My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and ninety-three, regulatory intervention

After walking out of the gate of the manor and getting into a car parked outside, Xia Jingxing dialed Li Yaozu's number.

The phone rang for a while before the call was answered.

"Sorry, Xia Sheng, I was just talking about life and ideals with several hedge fund managers."

The corner of Xia Jingxing's mouth twitched slightly, thinking about his ideal life.

"How did the conversation go?"

"They say that their ideals are shattered and life is gloomy. They hope that we will show our respect!"

"Oh, let them go then!"

Li Yaozu thought he had heard wrongly. When did his boss, who was shorting the whole of Europe and whose cruel methods were comparable to those of the head of state, become such a virgin?

He couldn't help but ask again: "Xia Sheng, there is no reason to withdraw the troops now!

Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are more active than us. At this moment, their teams are sitting in a hotel near the Frankfurt Stock Exchange to meet with various hedge funds for us.

We don't need to worry at all now. What we should really worry about are the short sellers. .

If they make a wrong decision, they should bear the consequences. "

Sensing Li Yaozu's somewhat excited tone, Xia Jingxing glanced at the scenery passing by outside the window and smiled faintly: "It's only a matter of time before we let them go!

The commotion this time was so big that it was impossible for the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the German Financial Supervisory Authority not to intervene.

Do you see how high Volkswagen’s stock price has risen now? What has become of the German DAX index? "

Li Yaozu understood that if the public's bulls were allowed to continue to play shorts, there would be big problems in the German stock market.

We were already experiencing a financial crisis, and if another one hits hard, Mrs. Mo might be so angry that she can't bear it anymore.

"Okay, Xia Sheng, I understand, but let them go until the official conclusion!

The stock price has tripled today, and it may rise four or five times by the close. "

Xia Jingxing thought about it in his mind. He remembered the public short squeeze case in his previous life, where the stock price increased fivefold in two days.

With them wreaking havoc, there will be fewer shares in circulation, and it is possible that the stock price will increase tenfold.

Of course, we do not rule out the possibility of official intervention in advance.

"Wait for official news from Germany. If you play at someone else's card table, don't even think about taking away all the other people's card equipment after playing cards."

Li Yaozu chuckled, don't tell me, he really had this idea.

It is rare to encounter a short squeeze case. A short squeeze case as large as that of Volkswagen is unprecedented and is destined to be recorded in the annals of financial history.

With such a good opportunity, would it be worthy of my professional ethics if I don't risk my life?

But the boss is very clear-headed, and he really means it when he talks about it. In order to avoid future troubles, he really has to accept the situation as soon as possible.

"Xia Sheng, how's your discussion going? Are the Porsche family willing to cooperate with us?"

Hearing this, Xia Jingxing's eyes became a little gloomy and he said coldly: "They want us to close our positions and eat alone."

Li Yaozu said excitedly: "Diao! Without our strong cooperation, would Volkswagen's stock price have such a spectacular scene? Are they too greedy?"

Xia Jingxing said nothing. Even without Vision Capital, the Porsche family would still succeed.

In the previous life, the Porsche family held 74.1% of Volkswagen shares. Instead of increasing their holdings at the last moment, they chose to release 5% of the shares to liquidate short positions.

Their abacus was very good. On the one hand, they cut the short leeks, and on the other hand, they waited for the public stock price to fall back to normal, and then bought back a few points of the stock at a cheap price.

It not only maximizes profits, but also fulfills the family dream of acquiring Volkswagen.

Therefore, when Xia Jingxing tentatively proposed to let Wolfgang Porsche acquire the Volkswagen shares held by Vision Capital, the rejection was not a surprise to him.

Now that Vision Capital and Porsche have stocks in their hands, short sellers can only approach them if they want to close their positions.

Xia Jingxing wants to cooperate with Volgangfu so that everyone can make money happily.

But the old man didn't appreciate it, and asked Xia Jingxing to close his position first and earn some pocket money. The fattest piece of meat must go to me.

If Envision Capital now agrees to close its positions with some short sellers, it will definitely not be able to maximize its profits, because the current share price of Volkswagen is only a few hundred euros.

At the same time, there are still a large number of short positions that cannot be closed. They are meat on the chopping board, and Volganov can handle them however he wants.

After listening to Xia Jingxing's analysis and speculation, Li Yaozu suddenly realized: "So, Volgangfu is determined not to cooperate with us?

This old man must be sick! He is not afraid of us causing damage!

Anyone whose stock is short will be bought. As long as our quotation is lower, someone will definitely choose to cooperate with us.

His wishful thinking was wrong, so he wants to scare us? "

Xia Jingxing smiled, he was naturally not afraid of Wolfgang's intimidation.

Now that everyone has the goods, the worst case scenario is a price war with each other. In short, we won’t lose money.

A price war is a lose-lose situation for Vision Capital and the Porsche family.

It is a real win-win if everyone cooperates and works together to suppress the short sellers.

"I guess he wants to show off his patience with us. If we are timid and sell the goods first, they can make the biggest profit.

If we don’t sell, everyone will eventually have to sit down at the negotiating table.

Judging from the fact that the Porsche family spent more than three years setting up such a big game, Wolfgang doesn't seem like the kind of irrational person. "

Li Yaozu frowned and asked: "Since he is a rational person, why would he do something like this? After all, we are also one of the top ten hedge funds in the world. Can we be fooled by him?"

"Just give it a try. If you fail, there will be no loss. If you succeed, you will have the biggest profit."

Having said this, a proud smile appeared on Xia Jingxing's face, "If I guess correctly, the old man still has some thoughts of revenge on us."

"Retaliate against us?" Li Yaozu asked in confusion.

“Yes, their family spent so much effort and tens of billions of euros in capital, thinking they could harvest all the leeks.

As a result, we broke out halfway and had to take a small half of the profits.

If it were you, would you feel comfortable? Will you feel happy? "

Li Yaozu completely understood. If this is the case, then many things will be explained.

Vision Capital ran into other people's bowls to grab food. It's strange that Wolfgang looked good.

But as long as they hold on, no matter how unhappy the old man is, he still has to hold his nose and cooperate with them.

With such a huge profit in front of us, there is nothing we can't talk about.



Xia Jingxing did not rush back to the UK, but went to Frankfurt, the fifth largest city in Germany, to join Li Yaozu.

The third largest stock exchange in Europe, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, which operates 85% of Germany's stock transactions, and thousands of banks and insurance companies, including the German Central Bank, are located in this city, so it is also known as "The City on the Main". Manhattan".

Xia Jingxing stood by the window of the hotel, holding a wine glass and sipping red wine.

In the distance, the Main River, a tributary of the Rhine River, flows endlessly. The scenery on both sides of the river is beautiful and has a prosperous atmosphere.

Back in those days, the Roman Empire once built a section of the Great Wall that stretched for hundreds of kilometers between the Rhine and Danube rivers, and also passed through Frankfurt. At that time, Frankfurt was equivalent to a northern border fortress.

Later, the barbarians invaded, the Western Roman Empire fell, and the black-haired people were replaced by the blond hair and blue eyes they have today.

There are not many civilizations that are still standing across thousands of years of history. It should be called this one and no other civilization.

Just when Xia Jingxing was nostalgic for the past and worried about the present, Li Yaozu followed Liu Xiaoduo into the room.

"Xia Sheng, the German Financial Supervisory Authority and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange have jointly come forward. I hope everyone can sit down and talk and solve the public's problems together to restore normal financial order."

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