My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and seventy-two. Operation status of fund of funds

“Since this year, our team has been responsible for discovering and selecting sub-fund managers, and has established extensive cooperation with Greenlight Capital, Tiger Asia, Global Investments, Snow Lake Capital and other funds...”

In addition to being responsible for external fundraising for all funds in the New York office, Abel is also responsible for the operations of a fund of funds.

This was also a chance for Xia Jingxing to give him a chance to perform because he thought he was more serious and down-to-earth in his work, and at the same time, he also tried the waters in the direction of a fund of funds.

As a result, Abel's performance exceeded Xia Jingxing's expectations.

“The Daxue No. 2 Fund of Funds invested US$100 million in Greenlight Capital and joined forces with Greenlight Capital to short Lehman Brothers…”

Xia Jingxing smiled and looked at Abel who was standing on the stage introducing the performance of Greenlight Capital Fund.

In fact, investment income is only secondary. Greenlight Capital stood in front of the stage and helped Vision Capital attract a lot of firepower. This is what Xia Jingxing values ​​most.

In addition to the fund of funds injecting US$100 million into Greenlight Capital with LP money, Xia Jingxing also personally took out US$1 billion from the reserve account and handed it over to Greenlight Capital for management.

Eighty percent of the investment income generated from this US$1 billion goes to Xia Jingxing and 20% goes to Greenlight Capital.

After receiving the benefits, Einhorn worked very hard and stabbed Lehman Brothers in the chest. After Lehman collapsed, it triggered a comprehensive financial tsunami.

Judging from its role alone, Einhorn is of great value.

Then, Abel introduced the situation of Tiger Asia Fund.

After receiving the capital injection from Vision Capital, Bill Huang first went to the financial markets of various countries to short-sell, and then worked with Vision Capital to short-sell listed companies owned by the Li family in Hong Kong Island.

From the perspective of yield, it is not much worse than Greenlight Capital, which shorted Lehman Brothers.

Then Abel talked about the situation of Snow Lake Capital.

"Ma is a very visionary young man. He took the US$20 million we gave him and the US$20 million he raised to establish his first hedge fund.

During this period, he has been following us in shorting U.S. stocks, and his US$40 million in funds has been turned into US$100 million. "

The executives looked curiously at the introduction on the screen about Xuehu Capital and Ma Ziming.

Many of them were extremely surprised and curious that a young man in his twenties who had no independent experience in operating a hedge fund and had only worked for a well-known hedge fund for a few years performed so well.

Xia Jingxing was not very curious, because Ma did have two names in his name. In his previous life, it was this guy who founded Xuehu Capital, which shorted Luckin Coffee while hiding behind the muddy water.

Muddy Waters is actually just a tool, standing at the front desk and publishing short-selling reports and materials questioning financial fraud, while attracting most of the firepower. Hedge funds like Snow Lake Capital hide behind it and are the real promoters of the plan and the largest short-sellers. Gainers.

But it was only later that Ma became known as awesome. Why is he performing so well now?

Xia Jingxing asked with a hint of doubt, "Did you tell him that we shorted the market?"

Abel shook his head repeatedly, "How is this possible! It is impossible for me to tell him our plan, not even a little bit will be leaked to him.

We, as LPs, and Snow Lake Capital, as GPs, are the only ones who fulfill their responsibilities for information disclosure to us. How can there be any reason for us to disclose information to them?

Darren, don't worry, I won't make such a serious and low-level mistake. "

Abel's reaction was very intense. He was afraid that his boss would misunderstand him and think that he was lax and would be relegated to the sidelines in the future.

Xia Jingxing waved his hand, "It's okay, I was just joking!

There are so many short sellers in the market, are they all following our lead? This is impossible. The market trend is so obvious that many people can see it.

However, Ma Ziming brought a start-up and small fund like Xuehu Capital into the market for short selling and succeeded. This shows that he has a very keen sense of the market and his level of investment and trading is also good. He can be listed as a focus in the future. Pay attention to and cultivate objects. "

Abel nodded and said "yes", and then continued to report on the situation of Global Investment.

Jiang Ping looked at the familiar picture on the screen and suddenly interrupted: "Wait a minute, this company also shorted the S\u0026P 500 index on a large scale?"

Abel smiled and said: "Yes, the people in this fund company are a bunch of lunatics. As a newly established fund, they don't want to steadily expand on a large scale, but they are desperate to gain high returns.

They not only bought put options on the S\u0026P 500 Index, but also allocated a series of financial derivatives such as stock index futures and vix panic index.

If the market hadn't fallen, their entrepreneurial journey might have come to an abrupt end.

If they hadn't made the right bet, I would have considered waiting until the next opening period to redeem my investment. "

"But they made the right bet, they are the winners, aren't they?" Jiang Ping looked at Abel with a smile.

Abel spread his hands helplessly, "So what if I win, I'm afraid that they will lose all their money at once next month.

If you haven't seen that group of people, you don't know how crazy they are. They seem to particularly like studying black swan events. "

When Jiang Ping heard this, he became more interested and asked: "Can you introduce me to them? I am very interested in their investment strategy."

Abel said nothing and turned to look at Xia Jingxing.

Xia Jingxing was deep in thought at this time. Seeing Abel glance over, he immediately replied: "Let's make some arrangements. I'm also quite interested in this company."

Abel nodded and said "Okay".

After a while, Abel finally finished reporting on the operation of Daxue No. 2 Fund of Funds.

The performance can be said to be quite impressive, and in terms of return rate, it exceeds some of the investments made by the two teams of Jiang Ping and Liu Hai.

So far, Abel has been very successful in proving himself.

After encouraging Abel, Xia Jingxing asked others to report their work one by one.

In addition to the three executives responsible for specific operating funds, the New York office also has legal, human resources, finance and other executives.

They are not engaged in financial transactions, but they all play an important role in their respective positions.

The HR executive reported on the recent personnel recruitment work.

Affected by the financial crisis, Wall Street is undergoing massive layoffs.

Vision Capital, on the other hand, went in the opposite direction and recruited a large number of employees.

Among so many unemployed and laid-off people, it is inevitable that there will be some outstanding employees.

In addition to the three executives responsible for specific operating funds, the New York office also has legal, human resources, finance and other executives.

They are not engaged in financial transactions, but they all play an important role in their respective positions.

The HR executive reported on the recent personnel recruitment work.

Affected by the financial crisis, Wall Street is undergoing massive layoffs.

Vision Capital, on the other hand, went in the opposite direction and recruited a large number of employees.

Among so many unemployed and laid-off people, it is inevitable that there will be some outstanding employees.

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