My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and forty-two, beat the sap

Remember [new] in one second! "What do you do for a living! The Liuyang milk powder incident has attracted so much social attention that Penguin Weibo was a spectator throughout the whole process!

Watching domestic Weibo grab huge traffic through this incident, you all choose to be idiots! "

In the conference room of Fiyta Building, Bonima was losing his temper, and all the executives present looked silent.

Bonima, who had only regained some of her good mood last month, suffered another manic episode.

After scolding for a while, Bonima was tired of scolding, so he silently lit a cigarette and started puffing away in the office.

Angry liver hurts!

This is a true portrayal of Bonima's mood at this moment.

After they learned from Wu Yimin that the Domestic Holding Group planned to launch Weibo, they felt like they had found a treasure and immediately started the research and development of a similar product, Penguin Weibo.

Hurry up and hurry up, always one step too late.

First, I missed the Olympics, which is okay. The development time of Penguin Weibo was originally going to be later.

But when Penguin Weibo went online three days ago, the social event of Liuyang Milk Powder was missed.

Penguin Weibo has been a bystander throughout the whole process, watching the domestic Weibo traffic soar.

Bonima originally wanted to give Xia Jingxing a slap in the face, but then he found out that he was the clown. How could Bonima not be angry? How not to feel a sense of powerlessness?

Liu Zhiping sighed on the side and consoled him: "Boni, we have actually tried our best, but who would have thought that the domestic Weibo plan was so thorough.

First, it tied the Olympics for marketing, and then without stopping for a moment, it took huge commercial and political risks to open the lid of Liuyang milk powder. Now, dairy companies across the country are trembling, and domestic Weibo has suddenly put itself in the spotlight. The moral high ground.

Now when people across the country talk about Weibo and Shen Xinyi, everyone gives them a thumbs up. Who doesn’t praise a conscientious company and a model entrepreneur? "

Bonima took a puff of cigarette, slowly exhaled the smoke, and said: "This is exactly where I am smart, I made it clear that I don't give my opponent a chance to catch up.

Two major social events have sparked discussion on domestic Weibo. How about giving us one on Penguin Weibo! "

Speaking of this, Bonima glanced at Xing Hongyu, General Manager of Penguin Weibo Division, with a cold look, "Penguin Portal followed up on the incident of inferior milk powder, why didn't Weibo follow up?"

Xing Hongyu, who is now the general manager of Penguin Weibo, will be the general manager of Weishi in the future, and is a well-known "frequently defeated general" in the industry, felt aggrieved, but he did not dare to bite his tongue, and said to himself with a sad face: "Bonnie, It’s not that we don’t follow up.

But as soon as the website was launched, it encountered this hot event and did not react at all.

In the past two days, we have followed the example of domestic Weibo and pushed hard to promote such popular blog posts.

However, because we launched it relatively late, and the families of the victims and many celebrities were on Weibo in China, it never became popular. "

Bonima said coldly: "This is no excuse! Don't you know if there is no one to dig up? China is so big, I don't believe that domestic Weibo has invited all relevant personnel to them."

The surrounding Penguin executives secretly laughed inwardly. Ponic is so interesting. He only used Penguin Weibo last month to encourage everyone and called on everyone to learn from this once excellent project team and now the business department.

Now Xing Hongyu is being trained like a grandson.

The contrast between front and back is too great to bear to look at.

However, it is an indisputable fact that Bonima attaches great importance to Penguin Weibo. It was upgraded to a business department just after the website was launched, which clearly means that it wants to become bigger and stronger.

After scolding for a while, Ponima became bored.

And strictly speaking, it's not that Penguin Weibo is too incompetent, but that the enemy is too cunning.

Looking at it now, domestic Weibo is making progress step by step, and every step it takes is paving the way for the next step.

For example, if there weren’t so many celebrities posting on domestic Weibo and making comments about the milk powder incident, there wouldn’t be such a big sensation in a short time.

After all, countless celebrities have spoken, so people will pay more attention to it.

Thinking of this, Bonima felt that he wanted to recruit some celebrities. He vaguely felt that products like Weibo needed public figures to come to the platform to support him.

No matter how good or good the views expressed by ordinary people are, no one takes them seriously.

Celebrities are different, they have basic influence and credibility.

Otherwise, why would so many products be endorsed by celebrities? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to hire an ordinary person?

When Bonima told Liu Zhiping about his idea of ​​poaching people, he immediately gained the latter's high approval.

"Boni, your idea is correct. I also found that celebrities can play a big role in promoting public opinion. Celebrities must dig into Penguin Weibo, and they must do so as soon as possible. If it is too late, they will all be included in domestic Weibo. Sucked away.”

Bonima nodded slightly, his expression finally regained some confidence, and he felt that he had found a magic weapon to win.

"Oh, by the way, how many users are there on Weibo in China?" Poonima suddenly remembered an important event and asked immediately.

The current Penguin executives looked at each other, should they tell Pony the news about this bad guy's mood?

Xing Hongyu glanced at the ashtray in front of Bonima. This thing shouldn't be able to kill anyone, right?

A moment later, a "bang" sound of a hard object was heard in the conference room.



"Just so-so!"

On the plane, Xia Jingxing and Fu Jixun were sitting opposite each other. Faced with the latter's praise, Xia Jingxing looked extremely humble and not too arrogant.

Fu Jixun laughed loudly and said: "If 40 million users are just so-so, Penguin Weibo may not have the face to continue operating.

Penguin Weibo didn’t go online at the right time, and was stunned as soon as it appeared. "

Hearing this, Xia Jingxing finally showed a smile on his face, "Penguin Weibo will be knocked unconscious for a short time at most. Their business is huge, and QQ has such a huge base of registered users, the diversion effect is still terrible."

Fu Jixun nodded lightly and did not discuss it further. Overseas Holdings was only one of the many companies held by Vision Capital Investment, and for him, it was not his main work and research content.

Xia Jingxing fell into deep thought. He was shocked that Penguin Weibo went online so quickly.

Fortunately, Shen Xinyi took the lead in planning the social incident of exposing Liuyang milk powder. Otherwise, if he had slacked off a little, Penguin would have caught up and Weibo would no longer be as calm as it is now.

Thinking of this, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes. It was definitely Wu Yimin who leaked Weibo's research and development information to please his new master.

Otherwise, Penguin Weibo would not have been launched so quickly. No matter how fast the development is, it will still take several months.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Xia, I have something else to tell you.

Singapore very much welcomes Vision Capital’s past investment, but Temasek Group hopes that Vision Capital or other operating entities will acquire Chartered Semiconductor as soon as possible to avoid any changes. "

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

Fu Jixun has been back to his hometown of Singapore since the beginning of the year for inspection and due diligence, looking for suitable acquisition and investment targets for Vision Capital's tens of billions of US dollars integrated circuit industry dollar fund.

Singapore's Chartered Semiconductor came into their sight.

"If you continue to communicate with the people at Temasek, how can a large-scale acquisition transaction be too fast? If Chartered Semiconductor loses money for a while, the acquisition price may be reduced."

Fu Jixun had a smile on his face, but he was slightly anxious in his heart.

It has been more than half a year since he gave up his work in mainland China and returned to our Singapore office to build Vision Capital and another semiconductor industry investment platform that radiates overseas markets.

Now everything is ready, all we need is the east wind.

But Mr. Xia's US$10 billion fund has not yet been received, which makes him desperate.

Seeing the sadness in Fu Jixun's eyes, Xia Jingxing smiled and reassured: "Don't worry, the funds needed to set up the fund will be available soon. This time you will follow me to Hong Kong for a few days before going to the United States.

There are many good targets in the United States, so we can investigate them more. After the fund is established, we will acquire them all. "

Fu Jixun smiled. The boss had already mentioned this, so what else could he say? Just wait!

"By the way, have Dai Weili and Zhou Xiuwen contacted you recently?"

Fu Jixun nodded quickly, "I contacted them, but they seem to be a little hesitant. In other words, Marvell Electronics still has some leverage. In the short term, we can't negotiate any ideal acquisition conditions."

Xia Jingxing said "hmm" and said, "Then let's put it on hold for the time being. After a while, a large amount of cash will be available, and there will be no company that can't buy it."

Fu Jixun chuckled. At this moment, he hoped that the funds would arrive as soon as possible, so that he could show off his talents.

In order to invest in semiconductors, he has been learning continuously this year and keeping up with the company's growth.

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