My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and fifty-four, holding the trump card


HKD 101/share

HKD 102/share

As soon as the press conference held by Li Huangtai ended, the 5 billion Hong Kong dollars arranged by the Li family were immediately invested in the market and began to continuously scan for goods.

No matter how many sell orders there are in the market, take them all.

This indomitable momentum not only caused Huanghe Industrial's stock price to stabilize immediately, it even began to rise.

Last night, retail investors who clamored on Facebook and major online forums to enter the market and "give it a try" have been waiting and watching.

They are not stupid. They are just talking about it online. Who will actually take action?

But after seeing Li Huangtai personally attending the press conference and announcing a tens of billions of holdings increase plan on the spot, and then major funds actually flowing into the three stocks, they were tempted.

Lihuangtai is clearly going to clear up its short positions, do you want to take a ride?

Without hesitation for too long, a large number of retail investors rushed into the market with full positions and grabbed three stocks.

Although the funds of a single retail investor are very small, when they gather together to form a tower, it still looks spectacular.

With Yihaozai as the stock code No. 1, it naturally attracts more attention.

So as soon as there is any disturbance, a large number of people will come.

Since Li Huangtai, the God of Wealth, has told everyone not to panic, then why are you still timid?

If you are afraid of the wolf before you and the tiger behind you, you deserve to be unable to afford a house for the rest of your life.

With blind trust in Lai Wong Tai, a large number of people began to get on the trains No. 1, No. 13, and Lai Kee Telecom International.



Looking at the screen of the Bloomberg terminal, Huang Shengguo's big face became ugly. The stocks that were red a second ago turned green.

He invested two billion US dollars, equivalent to more than 15 billion Hong Kong dollars, and crashed three stocks by more than 20%.

But based on the current upward trend, the three stocks are likely to regain the ground lost in the past two days today.

Now that the stock's rising momentum is so strong, does Xia Jingxing still dare to give up?

Huang Shengguo had serious concerns about this.

Although on the yacht that day, Xia Jingxing swore in front of the mountains and sea that he would not abandon him, there is a serious lack of trust between people these days!

Originally, he and Xia Jingxing formed an alliance for profit, but now it is no longer profitable, or the risk of short selling is greater, and it is normal for Vision Capital to break the contract.

If it were me...well, I'm afraid I would have to hesitate again and again.

If Vision Capital is not planning to take action, should I still hold on?

Huang Shengguo, who had vowed a few hours ago to have a stud game, was a little timid.

At present, if he alone wants to bring down the financially powerful Li family, his success rate is approximately zero.

Even if Tiger Asia fills in all the remaining US$6 billion in funds, the Li family should be able to cope with it. At most, it will take a little more effort.

Huang Shengguo, who was suffering psychologically, silently took out his cell phone and wanted to call Xia Jingxing again.

He just called Xia Jingxing an hour ago, and the other person asked him to wait a little longer.

Wait a little longer, the market will close today!

If Vision Capital still refuses to end the game by then, then just admit defeat and stop the loss! Huang Shengguo made a difficult decision in his heart.

Suddenly, with a "bang bang" knock on the door, a subordinate stumbled in and said breathlessly: "Reinforcements are coming!"

As if he heard the sound of nature, Huang Shengguo quickly came back to his senses, looked at the screen intently, his pupils dilated instantly, and then his face was filled with joy.

A huge sell order for 100 million shares suddenly appeared in Huanghe Industrial, which directly crashed the stock price.

Seeing this scene, Huang Shengguo burst into tears of excitement, and then said with emotion: Mr.



Seeing the 100 million sell order, the retail investors who ran into the market were completely dumbfounded!

After working on it for a long time, the main short-selling funds have just entered the market?

Suddenly a large basin of cold water was poured on their heads, which calmed down some investors. Some began to make profits and flee, but found that the entrusted sell orders could not be completed at all. It was over, and they were trapped!

Others wanted to cancel their orders, but found that the transaction had already been automatically completed and they could not jump ship and escape.

Investors who had not yet had time to enter the market called it a fluke and did not dare to enter the market for a while, so they had to sit back and watch the show.

The market couldn't bear the sales orders worth more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars put out by investment banks entrusted by Vision Capital. In addition, retail investors began to flee, and Huanghe Industrial's stock price began to fall.

The stock price, which had already rebounded to above HK$110, plummeted by nearly 10%. It did not hold on to the HK$100 mark for too long and continued to fall.

HKD 99/share

HKD 95/share

HKD 90/share

When the stock price fell to around HK$90, the downward trend finally stopped.

Because new funds have entered the market again, they have supported the shaky stock price.

A new announcement issued by Huanghe Industrial stated that the company's management temporarily decided to increase the amount of the stock holding increase plan from the original HK$5 billion to HK$25 billion.

At the same time, Lai Kee Whampoa and Lai Kee Telecommunications International also issued new announcements, stating that they have revised their stock holding plans. The former has increased its holdings from HK$4 billion to HK$20 billion, and the latter has increased its holdings from HK$1 billion. The Hong Kong dollar has become HK$5 billion.

In just a few hours, Li Huangtai's 10 billion shareholding increase plan turned into a 50 billion shareholding increase plan, a full five-fold increase in the amount.

This big move from Vision Capital really shocked the entire market. It not only made Huang Shengguo burst into tears, but also made retail investors cry for their fathers and mothers, and Li Huangtai was in a hurry to deal with it...



In the office, Xia Jingxing smiled and turned the chair under his butt, looking extremely relaxed, as if he didn't care about the stock market at all.

"Is the market closed?"

Ye Shuhui, who was sitting opposite Xia Jingxing, nodded and said with a smile: "It's already closed. Today, the stock prices of the three major listed companies fell first and then rose, and then fell again after we entered the market. At Lihuangtai, they announced a 50 billion shareholding increase plan." After that, it went back up a bit and is almost close to yesterday’s closing price.”

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly and said, "Although Li Huangtai is old, he is still quite courageous!

As soon as we entered the market, he immediately adjusted his response strategy and paid 50 billion, which was really a face-saving gesture! "

Ye Shuhui smiled, but there was a worry in her eyebrows that could not be dispelled. She had a vague feeling that things were developing in an unfavorable direction.

Xia Jingxing noticed her worry and asked, "What? Are you afraid that we can't defeat Li Huangtai?"

Ye Shuhui gritted her teeth, and then said with a serious expression: "Xia Sheng, today alone, we sold orders worth 20 billion Hong Kong dollars.

If this continues, US$10 billion in funds will be exhausted in three days.

By then, if Li Huangtai continues to announce the increase in holdings, it will be very detrimental to us!

First of all, we are the offensive side, while Li Huangtai is the defensive side. Coupled with his appeal and influence on Hong Kong Island, he can spend less money than us to resist our attack.

If things continue to evolve like this, I don’t know how much money will be invested to win this battle.

Now we are engaged in capital competition, which has attracted the attention of countless retail investors and even institutional funds.

Although it was quite embarrassing for retail investors to run away today, there were too many ants to bite the elephant to death, not to mention the institutional funds that were watching covetously.

Now a large number of people and funds are taking a wait-and-see attitude. When either of us or Lihuangtai shows signs of decline, they will choose to join the other side. "

Xia Jingxing didn't say a word. Ye Shuhui said it very seriously. Just beat up the drowned dog!

But who is a dog depends on the benevolent and the wise.

From the perspective of ordinary people, Li Huangtai's chances of winning are undoubtedly greater!

After all, he is an old rich man, and he is also an old rich man who is famous for hoarding cash.

But Xia Jingxing didn't panic, because he had a trump card!

"If you don't count today, there are still three trading days this week, and the first trading day next week is September 15th."

Xia Jingxing silently counted the days in his heart. If the situation changed, he was prepared to have a back-up plan, but he didn't really want to get to the point where he needed to use a back-up plan.

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