My Age of Investment

One thousand one hundred and ninety-four, divide the cake

The intervention of supervision did not surprise Xia Jingxing at all. He only cares about how high Volkswagen's stock price has risen.

When the boss asked about the stock price, Li Yaozu immediately felt as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood. He replied energetically: "Now the stock price has officially exceeded 1,500 euros, and the market value has also exceeded the 440 billion euro mark, surpassing Exxon Mobil in one fell swoop. Became the world’s first listed company!

In one and a half days, the stock price soared by nearly 800%, attracting global attention!

In addition, the German DAX index was also pushed up by more than 20% because Volkswagen held more than 25% of the weight, and even caused the US S\u0026P index to rebound by more than 10%. "

Xia Jingxing chuckled, and with this shot, the entire northwest of Shanxi was thrown into chaos.

To be honest, this situation was better than he expected.

After he met with Wolfgang yesterday, by the time the stock market closed that day, Volkswagen's share price had risen to over 800 euros.

At that time, he thought that German officials would intervene, but they were given an extra half day.

If we don't care anymore, the German stock market will take off together, and then continue to expand like a balloon until it explodes. .

Just when Xia Jingxing was about to speak, the phone in Liu Xiaoduo's pocket rang.

She ran out of the room and answered the phone.

After a while, she ran back again, covered the phone's microphone and whispered to Xia Jingxing: "This is a call from Secretary Wolfgang, saying that her boss wants to talk to you."

Li Yaozu stood nearby and heard this sentence clearly. He smiled and looked at Xia Jingxing, saying nothing.

Xia Jingxing picked up the phone and said with a smile: "Mr. Porsche, the weather is nice today. Do you want to invite me to hunt together?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds before a series of laughter came, "Hahaha, Mr. Xia, it seems you still can't forget our Black Forest!

There are a lot of prey in it. The two of us went there together and came back with a full load. "

Xia Jingxing's face was filled with a smile, "That's a good suggestion! I will listen to your old man in everything!"

The laughter on the other end of the phone became even more hearty, "Mr. Xia, you are a very cheerful person. We will definitely become very good friends in the future."

"I'm looking forward to it too!"

Both of them talked about their feelings in a hypocritical manner, and then got into the topic.

"The exposure exposed by the shorts totals 7.6%, 1.6% belongs to you, and the other 6% belongs to us."

Hearing these words, Xia Jingxing smiled coldly, "What should we do if we still have 1.4% of the stocks? Mr. Porsche, I spent a lot of money to buy these stocks."

Wolfgang spoke slowly and unhurriedly: "We hold 74.1% of the shares and you hold 3%. If we allocate them according to the shareholding ratio, you can't even get 0.6% of the short position, only 0.3 %."

Xia Jingxing grinned, "The Frankfurt Exchange doesn't seem to have such a rule, right? The over-the-counter agreement to close positions must be distributed according to the shareholding ratio?

This is a free market, either we agree to close our positions together, or we bid against each other! "

Xia Jingxing emphasized the words "agreement" and "bidding".

Now there are only two paths before them and the Porsche family. One is to join forces and close short positions at the market's highest price of 1,500 euros.

The other one is a big sale. In order to attract short sellers to choose the target to close their positions, you pay 1,450 euros and I pay 1,400 euros...

This mutual bidding model harms the interests of both companies and allows short sellers to take advantage.

In fact, Xia Jingxing was not greedy. He sold all 3% of the stocks and options to short positions to close his positions.

The remaining 4.6% of the short position will be released by the Porsche family to help close the short position.

All in all, the Porsche family has made more profits.

Not only did it keep Volkswagen in check, it also recovered part of the cost of acquiring Volkswagen in the early stage.

But Wolfgang didn't think so at all.

From his perspective, there was a total of 7.6% of the short-selling fat. Although Vision Capital only took a small part of it, it was equivalent to clearing out all the stocks in its hands.

The Porsche family holds 74.1% of the shares, so why can they only get 4.6% of the short share.

Every additional share represents billions of euros in profit.

Can this be done casually?

He said sadly: "If Porsche Group directly releases 7.6% of its shares to the market, the short squeeze will be lifted immediately, and the Financial Supervisory Authority's requirements for quickly restoring market stability will be met.

What do you get? It is very likely that not only will you not make money, but you will also lose money.

Young people, you must learn to be content. Greed will make a person lose his mind and turn victory into defeat! "

Xia Jingxing admitted that there was some truth in what Wollganf said, because the Porsche Group held a high proportion of shares in Volkswagen and could release 7.6% of its shares to give the German Financial Supervisory Authority an explanation.

However, Vision Capital is not good enough and cannot meet the needs of all short positions.

However, Vision Capital also has something to rely on, so it can't be easily grasped.

Xia Jingxing said: "If you release stocks to the secondary market, we will also release them. In fact, we are back to the old way of bidding.

Even short sellers may not be so anxious anymore, quietly watching the stock price slide freely, and choosing the opportunity to close their positions. Anyway, for them, the crisis has been resolved.

The worst we can do is not make this money and leave with more than a billion euros in capital.

what about you? More than three years of hard work have all come to nothing!

You might say that I am a young person. We young people may not like to be comprehensive in doing things, but only seek psychological satisfaction! "

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Xia Jingxing's words also made Volgangfu feel some fear.

The old man was worried that if he angered the rogue opposite, he might really mess up his plan.

In fact, he could accept the 4.6% share, which was almost the same as their expected hunting target.

It’s just that I feel really unhappy in my heart! Worse than eating a fly.

They worked hard for more than three years, borrowing money and spending tens of billions of euros. However, they were easily robbed of less than half of the loot, and they were unable to achieve full success.

Volganf took a few deep breaths, calmed down the anger in his heart, and said as calmly as possible: "2%, this is our biggest concession.

We have spent dozens of times more money than you, and there is no reason to share the harvest equally with you!

If you are still greedy, then we will see the real deal. "

Xia Jingxing burst out laughing, his laughter was very proud, which made Volgangfu furious.

Before he could get angry, Xia Jingxing said first, "Mr. Porsche, we are different from you. We have no interest in holding Volkswagen's stocks for a long time. We will definitely sell them all, and the sale date can only be today."

Because we must negotiate a result today, and if we wait any longer, the food will be cold! "

Volgangfu's face turned blue and white. His last words were what he had sent to Xia Jingxing yesterday.

Today the other party returned it to him intact.

But he also knew that what Xia Jingxing said was actually correct. Today would definitely bring the public short squeeze incident to a complete end.

This is not a consultation, but an order from the state apparatus.

After today, it is certain that the stock price will fall back.

No matter what method is used, no matter the price is high or low, Vision Capital will clear out the public stocks.

"Okay, just do as you say! That's it!"

Before Xia Jingxing could react, the phone was hung up and a busy tone sounded.

"Fuck, you are so impolite after returning from a famous family? You also invited me to go hunting. Do you have to tell me which day it is?"

Li Yaozu and Liu Xiaoduo looked at Xia Jingxing with smiles and complained. The former even gave Xia Jingxing a thumbs up, "Xia Sheng, you are the best, you can eat up this old man Wolfgang to death!"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "Remember, all imperialism is just a paper tiger, it can only show its teeth!

I thought I had met some ruthless person, and I was ready to ask you to sell some stocks to give him some color.

It seems that there is no need for it now, this old man is quite sensible! "

Li Yaozu said with a smile: "Then I will go to join the people from Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley and go to the meeting together."

"Go! I won't show up. It's all up to you!"

Li Yaozu felt the heavy trust, nodded heavily to Xia Jingxing, turned around and left.

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