My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and forty-three, catalyst

A white private plane landed at Hong Kong Island International Airport. Xia Jingxing and his group got off the plane, walked out of the airport, got into the luxury motorcade that came to greet them, and drove straight towards Central.

After a while, the two skyscrapers of the International Financial Center (IFC) Phase 1 and 2, nicknamed "two incense" by Hong Kong people because they blocked the view of Victoria Harbor from Victoria Peak, Central and Mid-Levels, appeared in front of us.

The long motorcade stopped at the entrance of the second phase building. Xia Jingxing stepped out of a dark Maybach. Fu Jixun, Liu Xiaoduo, bodyguards and more than a dozen of his entourage surrounded the boss and walked into the building.

Such a grand pomp made the employees passing by couldn't help but stop and take a look.

The president of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Yi Gang, was also in the lobby at this time. He glanced at Xia Jingxing and others, and then asked a few questions to the surrounding attendants. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he strode towards Xia Jingxing.

"Mr. Xia, please stay!"

Xia Jingxing turned around and saw an old man in his sixties with silver hair walking quickly towards him.

"Mr. Ren~"

Xia Jingxing held out his hand and greeted it with a smile.

He was actually not familiar with Zhi Gang, but he was the president of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, a senior civil servant, and his status was equivalent to that of the governor of the mainland's central bank.

Since others have stopped me, I naturally have to say hello before leaving.

Xuanyang shook hands with Xia Jingxing enthusiastically, "Mr. Xia, long time no see. I haven't seen you for a while."

"Recently, I mainly travel between the United States and the Mainland, and rarely come to Hong Kong."

"Haha, I understand, your main industries are in these two places!"

After a few words of greeting, Xuanyangang suddenly said: "Mr. Xia, I have a private party the day after tomorrow. I have invited some investors and the city's richest people to discuss the increasingly severe financial situation recently. Is it convenient to invite you to attend?"

Xia Jingxing responded readily: "Okay, no problem. Thank you, Mr. Ren, for the invitation. I will attend the appointment on time."

Xuanyang immediately grinned, his smile extremely bright, because Xia Jingxing was very considerate.

He hesitated before coming over. After all, he didn't know Xia Jingxing very well, so it would be embarrassing if he was rejected.

Although he is the top leader of a regional central bank in Hong Kong Island, he heard that Xia Jingxing did not even sell Li Huangtai's face, and he did not think that his face was greater than that of Li Huangtai.

However, considering the series of changes in the financial market that have occurred this year, he felt that since they had all happened, it was still necessary to try to invite Xia Jingxing.

Because the other party has an identity as the head of the world's top ten hedge funds, and is a ruthless person who has made huge profits in the subprime mortgage derivatives market.

With this financial tycoon attending the party, the party atmosphere suddenly turned up.

At the same time, he can get acquainted with Xia Jingxing a little better. More friends means more paths!

For example, one of his old friends has now become the chairman of Blackstone Greater China. He has made great contributions to Blackstone since he came up and attracted a heavy investment of US$3 billion.

Although Blackstone's stock price plummeted, this transaction, which Schwarzman called a model for global capital flows, was ranked first among the 10 worst business transactions in 2007 by Time magazine, but this did not affect the seat under his old friend's butt in the slightest. Solid as a rock.

It is said that Blackstone will distribute generous bonuses again this year, and his old friend is expected to receive a grand prize.

Speaking of which, it was not easy for his old friend. He was in his fifties and had three children in a row with the diving concubine. The youngest was just born this year. If you can't play in the revolving door, how can you raise children? , I can’t even afford milk powder.

When he retires in the future, wouldn't it be great if he had the opportunity to work as a consultant at Vision Capital?

For example, another old friend of his, Greenspan, is now working as a consultant for the Paulson Institute, using his last remaining energy.

Therefore, for the financial tycoon, Zuan Gang is more enthusiastic than meeting Li Huangtai. Without him, he is a professional counterpart. In the future, he will have the opportunity to earn some pension money, so the relationship must be good.

After chatting for a few more words, Xuanyang, surrounded by a group of people, walked straight to the exclusive elevator that leads directly to the top office on the 88th floor.

Xia Jingxing and his party walked into the ordinary elevator car leading to the 49th floor.

"Mr. Xia, are you going to attend the private party of "Any Move"?"

Fu Jixun had just heard the conversation between Xia Jingxing and Yi Yi Gang. Seeing that he was the only one in the elevator at the moment, he couldn't help but ask.

"Any move?" Xia Jingxing asked doubtfully.

Fu Jixun smiled and said, "This is the nickname given to him by the people of Hong Kong Island. Ten years ago, Soros led the attack. Any gang repeatedly made one move: raising interest rates and increasing the cost of financial speculation to resist the attacks of speculators. , maintaining the linked exchange rate.

This method has great side effects and has an impact on the local property and stock markets. The people of Hong Kong Island were full of complaints at the time.

Nowadays, the common people praise Ren Yizhao very highly and call him "Mr. Ren" one after another. You know, they only call the head of the mainland Mr. xx.

I don’t know if you, Mr. Xia, just noticed that Ren Yizhao’s office is on the top floor of the building, and there is a dedicated elevator.

Back then, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority spent HK$3.7 billion to buy the 14-storey building in the second phase of China National Finance Corporation. The media criticized it as evidence that taxpayers' hard-earned money was used to build luxury buildings for themselves.

Yi Gangze calmly explained: It is more reasonable to buy a property than to rent it for a long time, and it is a good investment.

But to be honest, Mr. Xia, the top floor of the second phase of IFC is the most expensive office in Hong Kong. You don't enjoy it, nor do the developers Hengji and Xinhongji. He is a person who receives a public salary, but he can move very quickly.

By the way, when it comes to salary, Ren Yi is still the highest-paid central bank governor in the world, with an annual salary of about more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars, seven times that of Bernanke of the Federal Reserve, and three times that of the presidents of the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan.

The small Hong Kong Island is as beautiful as the Premier League. "

Xia Jingxing listened quietly and didn't comment, but he knew the main reason? The reason is that no one controls the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. It earns and spends its own money, just like a kingdom.

Liu Xiaoduo frowned at the side and said: "If we hadn't taken action back then, they would have swallowed them with their skin and bones, but now they are dragging them away and squandering them extravagantly."

Xia Jingxing glared at Liu Xiaoduo with a sharp gaze, and the latter stuck out his tongue and did not dare to say anything more.

The elevator went up to the 49th floor. As soon as Xia Jingxing and the others stepped out of the elevator, they saw Ye Shuhui and several people waiting at the entrance of the company to greet them.

"Xia Sheng~"

Ye Shuhui still had short, shiny hair, and she quickly stepped forward to shake hands with Xia Jingxing.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, she led Xia Jingxing into the office, and at the same time began to introduce the current situation of the Hong Kong office.

It was all trivial matters. It wasn't until she walked into Xia Jingxing's office and she and Xia Jingxing were the only ones left in the room that she started to mention her short-selling record this year.

"We have established a short position of HK$41.1 billion around major real estate stocks such as Huanghe Industrial, Lai Kee Whampoa, Lai Kee Telecommunications International, Soho, Hengji Real Estate, New Hongji Real Estate, and New Universe Real Estate..."

Xia Jingxing smiled, "Yes, the four major families have all been put on the table neatly. It can be called a happy reunion."

"What a pity! Although the stock price keeps falling, it falls very slowly and does not have the effect we expected."

Ye Shuhui said with regret on her face, "The Hang Seng Index at the beginning of the year was more than 24,000 points, and today it is approaching the 20,000 point mark. The cumulative decline of the market is less than 20%, only about 16%.

Since the beginning of the year, the decline of several large real estate stocks has been similar to that of the broader market. Therefore, our short-selling profits so far have not reached the 10 billion Hong Kong dollar mark, only about 6 billion Hong Kong dollars. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "The market is currently lacking a catalyst that can produce a chemical reaction immediately if you drop it."

Ye Shuhui smiled and said, "Then when will it arrive?"

Xia Jingxing glanced out the window and saw that the clear sky turned into dark clouds at some point, and said in a confused manner: "It's going to rain heavily."

Ye Shuhui also took a look at the weather outside the window and seemed to understand something. She said with a smile: "We are ready. It just depends on when the rain will start."


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