My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and forty-six, debate competition

“Since the beginning of this year, the economic situation of the entire world has taken a sharp turn.

For example, in the Mainland, the bull market that lasted for more than two years ended in October last year and began to enter a bear market.

Let’s talk about Hong Kong stocks. The Hang Seng Index also exceeded 30,000 points in October last year, hitting a record high of 31,958.41 points.

But starting in January this year, stock markets around the world experienced a series of declines.

Hong Kong stocks are no exception. The Hang Seng Index closed at 21,757.63 points on January 22, a drop of 2,061.23 points.

In terms of points, this is the largest single-day decline since the Hang Seng Index was launched 39 years ago;

In percentage terms, it was the largest single-day decline since the 9/11 incident.

On the next day, January 23, the Federal Reserve announced an interest rate cut of 4.3% in advance. Affected by this, the Hang Seng Index began to surge again, closing at 24090.17 points, up 2332.54 points.

In points terms, it was the largest single-day gain ever.

At the same time, the increase also reached double digits, about 10.72%.


Facing a group of celebrities and rich people, he just talked eloquently.

He has not forgotten the main purpose of holding today's party. The purpose of gathering so many people is to share financial opinions.

Rich and famous people also buy Mr. Ren’s account. After all, he is the president of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and a top financial expert who defeated Soros. They come to listen to his views. Maybe they can find some good investment opportunities or avoid them. Open some financial risks.

Why are the rich getting richer and richer?

This is the reason. Rich people have a circle that ordinary people cannot enter. They can often obtain business and even policy information first.

By the time ordinary people knew the relevant news, the news had already spread to the public, and the wealthy people had already completed the layout.

After making a preliminary statement, Xuanyang suddenly pointed at Xia Jingxing beside him and said with a smile: "Today's party has specially invited Mr. Xia, the CEO of Vision Capital and the founder of the world's top ten hedge funds, in the hope that Mr. Xia can give Let’s share some financial views so that everyone can be more prepared to resist financial risks.

In the past few years, Vision Capital, as a Chinese capital, has been invincible in the United States and Wall Street.

When major investment banks released financial reports of huge losses last year, Vision Capital handed over a beautiful answer sheet for LP with profits of billions of dollars.

Because of this, Vision Capital quickly ranked among the top ten hedge funds in the world, winning the respect of Europeans and Americans for Chinese and Chinese capital.

Next, we ask Mr. Xia to share a few words with us. "

After saying that, Xuanyang took two steps back with a smile and gave up the center position of the stage to Xia Jingxing.

The surrounding wealthy guests applauded one after another, as if they couldn't wait to hear Xia Jingxing's opinions.

Xia Jingxing had a faint smile on his face, but actually he felt a little unhappy inside, feeling like he was being used for nothing.

You want me to take classes, have you paid the tuition?

However, since he just invited me sincerely, and he has also begun to take advantage of the pockets and wallets of Hong Kong's richest people, that's all, let's show off his skills.

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing took a few steps forward with a smile, faced the dozens of rich people gathered in a semicircle, and said: "Since everyone is so enthusiastic, let me just say a few words, but it does not constitute any investment advice. "

The rich people smiled and then quickly became quiet.

"As the saying goes, nothing freezes three feet in a day! The subprime mortgage crisis in the United States suddenly broke out last year. Some people thought it was an emergency.

In fact, this is not the case. As early as 9/11, Commander-in-Chief Xiao Bu introduced a series of policies to encourage and lower the threshold for buying houses, and then a large number of poor people at the bottom with little financial resources began to buy and speculate in houses..."

The rich people listened carefully and felt that this story seemed familiar.

Isn’t it just a replica of the Hong Kong Island property market bubble?

At that time, a large number of people who could not afford housing went to the rooftops, the unemployment rate increased significantly, and the economy was in a mess.

When it comes to the property market, this group of rich people are more professional than Xia Jingxing and have already figured out the story behind it.

Then, they began to worry. Will Hong Kong's property market plummet?

Xia Jingxing continued: “Last year’s crisis was mainly about subprime mortgage derivatives, with investment banks and hedge funds being the main players, and most institutions were scarred by it.

This year, risks began to be transmitted to banks one after another. Bank stocks made large impairment losses on toxic assets, and their stock prices plummeted.

Where will the risk spread next? "

Xia Jingxing paused deliberately and whetted the appetite of the group before saying: "I think it's the real economy! The subprime mortgage crisis will continue to spread like cancer cells. Until now, the Federal Reserve has not come up with effective measures. solution.

When the risk is transmitted to the real economy, a comprehensive and systemic financial crisis will erupt, with a sharp increase in unemployment, a collapse in the property market, and an economic recession..."

Everyone present was silent. Xia Jingxing's well-reasoned analysis and his look of certainty that a global financial crisis would break out shocked them.

Although there was no shortage of opinions on the outbreak of a financial crisis in the past, those people's arguments were far less detailed than Xia Jingxing's.

And the most important thing is that Xia Jingxing has an unusual identity. He is a financial tycoon, and he is a financial tycoon who has been betting on the market trend in recent years.

Such people predict that a financial crisis will break out, which is indeed worth pondering.

Just when a group of real estate owners and charterers were frowning and thinking, suddenly there was a burst of laughter from the crowd.

In the extremely quiet environment around him, this laughter seemed particularly harsh.

People turned around and saw that it was Young Master Li.

Li Yikai, who was standing alone in the outermost area, had a smile on his face. Seeing so many eyes staring at him, he explained with a smile: "The point made by Mr. Xia just now is very interesting, I really can't help but laugh. "

Xia Jingxing's eyes flashed, and then he looked at Li Yikai like a clown.

He didn't go looking for trouble with this second-generation ancestor, but the other party jumped out to destroy him first.

Li Yikai is a person who sees things very clearly and is a typical person with great ambition and limited talent.

Of course, this ambitious and talented person is compared to the truly top entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.

Compared with ordinary people, Li Yikai is still very talented. After all, he also studied at Stanford University. He was taken to sit on the board of directors by Li Huangtai when he was seven or eight years old. Under the influence, he is still very good at speculation, which is not weaker than him. father.

I just messed up a few times.

For example, during the Internet bubble, Li Yikai defeated the second son of Po County and used a bunch of hyped Internet assets to swallow up telecommunications companies with a market value of hundreds of billions.

Although the acquisition of She Tun Xiang was successful at the time, Li Yikai also won the title of Little Super Man.

But later the Internet bubble burst. If his old father hadn't stepped in to help him urgently, this guy might have "returned to Hong Kong next week."

Looking through Li Yikai's entrepreneurial history, although he claims to be an independent entrepreneur, he has never lacked direct and indirect help from the Li family.

Xia Jingxing looked at Li Yikai with a smile and said calmly: "Second Young Master Li, if you think there is something wrong with my views, you can express your opinions. What do you think of hiding behind?

I believe that if Mr. Li Huangtai knew what happened today, he would definitely criticize you for lacking the magnanimity of the Li family. "

Some people in the surrounding crowd smiled. It seemed that the rumors were true. Mr. Xia, who came from the mainland, really didn't take the Li family seriously.

However, this was not Xia Jingxing taking the initiative to stir up trouble. Instead, as the other party said, Li Yikai had lost the grace of the Li family.

A trace of anger flashed across Li Yikai's face, but he remained somewhat calm, knowing that this was not a place to get angry casually.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and said coldly: "Mr. Xia, it's not your turn to comment on how the Li family is doing.

I'm just discussing the matter, don't blame everything on my father. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly and said with a smile: "Then Mr. Xiao Li means that your remarks only represent yourself?"

Seeing Xia Jingxing smiling, Li Yikai didn't want to be looked down upon, so he put on a professional fake smile on his face, "Yes, I am communicating with you as the chairman of the board of directors of Yingke Development Group. I should be qualified." ?”

"Of course it's qualified. After all, the market value of one of Yingke Development's subsidiaries has almost reached HK$600 billion. None of my companies has ever reached such a high market value, not even its valuation. Those of us who do it honestly As for business, compared to capital operation, it is still more than a step behind you!"

Hearing this, the people around them couldn't bear it anymore, and some people laughed out loud.

At this point, Li Yikai's rise to fame has long been exposed by various people, and the shareholders of No. 8 Boy are eager to take Li Yikai to the bottom of the sea.

The market value of 600 billion is now less than 10%, and the root of the leek is almost cut off.

When it comes to the sharpness of the sickle, they all have to bow down to Li Yikai.

Li Yikai's eyes were fixed on Xia Jingxing. If eyes could kill, Xia Jingxing would have been pierced by his arrows countless times.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yikai tried to keep his head as calm as possible and said calmly: "Mr. Xia, everyone's time is precious, let's not talk about boring and unnutritious topics here.

I just ask you, do you dare to argue with me? I want to refute these exaggerated views of yours one by one, lest these absurd remarks mislead everyone. "

Hearing this, everyone turned their attention to Xia Jingxing.

"Okay, I haven't participated in a debate competition for a long time. The last time I participated was in middle school. Mr. Li is the oldest debater I have ever encountered. I hope you won't disappoint me."

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