My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and eighty-three, the chicken is flying and the dog is jumping

"No need to scroll any further, I can already smell a strong smell of conspiracy."

Chen Hong turned his head and looked at Xia Jingxing, who was standing beside him, and said with a playful look in his eyes: "Someone is trying to trick you! They are really using all kinds of tricks."

In fact, Xia Jingxing noticed it himself without Chen Hong's reminder.

As the founder of the Facebook social platform, public opinion warfare is nothing new to him. Over the years, he has often used the method of guiding public opinion to attack and pressure opponents from all walks of life.

It's just that the tide has turned, and now it's others' turn to use public opinion to attack themselves.

Xia Jingxing didn't look panicked at all. Instead, he sneered, "You're trying to do whatever you can. You're looking down too high on them. This is a dead end. It won't cause much actual harm. It's just disgusting."

Chen Hong smiled and asked, "Do you know who it is?"

"Who else could have cut out their hearts with a knife? No one would be able to swallow this breath. Revenge will be a matter of time."

While talking, Xia Jingxing was also thinking silently in his mind.

Based on past life experience, this old turtle Li Huangtai is undoubtedly an old yinbi who likes to hide his head and show his tail.

In the past, when there was huge opposition to the public housing construction plan and the Lingdingyang Bridge construction plan, Li Huangtai was actually behind it.

Even the raging disasters more than ten years in the future will have the shadow of Li Huangtai behind them.

The supermarkets owned by Laodongxi have been opening up supplies to Yu Zing.

Therefore, Xia Jingxing was 90% sure that this incident was Li Huangtai's revenge against him.

Chen Hong looked a little more solemn, "If Li Huangtai really took action, there may be back-ups. Don't be careless. Otherwise, you may become a public enemy of Hong Kong Island."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Don't worry, capitalism likes to worship money. If you have money, your farts will taste good. If you don't have money, you will just be your cousin or uncle."

Liu Xiaoduo interjected: "Mr. Xia, should we just let these people spread rumors on the Internet?"

"That's definitely not possible!" Chen Hong replied first.

Then he looked at Xia Jingxing and said, "The rumors must be refuted as soon as possible, and we cannot let this voice grow stronger.

But you may be a little aggrieved and get a lot of scolding. "

"They can scold me as they please, I won't lose a piece of my flesh anyway."

Xia Jingxing pursed his lips, and he had already taken the public's criticism in stride.

As a public figure, you will be criticized anytime and anywhere, so how can you not be scolded?

Chen Hong frowned, and after pondering for a moment, he said, "Would you like to communicate with the people from Hualian?"

"It's none of their business! I don't want to have anything to do with those people. They say it's a good idea to put the overall situation first, but you're used to seeing something wrong."

Xia Jingxing shook his head repeatedly, his impression of Hualian was not very good.

This time Envision Capital shorted the Li family's listed companies, Hualian had people come to act as lobbyists, all kinds of mudslinging, and I don't know how it was corroded by the sugar-coated bullets of capitalism.

One of the top leaders of this unit who went to the United States to enjoy his old age wrote in his memoirs: The rich man from Hong Kong wanted to give him a Rolls-Royce, and Li Huangtai wanted to give him a private jet...

He deliberately hid in the United States and never came back, just because he didn't want to see these annoying flies.

Chen Hong smiled bitterly. He had probably heard about the performance of this group of people on Hong Kong Island.

Instead of inspecting work in subdivided cage houses, he is busy all day attending wedding banquets of wealthy people, watching theater activities, attending company openings or anniversaries, and even supporting the souls of wealthy businessmen who have passed away...

He performs more than 500 acupuncture sessions a year, averaging nearly two sessions a day. He is more dedicated than many has-been celebrities from Hong Kong who go to mainland counties for commercial performances.

"Then you'd better be careful. If they come to you, just dismiss them and don't cause any conflict, lest someone sue you."

Xia Jingxing smiled and nodded at Chen Hong, "I'm not a fool anymore. No matter what I say, I can't kick them out. Just treat them with tea and wine, and don't talk about it!"

Chen Hong smiled and said, "Okay, you make up your own mind."

When Xia Jingxing left Lehman Asia and returned to Vision Capital's Hong Kong office, it didn't take long for him to receive a call from Yi Ran.

"Xia Sheng, someone on the Internet spread rumors that you were going to take over the mini-bonds. After hearing the news, I didn't dare to neglect and called you as soon as possible. This matter is caused by me and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority causing trouble for you. I want to say sorry to you..."

Xia Jingxing threw the phone on the desk and lay in a comfortable position on the chair, listening to Xuanyang's constant apologies on the other end of the phone.

The other party's tone was quite sincere, but it's hard to tell if it wasn't from the heart.

After listening, Xia Jingxing sighed, "Mr. Ren, it's useless to talk about this now. Now it's spread on the Internet, saying what I want to do.

To be honest, this news spread really fast. Why don't you go back and convene everyone for a meeting? "

Gu\u0026lt;/span\u0026gt;Zhiyi Gang, who was on the other end of the phone, was holding the phone so hard that the veins on his hand popped out.

Xia Jingxing's words were very rude and pointed out directly that the information was leaked by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

In fact, this is very likely.

Every senior executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, including him, is inextricably linked to the Hong Kong plutocrats.

But this news was really not leaked by him. There was no need for him to offend Xia Jingxing just to please Li Huangtai. He still wanted to go to Vision Capital to retire.

But other senior executives at the HKMA were less convinced.

After he left Vision Capital that day, he immediately convened a meeting with all senior executives of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and informed everyone of the bad news that Vision Capital would not help.

I bet someone has sold this news!

Otherwise, how would the media know that the HKMA had negotiated with Envision Capital?

Anyang was now both ashamed and angry.

The shame was because I felt sorry for Xia Jingxing, and I wanted to ask others for help, but in the end I almost dragged them into trouble.

The anger is directed at the other senior executives who are cheating and cheating. These people have no awareness of senior civil servants and sell out all the news.

If this matter is not handled properly, he and Xia Jingxing will become enemies, and the pension plan will probably be ruined.

Xuanyuan had just sorted out some words in his mind, but found that any words at this time were feeble.

If he wants to regain Xia Jingxing's trust in him, he can only rely on action!

Thinking of this, he said firmly: "Xia Sheng, this matter is caused by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and we will give you a satisfactory answer."

"Okay, thank you for the hard work, Mr. Ren!"

A smile finally appeared on Xia Jingxing's face. This was what he was waiting for. If Xuanyang had handled this matter properly, he would not be able to retain the title of Vision Capital Consultant when he retires next year.

With high consulting fees, you can brag with old friends like Greenspan at international financial forums and predict the development of international finance. Wouldn't this retirement life be wonderful? It is better than working as a consultant in some real estate company. too much.

Vision Capital will next vigorously develop financial business in Asia. Not only has he been the president of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority for more than ten years, but he has also defeated George Soros. He is quite famous in Asia and is very suitable to be the news speaker of Vision Capital. people.

Everyone knows that Blackstone is poaching Mr. Liang Caiye to be the chairman of the Greater China region. Naturally, Envision Capital can follow suit and find some local snakes to help support the situation and get some resources so that everyone can get what they need.



Soon, as if receiving a unified signal, the Hong Kong media began to publish and report "Vision Capital acquired Lehman Asia, intending to take over more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars in mini-bonds to help 30,000 Hong Kong investors." Bailout" news.

In the media, Xia Jingxing seems to be a savior. With just a wave of his finger, investors can get back the principal of their bond investments without having to bear any losses.

As for whether Xia Jingxing will suffer losses?

Most of the media chose to mention it in one stroke, or elaborated with words such as "Vision Capital will use its strong financial trading operation level to smooth out the losses."

In short, it makes readers and viewers feel that this matter is easy to solve, and Xia Jingxing just has a way.

Some media praised Xia Jingxing as an outstanding Chinese entrepreneur who best embodies the family ties between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places.

He also gave an example: When floods occurred in the mainland in the 1990s, Hong Kong Island residents donated generously.

Now Xia Jingxing is lending a helping hand to tens of thousands of poor citizens who are suffering from the financial crisis. This is undoubtedly an act of repayment and a good story.

If he continues to praise like this, he will probably have a memorial tablet set up in the shrine for Xia Jingxing. He will be like a living Bodhisattva.

At this moment, Xu Gang led a group of reluctant HKMA executives to hold a press conference.

“The acquisition of Lehman Asia by Vision Capital does not include its past business and assets, so it has no responsibility to take over the mini-bonds...”

Before any of the words could be finished, the press conference exploded into flames.

In particular, some elderly investors who came to the meeting fainted on the spot.

The scene suddenly became chaotic and chaotic.

The reporters no longer went to take pictures of the young man speaking on the stage, but all left the table, focusing their cameras on the old man who was about to be sent to the hospital for rescue.

Yi Zhi Gang's face was ashen on the stage. He knew that this matter could not be settled easily.

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