My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and seventy-four. Fund managers who don’t want to be farmers are not good m

"Jing Xing, you can't do it! You really want to start a rocket company, right?"

Seeing that Xia Jingxing was meditating silently and seemed to have some thoughts about Rocket, Liu Hai couldn't help but remind him.

Xia Jingxing came to his senses and said with a smile: "To be honest, I am quite interested in the rocket launch company.

A few years ago, Bezos persuaded me to build rockets together. The earth is too small to retain entrepreneurs of his level.

The competition among top technology companies in the future may be in the sky.

Fuxing Industrial Group has an aerospace business group. Why isn't it called the aerospace business group?

DJI drones are actually just a business segment of the aerospace business group. I hope to establish a company in the future. I have already thought of a name, called Fuxing Aerospace. "

Liu Hai was stunned. Did you have the idea of ​​building a rocket a few years ago?

No matter how rich you are, you can't set off such expensive fireworks, right?

Jiang Ping smiled and said: "I don't understand rockets, but I guess this thing is like a weapon. What if I lose control after taking off and fall in a city where people gather?

The state must control and intervene. Money alone cannot make the space dream come true. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "Yes, policy is the real problem.

The horoscope hasn't been revealed yet, so it's too early to talk about it. "


Xia Jingxing pointed to the TV screen, "Now that the country has money, it will build space stations, launch more satellites, and explore other planets in the future.

It is difficult to meet the capacity needs of the aerospace market simply by relying on national strength.

Moreover, private capital has an advantage that state power does not have.

The aerospace project is a project where the country concentrates its efforts on major projects and does not count the upper limit of investment.

Private capital is profit-seeking, which forces private rocket companies to reduce launch costs and rocket costs. Otherwise, they will not be profitable and will not be able to become a market-oriented industry.

After the aerospace field is commercialized and marketed, a supply chain will be developed, and the country's aerospace engineering will also benefit from it. "

Jiang Ping nodded repeatedly, which seemed to make sense.

Liu Hai interrupted: "How to reduce costs? The technical requirements here can be regarded as the crystallization of human technology."

Xia Jingxing thought for a while and replied: "Recoverable rockets. As far as I know, SpaceX has been studying this technology that NASA has not mastered."

"Then why can Fuxing Aerospace develop this technology?" Liu Hai asked.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "This will take time, and it may fail and never be developed.

But if you don’t do it, you’ll never have the chance to master it.

American technology companies have great ambitions. Since their birth, they have aimed at the global market, and even now their sights have gone beyond the earth and are aimed at space.

A few years later, when Chinese technology companies have money, when they try to catch up, they may already be decades behind others in technology.

Semiconductors, industrial software, industrial motherboards, which backward industry is not like this.

If you don’t feel confident in the beginning, just don’t do it.

Moreover, domestic entrepreneurs lack a sense of adventure. Many of them are a bit like Li Huangtai, who are only interested in profit.

Do you think they're going to go into an industry that doesn't look like it's going to pay off in ten, twenty, or even longer years?

If the country is willing to deregulate private aerospace, I am willing to go for it.

Even if you fail in the end, it doesn't matter, just pave the way for those who come after you. "

After hearing this, Liu Hai knew that Xia Jingxing had made up his mind, so he stopped trying to dissuade him.

But he couldn't help but said: "Then it's best to wait and see if the Falcon 1 can be launched successfully in three days."

"Now I really hope that Falcon 1 is successfully launched, so that I can take it back and tell stories to the leaders."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Crossing the river by touching the eagle sauce. Private rockets are already flying into the sky. Our country cannot fall behind, right?"

Liu Hai smiled and said nothing, but he still didn't quite believe that Falcon 1 would be launched successfully.



Three days later, Musk's SpaceX carried out its fourth rocket launch from the U.S. military base on Kwajalein Atoll in the western Pacific, despite everyone's doubts and ridicule, becoming the first private company in the world to successfully launch a launch vehicle.

As soon as this news came out, many people thought it was fake news.

But Xia Jingxing knows very well that just like the Falcon Rocket, Musk's rise to the sky is unstoppable.

The addition of huge glory is equivalent to giving Musk a layer of awesome and shining golden light. This is an intangible asset that other technology entrepreneurs do not possess.

With a little guidance, Musk can monetize his reputation and the style he has created in other industries. Even if it is a virtual currency that looks like shit, there are still people who will take over it like a pilgrimage.

This is the highest state of cutting leeks, and the leeks are convinced by it.

At the same time, the market suffered a major blow when the Senate rejected the $700 billion bailout bill.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average set a record for its largest single-day point decline in history, with a drop of 6.98%. The S\u0026P 500 and Nasdaq also fell by 8.81% and 9.14% respectively.

What kind of concept is this? It was two to three times higher than the drop on the day Lehman Brothers collapsed.

The White House is acting like a joke every day, passing bailout bills and vetoing bailout bills at other times, causing US stocks to fluctuate these days.

Since the short-selling operation at this stage has been settled, and the remaining individual stock options, index futures, and options will not expire until next year, Xia Jingxing will no longer be based in New York.

He took a plane to California.

Traveling with him were Jiang Ping and Abel.

The three met Mark Spitznagel, the founder of Global Investments, in the small town of Santa Monica.

Spitznagel is in his thirties, wearing a pair of black-framed glasses, with slightly bald hair on his forehead. He looks gentle, a bit like a scholar or professor.

His company Global Investment Fund is not located in a bustling CBD office building, but in a suburban villa.

He opened the door and saw the three people visiting his villa, his expression became very surprised.

"Abel, Darren, Peter, I was supposed to go to New York to meet you, but I'm too busy with work and really can't leave."

Spitznagel shook hands with each of the three men as he confessed.

Xia Jingxing took a look at the surrounding environment and asked with a smile, "Do you like a quiet working environment?"

Spitznagel spread his hands and said, "Yes, if it hadn't been for the fact that the fund had just been established and many things had not been straightened out, I would have wanted to go back to my hometown to live on the farm."

Seeing Spitznagel's lazy look, Abel frowned. This was what he disliked most about Spitznagel. There was no trace of him being a financial elite.

But Xia Jingxing didn't mind, because this was the real Spitznagel. A fund manager who didn't want to be a farmer was not a good mathematician.

The three followed Spitznagel into the house.

The first floor was completely empty, with desks covered with computer screens and Bloomberg terminals, and more than a dozen employees working hard.

It finally looks a bit like a fund company.

Spitznagel said: "Our company has only been established for two years. It is not large in scale and has not many employees. There are only twelve people, and everyone has a PhD in mathematics!

But we don’t teach math, we are a serious fund company. "

Xia Jingxing chuckled and nodded, then pointed to the company logo on the side, a portrait of an eighteenth-century mathematician.

"I can see it. Do you regard mathematics as your religion? Are you so superstitious about mathematics that you are not afraid of falling into trouble one day?"

Spitznagel shrugged, "Data doesn't lie!"

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