My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and eighty-two, forcibly touching porcelain

Two days later, Lehman Brothers and Envision Capital made official announcements at the same time.

Envision Capital acquired Lehman Brothers’ Asian subsidiary, Lehman Asia, for US$225 million. Its specific businesses include investment banking, fixed income, securities brokerage, etc. in Asia.

At the same time, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority also announced the investigation results and disposal plan for Lehman mini-bonds, and the banks and securities companies involved will purchase these bonds at a 40% discount.

As soon as the news came out, some people went to the entrance of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and downstairs of the International Financial Center Phase 2 Building to perform street performances that day.

Lehman Asia, Envision Capital and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority all work in the same building.

Xia Jingxing and Chen Hong were currently on the 34th floor inspecting Lehman Asia, which had officially completed the acquisition.

After hearing that a large number of people gathered downstairs, both of them stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows of an office and glanced down.

Looking at the dense crowd downstairs, which was like a zombie siege, Chen Hong shook his head and said: "You are really right. The plan of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority is not enough to make the people angry."

Xia Jingxing sneered: "Mr. Ren also wanted me to get another 10% or 50% of the principal back from investors, but I refused.

This is a thankless task and no one will appreciate it. "

"Well said no!"

Chen Hong sneered: "Believe it or not, you announced to take over these mini-bonds, and then the investors behind you asked you to take full responsibility."

Xia Jingxing pursed his lips and said nothing.

Chen Hong is actually right. This is a bullshit plaster. Once you stick it on, you can't shake it off.

Envision Capital is equivalent to acquiring Lehman Brothers' financial license and personnel, and does not want any past business or assets.

But investors who have no way to redress their grievances may not necessarily understand, or they may pretend not to understand even if they understand.

What should we do if we are blocked downstairs in the building and demand 100% of the bonds from Vision Capital?

It makes sense, but there is no reason to say it.

People only know that Envision Capital is rich and took over Lehman Asia, so you have to be responsible for the mini-bonds.

Even if Envision Capital ignores these unreasonable investors and does not pay full compensation, it will probably suffer a lot of damage to its reputation.

People who are too kind are easily taken advantage of.

Xia Jingxing saw clearly how deep the mine was buried early in the morning.

Perhaps Yi Gang really had no ill intentions and simply wanted to recover as much loss as possible for investors and calm the situation as soon as possible.

But Xia Jingxing had bad ideas about people, and any danger that might be detrimental to him must be nipped in the bud.

Therefore, he did not give away any dignity, and was not willing to help clean up the aftermath even if he did not pay for it but spent some manpower.

Chen Hong withdrew his gaze, clasped his hands on his chest, leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window, and said, "In one month, you made tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars on Hong Kong Island. This is a big business!"

As long as you touch a mini-bond, even if you just say a word or express a position, it may be interpreted in multiple ways.

If the media or other interested people start making trouble again, you will be roasted on the fire.

This social routine is so deep that there is no trust between people. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. In order to avoid suspicion, he could only stay away from the mini-bonds.

"Let's not talk about this! Now that Lehman Brothers has been taken down, how do you plan to operate it?"

Chen Hong looked at Xia Jingxing with a smile. This time when he was buying Lehman Brothers, Xia Jingxing did not forget him and took him with him.

Hanergy Group has a small investment, only investing US$22.5 million, accounting for 10% of the shares.

But the important thing is to participate!

So Chen Hong and his team rushed from the mainland to Hong Kong Island to help.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "How else it can work, I'll leave it all to you."

Chen Hong shook his head repeatedly, "This is not okay. You are the leader. My team and I are just here to help for a while. We will eventually return to Hanergy. That is my career."

Xia Jingxing felt that Chen Hong's words were a bit harsh, but logically speaking, there was nothing wrong with them.

Thinking of this, he stopped joking with Chen Hong and talked about his own thoughts.

Gu\u0026lt;/span\u0026gt; “With the bankruptcy of Lehman, more than half of its previous client resources were wiped out.

Otherwise, we would not have been able to win Lehman Asia at such a cheap price. "

Chen Hong nodded, "That's right. It will take a lot of effort to reorganize the business and get it on the right track.

Take the investment banking business as an example. Lehman is now synonymous with negativity. Who is still willing to let Lehman play the role of a securities issuer? What if it goes bankrupt soon after it goes public?

This is unlucky! We Chinese still believe in this. "

Xia Jingxing laughed loudly, "That's true. Even if we change the name of the company, if people inquire about it and think that all the people inside are Lehman's former team, they probably won't have a good impression."

Chen Hong spread his hands and said, "There is nothing we can do about this. Vision Capital did not have investment banking business before, and there was no corresponding team to replace and replace it."

Xia Jingxing shook his head slightly, "There's no need for a blood exchange! Lehman's business in Asia has developed very well over the years, and the Asian team is still trustworthy.

The ones who are really seeking death and causing trouble are those people in New York. "

Chen Hong said with a smile: "Understood, let's keep them all for the time being! We will conduct assessments later. If they are indeed good enough, they will not only be retained, but also reused."

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. That's what he meant. Don't look down on these employees of Lehman Asia and think that they are losers. In fact, they are with the wrong boss.

The soldiers are good soldiers, but the generals who direct the war are not good.

"But having said that, these 150 people have 150 mouths. Now that there is no business at hand, let them rest like this?

If we don’t get bonuses and only earn basic wages, even if we don’t lay off employees, people will leave, and those who leave may even be people who can really do things. "

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly, "Who said we should let them sit idle? The best way to integrate the team and resources is to get active.

Only by taking action can problems be discovered and solved quickly.

And now the best way to change the outside world's bad impression of Lehman Asia is to prove itself again.

Prove yourself through each successful case! "

Chen Hong narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Xia Jingxing, "Do you have a specific plan?"

Just as Xia Jingxing was about to answer, Liu Xiaoduo suddenly opened the door and walked in.

"Mr. Xia, Mr. Chen, something happened!"

Although Liu Xiaoduo tried his best to keep his tone calm, Xia Jingxing still heard a trace of panic.

"What happened?"

"On the Internet, some people say that you want to take over more than 10 billion mini-bonds to give investors in Hong Kong a satisfactory answer and at the same time serve as the first step in the recovery of Lehman's Asian business!"

Liu Xiaoduo answered and started the computer on his desk.

Xia Jingxing and Chen Hong looked at each other. The latter's eyes were very strange, as if to say: Am I right?

Xia Jingxing also felt that it was quite fucked. This was obviously a rumor, and it was a bit of a forcible attack.

Liu Xiaoduo turned on the computer and logged into a website called "Mini Bond Rights Protection Mutual Aid Network."

You can tell what kind of website this is just by the name.

Liu Xiaoduo sat on a chair, constantly reading the comments and discussions on the web page.

Xia Jingxing and Chen Hong stood behind her and watched the various comments.

"Finally, Xia Sheng took action. What can I say? We are all Chinese, and Xia Sheng will definitely not leave us alone."

"Great! I heard that Xia Sheng and Mr. Ren of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority have reached an agreement and will pay in full the 12.57 billion Hong Kong dollar mini-bond."

"What are you talking about Xia Shengtu?"

"You don't even understand this? This is called moving wood to establish trust, and buying horse bones for thousands of dollars!"

"Everyone should invest in Xia Sheng's fund products from now on. This credibility is beyond praise."

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