliminary investigation result: The problem with the milk powder for infants and young children was caused by criminals adding hexacyanamide during the purchase of raw milk. The local police have summoned 78 suspects.

However, the public does not seem to accept this and is very angry. The official website of Liuyang Milk Powder has been attacked by cybercriminals one after another and has been paralyzed many times.

At the same time, an internal document purported to be from Liuyang Group began to circulate online. The document stated that Liuyang planned to invest 3 million yuan to seek help from a search engine to block all negative news about Liuyang Group.

The search engine company was so frightened that it immediately issued a clarifying statement online.

Weibo was also involved in this matter, and netizens questioned whether it had received 10 million yuan from Liuyang milk powder.

It was obvious that someone was deliberately setting the pace, so Weibo did not rush to refute the rumors.

Instead, he waited until public opinion intensified and released a recording.

"Mr. Shen, 10 million yuan is already a lot. Your Weibo users don't have much more than this. Calculating, one person costs almost one yuan."

"Even if you come with one hundred million or one billion, there is no need to discuss this matter! I have nothing to discuss with you, so let's leave it at that! At the same time, I would also like to advise your company: A gentleman loves money and gets it in a wise way!"

"Mr. Shen, you don't have to sell our reputation as a small public relations agency, but Liuyang Group is not a soft persimmon. If it weren't for Mr. Xia's face, I wouldn't be calling you politely today. "

"Are you threatening me?"

"Mr. Shen, I'm just a messenger. That's what I said."

"Then go back and tell your master. If you surrender now, you can still win leniency."

This phone recording caused quite a stir after it was posted online.

On the one hand, it makes Liuyang Group’s reputation worse, and on the other hand, it highlights Weibo’s uprightness.

Even Shen Xinyi became famous on the Internet.

A top student who graduated from Stanford University and a core veteran of Facebook, he succeeded in starting his first business. After the company was sold to Disney, he returned to China with 1 billion and founded Weibo...

Netizens are indeed very powerful, and they have uncovered all the trivial things about Shen Xinyi.

After these past resumes were posted online, they really opened the eyes of countless people.

She is so successful at the age of twenty-four, so beautiful, and even more rare, so caring... she has all the conditions to become an Internet goddess.

Shen Xinyi went to several provinces alone to investigate Liuyang's milk powder. Now it has spread throughout the Internet. At the same time, she is the first person to stand up and name Liuyang's problems.

Now that Liuyang milk powder is crumbling and everyone is shouting, Shen Xinyi has naturally received countless praises.

At the same time, as a rare beauty entrepreneur in the industry, she has shining points everywhere.

Not only are netizens praising Shen Xinyi, but the media has also begun to report on her deeds.

The specific benefits of this sudden huge popularity and reputation have not been fully reflected yet.

However, Shen Xinyi's personal Weibo, an account followed by only a few dozen fans, gained more than 1 million fans in one day, which is far more than some celebrities.

From the perspective of entrepreneurs and executives, Shen Xinyi has therefore become a star entrepreneur and star executive.

Various online forums such as Tianya and Maopu are discussing her deeds.

Then, a large number of netizens came to her Weibo account to visit and check in.

Due to the superposition of multiple factors, Weibo has become the most popular website in China these days.

The number of ordinary users is soaring, the arrival of celebrities is accelerating, and the impression of online public opinion is gradually taking shape...

The third day.

The Information Department under the Government Affairs Council held a press conference and publicly read out six decisions made by superior departments on the Liuyang brand infant milk powder incident.

First, initiate a first-level response to major national food safety incidents and establish an incident leading group;

Second, free treatment is provided for sick infants and young children, and the necessary expenses are borne by the government;

Third, relevant departments should conduct comprehensive inspections and inspections of all infant milk powder on the market, and immediately remove unqualified milk powder from the shelves;

Fourth, it is required to identify the causes of contamination of infant milk powder as soon as possible, and organize local governments and relevant departments to conduct inspections of infant milk powder production, dairy farming, raw milk procurement, dairy processing and other aspects;

Fifth, on the basis of ascertaining the facts, severely deal with illegal criminals and relevant responsible persons;

Sixth, urge relevant localities and departments to conscientiously learn lessons, draw inferences from one example, establish and improve food safety and quality supervision mechanisms, and effectively ensure the food consumption safety of the people.

After seeing the six decisions announced by the Government Affairs Council, Xia Jingxing knew that this matter could be brought to an end and boarded the plane with peace of mind.

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