My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and ninety-two, short squeeze market

Sunday, October 26th.

The Porsche Group issued an announcement: The company already holds 42.6% of the Volkswagen Group's shares, plus 31.5% of the options. Once all options are exercised, it will hold a total of 74.1% of the Volkswagen Group's shares.

This news was like a huge thunder, quickly detonating the entire European financial market!

Dozens of hedge fund managers are enjoying a happy weekend with their families, while imagining whether they should buy a Porsche 911 or a 918 after closing their short positions in Volkswagen. They must thank the Porsche family for their "friendly" cooperation!

When they saw the announcement from Porsche, they were completely in no mood to think about which Porsche to buy.

Everyone rushed to the company in a panic. Now let alone a Porsche, they might not even be able to afford a bicycle.

That night, countless hedge fund managers who were usually well-dressed, smart and calm were like violent beasts, pounding the table, smashing cups, and howling in the office...

After they have vented their anger, they still have to find a way to face the fierce short squeeze that will follow.

That’s right, short positions can’t be closed!

Dozens of hedge funds hold a total short-selling position equivalent to 10.4% of Volkswagen's total equity through direct short selling, naked short selling, and option derivatives.

One hundred percent of Volkswagen's total share capital, minus the 74.1% announced by the Porsche Group, and the 20.1% held by the Lower Saxony state government, leaves only 5.8% of the outstanding shares. .

Then subtract 5.8% from 10.4%, which means that 4.6% of the short positions cannot be closed.

In this case, there is only one solution. After the market opens tomorrow, everyone can use their own ability to grab chips and close their positions.

If you can’t get it, then you can only worship God more!

The next day.

As soon as the Frankfurt Exchange opened, Volkswagen's stock price soared like a rocket.

250 euros

300 euros

350 euros

It’s hard to find a ticket in the market, with many buyers and few sellers.

Even those who are slow to react realize that there is something wrong with the short-selling group, and they are not in a hurry to sell the tickets they have.

If you wait a little longer, one share can be sold for hundreds of euros more.

The short sellers have no choice but to continuously raise their quotations to gain as much chips as possible to close their positions.

Experienced hedging managers all know that if you delay it any longer, you will only die more miserably.

At this time, the European subsidiaries of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley also issued an announcement stating that each held a portion of Volkswagen Group's underlying shares and options, totaling 3%.

The news scared dozens of hedge fund managers to death.

House seemingly endless rain!

The closing gap was originally as high as 4.6%, and now it has increased by 3%.

At the same time, it also means that the short positions totaling 10.4% face only 2.8% of the circulating shares.

It becomes more difficult to close a position!



In a large manor near the Black Forest in Stuttgart, Xia Jingxing sat on a chair in the open air, looking at the lush forests and vegetation in the distance, and took a few deep breaths of moist air.

Then he felt strange. How could he smell the smell of euros just like Li Yaozu?

Thinking of this, he turned to look at the sixty-year-old white man sitting opposite him with a smile, and said: "Mr. Porsche, you better understand life. If you live in such a beautiful and charming place, I believe you can have fun every day." A good mood.

I had read the fairy tales of Cinderella and Snow White when I was a child, but before coming here I didn’t know that they all happened in the dark forest in front of me.

It is indeed a great place! I don’t want to leave even after I’m here! "

The old man sitting opposite him had silver hair and a wrinkled face when he smiled, "It seems that I chose this place to meet is a good choice! After we finish talking about things later, I think I can invite Mr. Xia to walk around the Black Forest together."

"Really? That's great! I love the environment here."

After a while of pleasantries, Wolfgang Porsche, the grandson of Porsche founder Ferdinand Porsche, the fourth son of 911 creator Ferry Porsche, and the current head of the Porsche family and chairman of the Porsche Supervisory Board, suddenly said:

"Mr. Xia, I remember that you seem to be the largest shareholder and chairman of Tesla Motors, right?"

Xia Jingxing smiled and replied, "Yes, just like you, I personally like cars very much."

Wolfgang said lightly: "Then why do you want to buy Volkswagen shares? I think people who really like and love the automobile industry should design one or more classic cars and use them to conquer the market."

"In fact, Tesla has been designing a new car that is a perfect electric car and Mr. Porsche will be able to see it soon."

Xia Jingxing said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone: "In addition, I am also a financial investor. I buy Volkswagen's stocks because I am optimistic about its development.

He also firmly believes that Volkswagen can usher in more brilliant achievements after returning to the Porsche family. "

Hearing the word "return", even at Wolfgang's age, he couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

"Oh, really? After Tesla's new car is launched, do you want to go to the New Nordschleife with 911 to compare notes?"

The corner of Xia Jingxing's mouth rose slightly. He remembered that when the Roadster was first launched, in order to achieve marketing effects, various sports car brands such as Porsche, Ferrari, and Lamborghini were tried to compete with each other. However, none of these companies were willing to end up fighting Tesla.

A little-known electric car brand will not gain face if it wins, but will lose face if it loses.

Now that Wolfgang is willing to send his ace car series 911 to compete, it seems that he is giving himself a huge face?

Xia Jingxing didn't bother to get to the bottom of it, and readily agreed, "Okay, I will ask Facebook and YouTube in the United States, and and Tudou Video in China to warm up the event, and then live broadcast the entire event once it starts. I believe it should be possible Attracting the attention of hundreds of millions of people around the world.”

Wolfgang smiled lightly, "Young man, your tone is quite crazy. I hope the car will be as optimistic as it is now when it gets to the track."

Without mentioning this again, Wolfgang talked about the relationship between Volkswagen and his family.

"I believe Mr. Xia should also know that the first model of National Motors, the predecessor of Volkswagen, was designed by my grandfather Ferdinand Porsche."

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. Volkswagen and the Porsche family do have a deep connection.

The campaign slogan of the Führer at that time was "Germany should be like the United States, where everyone has a car."

In the United States in the 1930s, 1 in 5 people owned a car, while in Germany only 1 in 50 people owned a car.

Porsche's design studio accepted the task assigned by the head of state to design a car that ordinary people can afford, and the price is no more expensive than a motorcycle.

Volkswagen's logo "VW" is the abbreviation of German Volkswagen (People's Car).

Under the guidance of the founder of Porsche, the Beetle was born very quickly. The price was only 990 marks. At that time, the per capita monthly income in Germany was 128 marks. A person could buy a car with more than half a year's income. This shows that the head of state still did not write blank checks randomly and basically fulfilled his campaign promises.

"After World War II, the French arrested my grandfather and wanted to move Volkswagen to France. However, the matter was finally abandoned due to opposition within France."

When talking about the French, Wolfgang looked disdainful.

Xia Jingxing secretly found it funny, what happened to France, everyone would step on it.

“My grandfather passed away not long after, but his last wish was that we, his heirs, would take back the Volkswagen cars he built to the Porsche family!”

Under Wolfgang's gaze, Xia Jingxing nodded, "I actually understand your family sentiment very well!

But as far as I know, Mr. Ferdinand Piech, the former Volkswagen chairman and CEO and current chairman of the supervisory board, is also a member of your family, right?

This old man took the lead in promoting Volkswagen's entry into China and is very influential within Volkswagen. With his help, it will undoubtedly be much easier for the Porsche family to take back the Volkswagen brand.

And he should have inherited a lot of Porsche shares, right? "

Wolfgang sneered, "Mr. Xia, you misunderstood. He is no longer a member of our family. His last name is Piech, and he does not deserve the name Ferdinand."

If Xia Jingxing hadn't learned about the grudges between wealthy families before coming here, he would have almost been stunned by the old man's words.

Former Volkswagen CEO Piech is actually the cousin of Wolfgang, the current head of the Porsche family, and the son of his aunt.

The two families were quite close before, adding the name of Porsche founder Ferdinand in front of Piech's surname.

This kind of operation is often done in Europe and the United States. If the mother comes from a famous family, the mother's surname or the name of a famous ancestor is added to the offspring.

Whether it is useful or not, it is definitely useful. It is difficult to say that Piëch became the CEO of Volkswagen without the influence of his grandfather.

But ever since Piëch slept with his cousin's wife, the second sister-in-law of the old man in front of him, the two families had become at odds with each other.

Especially since Piëch divorced and married his cousin's wife, this incident hurt the family's face even more.

Xia Jingxing felt that Wolfgang, the third generation of Porsche, was so determined to acquire Volkswagen that he might also have revenge on his cousin.

Aren't you pretty awesome? I'll take away your proudest career!

Xia Jingxing stopped talking in circles with the old man and directly talked about the public equity.

"Mr. Porsche, you are now very close to the 75% holding line. You only need to acquire another 1% of Volkswagen shares to realize the family dream shared by three generations for more than 70 years!"

And you, as the third generation head of the family, will definitely go down in the glorious family history! "

Wolfgang said with a smile: "Yes, my dream will come true soon!"

Xia Jingxing watched silently as the old man sighed, but he didn't say anything for a long time.

He reminded aloud, "After today, Volkswagen's outstanding shares will definitely be less than 2%. If Porsche chooses to buy shares from the secondary market, it will inevitably compete with short sellers."

Wolfgang waved his hand, "We are not in a hurry. Our holding costs are very low and we are very patient. We are not in a hurry to realize our dream in a few days."

Xia Jingxing heard what he was saying and said with a smile, "Okay, I understand. Let's learn from Mr. Porsche and cultivate more patience."

Wolfgang looked at Xia Jingxing with bright eyes and smiled brightly, "Mr. Xia, I advise you not to wait. The food will get cold if you wait."

"Thank you, Mr. Porsche, for your suggestion! But there is an old saying in China that goes, "If you have a good meal, you won't be afraid of being late!"

Xia Jingxing looked at Wolfgang with a smile on his face for a few seconds. The latter suddenly sighed, "Okay! The shotgun is ready. Let's go to the black forest together. There are a lot of prey in it!"

Xia Jingxing said, "Let's forget it for today. Next time we go hunting with Mr. Porsche."

Wolfgang glanced at Xia Jingxing thoughtfully, and a polite smile quickly appeared on his face, "That's fine! There will be opportunities in the future."

After saying that, he stood up and shook hands with Xia Jingxing, pretending to be seeing off a guest.

Seeing this, Xia Jingxing didn't intend to stay any longer. After shaking hands, he turned around and left with the others.

This old man likes to play tricks with him, so let's play together.

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