My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and seventy-three, Sky Monkey

On the afternoon of September 25, current President George W. Bush invited presidential candidates from both parties and members of the House and Senate to hold a summit at the White House, aiming to reach an agreement on a plan to save the United States from the financial crisis.

The meeting lasted for several hours, and there was a lot of noise and spit. Members of the two groups almost came to blows, raising various issues with each other.

One side opposes such a huge spending plan and extensive intervention in the private market, while the other side believes that bailout is urgent to prevent the economic crisis from further expanding and causing permanent and irreparable damage to the United States.

Because it was too over-the-top, the two groups were never able to reach an agreement on the $700 billion bailout bill.

On key issues, the members of the Donkey Party and the Elephant Party each insisted on the positions of their respective camps and refused to give in at all.

As for the financial market is now in danger and rescue is imminent, so what? Issues of principle are non-negotiable.

Treasury Secretary Paulson is a courageous man. In order to get the bailout plan passed as soon as possible, he knelt down on one knee to Peppa Pig at the scene. He was not proposing, but praying for Peppa Pig and the donkey party she led to be lenient to the bailout plan. .

The White House summit is not only paying attention to Wall Street, but also to most Americans.

After hearing that Paulson had knighted Speaker Peppa Pig, many Americans instantly changed their views on the "incompetent" Treasury Secretary.

Some people have previously questioned whether Paulson tipped off his old employer, Goldman Sachs, so that Goldman Sachs was prepared accordingly and suffered the least damage from the financial crisis.

This sound is almost extinct now.

After all, Americans still have a strong sense of personal heroism. Paulson's shocking kneeling opened up a new world.

Let’s talk about the U.S. stock market. The rise and fall are all focused on the news related to the bailout bill.

The bailout plan was not passed at the White House summit, and the market immediately fell sharply.

This is also a true portrayal of the US stock market these days.

As soon as there is good news about the bailout bill, stocks will rise immediately; on the contrary, if there is bad news, stocks will fall immediately.

Wall Street is all lying flat at this time, waiting to see whether the government can save it.

At the same time, a large number of streetwalkers began to take to the streets. They wore white masks of the same style as Shakti, held signs with protest slogans, and lay down in front of the Wall Street Golden Bull statue in front of the New York Stock Exchange. They accepted reporters and Passers-by watched and photographed.

These people have only one appeal, which is to oppose the government's bailout of Wall Street.

Many of them lost their homes because they could not repay their mortgages.

There are also people who have lost their jobs due to the financial crisis. Without their income, their lives have become a problem.

In addition, people returning to poverty who suffered significant investment losses during the financial crisis and wiped out decades of savings are arriving.

In short, there were many protesters at the scene, and without exception, it was because their lives had been greatly impacted by the financial crisis.

They put the blame for all this on Wall Street, believing that the street is the source of evil and that the government cannot waste taxpayer money to save a group of notorious villains.

In this way, the entire United States became a quarrel from top to bottom.

In the White House, congressmen quarreled and quarreled with each other, on Wall Street, people took to the streets to display performance art, and there were endless debates on social networking sites and online forums.

The next direction of the financial crisis has affected the hearts of 300 million American people.

But this does not include Xia Jingxing.

As a Chinese, he should not join in the fun. Since being targeted by Como, he has become even more low-key on the basis of his original low-key.

I hold meetings with senior executives every day, counting dollars, billions, tens of billions... I live a simple and unpretentious life.

On this day, he was sitting in the office with Liu Hai, Jiang Ping, and Liu Xiaoduo. All four of them stared at the TV hanging on the wall.

10, 9, 8, 7...3, 2, 1.


Huge flames spewed out from the bottom of the launch vehicle carried by Shenzhou 7. Amidst the billowing smoke, the rocket lifted off the ground. The tail of the rocket body dragged bright orange-red fireworks, flying higher and higher, and gradually turned into a small dot, disappearing in the sky. The horizon.

“Our country’s aerospace technology is getting more and more powerful!”

Jiang Ping looked at Xia Jingxing with joy and said, "I heard that the three astronauts on board the Shenzhou 7 spacecraft will have to go out of space in space this time.

If successful, China will be the third country to master this aerospace technology after the United States and Russia. "

Liu Hai nodded and smiled: "The world's third aerospace power deserves its title!"

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly, "The Soviet Union achieved astronauts' extravehicular walking in March 1965, and the United States also achieved this step three months later.

China is 43 years behind!

Today's achievements in aerospace technology are certainly the result of years of hard work by countless aerospace scientists and researchers, but they are also inseparable from the country's prosperity.

If you don’t have money, why do you want to play the space race? "

Jiang Ping smiled, "It is said to be a three-step strategy for the manned spaceflight project that was established and implemented in 1992.

The first step was to launch unmanned and manned spacecraft. In 2003, Yang Liwei successfully traveled to and from space, declaring that this step of the mission had been accomplished.

The second step is to fly multiple people for multiple days, have astronauts leave the cabin and walk in space, and complete the rendezvous and docking of the spacecraft and the space capsule. It seems that in a few years, almost all of these tasks will be completed.

The third step is to establish a permanent space laboratory and build China's own space engineering system. Astronauts and scientists can travel between the earth and the space station to conduct relatively large-scale space science experiments. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. The International Space Station won't let you touch it, even if you pay more, what should you do? You can only make it yourself!

The Chinese people are very courageous and the least afraid of difficulties. Countless goals that were once out of reach will be achieved one by one.

At this time, Liu Xiaoduo suddenly said: "Mr. Xia, why don't we have a rocket company in our country?"

Hearing this, Xia Jingxing, Liu Hai, and Jiang Ping all looked at Liu Xiaoduo in surprise.

Being stared at by three eyes at the same time, Liu Xiaoduo paused in his speech, "Well... I mean private companies other than the state that can operate and launch rockets, such as Musk's SpaceX and Bezos' Blue The kind where color comes from.”

"If you had read more books and read more newspapers, you wouldn't have asked such a childish question."

After being ridiculed by Xia Jingxing, Liu Xiaoduo did not dare to talk back and said weakly: "I have read newspapers and online news. It said that Musk sold his mansion and all his properties and invested all the money in SpaceX. Three days later, , Falcon 1 is about to usher in its fourth launch."

Liu Hai laughed loudly and said: "Musk, I know that guy, the famous rocket maniac, wants to immigrate to Mars.

His rocket company seems to have been established for six years. It has launched three rockets, but none of them succeeded.

A rocket was launched just last month, resulting in three NASA satellites and 208 people, including the famous American actor James Doohan and Apollo 7 spacecraft astronaut Gordon Cooper, who wanted to scatter their ashes. The ashes of the dead in space fell into the Pacific Ocean together.

Good guy, the client asked him to go to space to raise the ashes, and his rocket raised the ashes halfway.

I don’t know if the families of the deceased will forgive Musk, or maybe they will sue him.

Oh, I also heard that his wife divorced him some time ago, and this guy is miserable.

Darren, he founded an electric car company called Nikola, which seems to still be competing with Tesla, right?

I think after three days, you will lose one competitor. "

Xia Jingxing looked at Liu Hai with a smile, "Are you so sure?"

"At least a ninety percent probability!"

Liu Hai vowed: "How can private capital start a rocket company? Aerospace technology is an absolute secret of all countries. If we can't obtain technical authorization, we will have to do research and development on our own for a long time."

Although Musk is a well-known entrepreneur, his financial resources are still a bit short, and it is difficult to support such a terrifying investment in research and development.

If this rocket launch fails again, he will be personally bankrupt and reduced from a billionaire to a loser heavily in debt. "

Xia Jingxing did not answer. If he remembered correctly, the fourth launch of Falcon 1 would be a success, and Musk would become famous because of it. Then he would make a comeback all the way, and he would be reluctant to accept the big gift package order from NASA.

At the same time, a successful rocket launch will restore Musk's poor personal goodwill. Nikola will definitely not go bankrupt in the short term.

At this time, the screen was introducing that China's next step is to build its own space station and to achieve long-term space goals such as lunar exploration and Mars exploration.

Seeing this, Xia Jingxing's expression changed.

Others don’t know it, but he knows that China will deregulate private commercial aerospace in the future, and also encourages private capital to enter the aerospace field, accelerate the progress of China’s aerospace technology, and become a powerful supplement to national defense forces.

For example, a satellite launched by a Chinese private rocket company could collide with Yingjiang's space station, deliver a courier to an orbital bomber, or run an errand.

But the deregulation of private commercial aerospace will be eight years later. Can it be done now?

Xia Jingxing fell into deep thought.

Men, who can resist the temptation of such a big toy.

If nothing happens, set off a flying monkey, and if it explodes, just set off fireworks to celebrate the New Year. This is much more exciting and interesting than buying a sports car or a mansion.

He is not short of money at all now. He can follow Bezos' example and invest US$1 billion in aerospace companies every year, so what if he invests it for ten consecutive years.

The real problem standing in the way is policy, not money.

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