My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and fifty-five, 1 good assist

Three days later, in a retro-decorated Tsui Wah tea restaurant near Central and Lan Kwai Fong, the seats were packed with diners eating delicious breakfast, reading the morning newspaper, and occasionally turning to chat with their tablemates.

Nine out of the ten sentences these people talked about were inseparable from the recent major financial events in Hong Kong-short Xia Jingxing VS bull Lai Huangtai.

"Brother Tai is in big trouble this time. Brother Hao only kidnapped one of his sons and demanded a mere 1 billion ransom. Xia Sheng kidnapped his "three sons" when he came up. He has a bigger appetite than Brother Hao. If you don’t get a ransom of tens or hundreds of billions, I’m afraid I won’t stop.”

"I don't think so. The short sellers have shipped one or two billion Hong Kong dollars in sales orders every day these days. Li Huangtai has caught it. Brother Tai has a lot of money. Let me see, in the end, most of the Xia Sheng from the mainland will If you fail to steal the chicken, you will lose a lot of rice! Brother Hao was so lawless back then, and he hasn't been punished yet!"

"Tch! Why are you so busy with your free time! Be careful of getting gray hair! There are super rich people on both sides, so we wage earners can just drink tea and watch a movie."

"Baby, this is a big money-making thing. It only happens once in decades! If you don't keep an eye on it, you deserve to spend the rest of your life sleeping in a subdivided apartment!"

"Making a lot of money? My friend rushed in and went long on stocks for 100,000 Hong Kong dollars. Within a few hours, he lost only 10,000 Hong Kong dollars. If he hadn't run away early, he wouldn't have saved a penny."

"Have you increased leverage? Like me, you are also a person who can't hold on to your votes. If after the plunge, he immediately adds a margin call to get through it, and when Brother Tai announces a 50 billion holdings increase plan, the loss will definitely not be so big, maybe You can still make money without losing money.”

"Who could have predicted what will happen next? In short, he is afraid to enter the scene now and has no idea where things will develop next."

While Xia Jingxing was eating pan-fried buns, he listened with relish to Ye Shuhui, who was sitting next to him, helping him translate the conversations of the diners at the next table.

He couldn't understand Cantonese, so he had to have Ye Shuhui, a native of Hong Kong Island, translate it into Mandarin for him.

After listening to it, he thought it was quite interesting, and even compared him with Brother Hao.

Although Brother Hao is dedicated to making money, the speed of making money is still a bit slow.

Three days ago, Vision Capital made a high-profile move, and the huge sell orders flowing into the market directly crashed the stock price. A large number of retail investors were scared out of their wits. Even if Li Huangtai came up with a bigger plan to increase holdings later, retail investors were already scared out of their wits. I don't dare to enter again.

In the past few days, they and Li Huangtai have been using their own methods, throwing billions or tens of billions into the stock market, and fighting endlessly over three stocks.

Generally speaking, Lihuangtai has a slight advantage.

Because the stock prices of the three stocks did not fall too much, this means that the bulls held their line of defense and the short attackers did not make much profit.

If they close their positions now, a large number of buy orders will send the stock price flying.

In the end, the investment was a loss, which meant that the short sale failed.

Generally speaking, hedge funds prefer to short companies that have financial problems, such as financial fraud, bankruptcy, or valuation bubbles.

All the companies under Lihuangtai are industrial, operating real estate, ports, retail, telecommunications and other businesses. At present, most of these businesses are operating well and there is not much short-selling value.

They gnawed on it to go short. Not only was it difficult to achieve a large-scale effect with a small amount, but they also turned the sneak attack into a frontal encounter and a war of attrition.

It is precisely because of this that the old fox Li Huangtai dared to come out of his cave to fight, thinking that he was sure of victory and invincible.

If it were a different time and a different scenario, Li Huangtai might not have taken such decisive action.

At this time, Liu Xiaoduo suddenly saw a stooped, white-haired waiter in his 70s or 80s, while looking at the diners at the table next to him, he took a pen to record something in a small notebook.

She was very curious about this, so she asked Ye Shuhui in a low voice.

“Before 2000, in Hong Kong Island, general enterprise employees except civil servants did not have pensions. The Mandatory Provident Fund system was only introduced after 2000. Enterprise employees contributed 5% of their salary every month, and the enterprise provided matching funds of 5%. % of the same proportion of funds are handed over to the MPF management department to earn interest, and you can receive this money after retirement."

"This system has only been implemented for a few years now. Old people who retired early can only come out to work. In their words, they are "stopping their hands and stopping their mouths". They have to work. Therefore, you can often see people in their 70s and 80s on Hong Kong Island. Older people are still working as waiters, bus and taxi drivers."

“It’s no big deal, this city can be without anything, but it can’t be without money.”

Liu Xiaoduo nodded slightly, and then asked in a low voice: "What is that uncle writing? Didn't you see the guest ordering?"

Ye Shuhui smiled and said: "Written stock trading secrets! Because there is no pension, many elderly people put their hope for retirement in the stock market.

This restaurant has so many diners coming and going every day, and it's also close to Central. Maybe one day I'll hear some great "insider" information. After making a fortune, I might actually be able to retire and stop working. ! "

Liu Xiaoduo suddenly realized that in this capitalist society, life is indeed in dire straits!



The chairman's office on the 70th floor of Huanghe Industrial Building.

Li Yiju was reporting work to his father Li Huangtai. He said expressionlessly: "If today is included, the short sellers headed by Xia Jingxing have invested a total of more than 90 billion Hong Kong dollars, which makes our increase in holdings seem a bit... Weakness, taking Huanghe Industrial as an example, the stock price has been suppressed below 95 Hong Kong dollars and cannot rise at all.

In addition, many media that were originally on our side or were neutral have wavered, and have begun to favor the short side. They say that short sellers have prepared 150 billion or 200 billion in funds, and there will be larger-scale international short sellers in the future. When they arrived, the crowd in the market was in panic. "

Hearing this, Li Huangtai not only did not get angry, but instead said with a smile on his face: "If you guessed correctly, those three families took action! They started to add fuel to the flames behind the scenes and make us suffer a little loss. They must be happy to see it.

After all, Hong Kong Island is so big. If our strength is damaged a little, they will be able to take another bite. "

Li Yikai nodded slightly, agreeing with his father's view.

Go directly to the end, the other three major real estate families may not do this.

But now there are hundreds of billions of short sellers standing in the front to torment the Li family. If they don't push back, they will be sorry for so many years of open and secret fighting.

"Then we just let the media badmouth us?"

Li Huangtai smiled and spread his hands towards his son, "Why do you want to interfere?

The net assets of Huanghe Industrial per share are HK$98. The short sellers have driven the stock price below HK$95. Where can we find such a good opportunity to increase our holdings?

Which time of increasing holdings doesn't the stock price rise sharply?

Now that someone is helping us, why should we reject this kind offer? "

Hearing this, Li Yikai also laughed.

Originally, they just wanted to teach the short sellers a lesson and complete a low-cost increase in holdings.

But with the entry of HK$70-80 billion of short-selling funds into the market in the second phase, they have a bolder plan!

Without the help of the short seller, I don’t know how much effort it would take to complete this plan.

"Dad, let's invest another 500 Hong Kong dollars?"

Li Huangtai nodded lightly, "The short sellers are more powerful than we thought. Since they are so "enthusiastic", we must not let them down."

Li Yiju smiled and said, "Okay, I'll make the arrangements right now!"

After saying that, he stood up and was about to leave, but Li Huangtai stopped him.

“After Huanghe Industrial and Lai Kee Whampoa complete their shareholding increase, the next step is asset reorganization and spin-off. The real estate business will be grouped into one company, and the non-real estate business will be grouped into one company.

These two companies will be in your hands from now on!

Yi Kai, you are the eldest brother, please give him more permission! "

Li Yiju's eyes flashed with joy, what does this mean? This means that after the separation, most of the business empire will be inherited by himself.

Li Yikai can only inherit some scraps, and at most the old man will compensate him with some cash.

However, there is not much cash left, and it has been used to increase the equity holdings of three core listed companies.

This time the short seller gave them, especially him, a good assist.

The pressure on stock prices by short sellers allowed the Li family to increase their holdings of shares in listed companies at a price close to their net assets.

After completing the shareholding increase and then reorganizing, clarifying the business, and spinning off and listing, the stock prices and market value of each company will be far higher than they are now.

Among them, just the investment gain from increasing equity holdings will be a huge profit.

If there is no short-seller attack, the old man may not be able to make a big move to increase his equity holdings, and will only make plans slowly.

Because once a corporate restructuring plan is announced, it is foreseeable that the stock prices of several core listed companies will soar to the sky. By then, it will be almost impossible to increase equity holdings at a low cost.

Now they are increasing their holdings in the name of fighting short sellers. It can be said that it is a good cover.

Therefore, they now wish that the media would be more negative.

This game of chess played by the old man is huge. Hong Kong stockholders, the media and the short sellers led by Xia Jingxing are just pawns in the hands of the old man.

Let them be proud for a while longer!

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