My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and two, 1 move of live chess (Leader Liang Xiao 2/2)

After some polite greetings, Liu Zhiping greeted the shareholder representatives to take their seats like a butler.

Bonima stood up and gave a speech with a heavy face.

"I called everyone here today to inform everyone that Penguin only has 6 months left before it goes bankrupt."

Xiong Xiaoge, who was rekindling his old relationship with Li Yikai, looked shocked, and without thinking, he said an old saying: "Why did Boni say this?"

Bonima looked solemn, and his cold eyes swept over every shareholder representative present, and said calmly: "I'm not kidding, there is not much time left for Penguin, it is only a six-month window.

If Penguin cannot achieve some major breakthroughs in the game business and social business in the next six months, then domestic holding groups will form an all-round strategic encirclement on us! Penguin will completely decline! "

These words are too serious, Xiong Xiaoge will not be able to deal with them directly.

Li Yikai said with an indifferent expression: "The domestic holding group is the social media company founded by Xia Jingxing in the mainland, right?"

Bonima turned to look at Li Yikai and replied: "Yes, they are on a very strong upward trajectory now. Their online game business is catching up with the leader Shanda, and their social business is also challenging us and gradually cannibalizing our active users.

If social networks such as, Weibo, and MOMO Voice are built, it will be a Chinese version of Facebook!

And it has one more cash cow business than Facebook in the United States—online games!

By then, they will have hundreds of millions of Internet users in China with their left hand, and the most profitable online game in China with their right hand.

Even if Ali and Baidu cannot catch up with them, they will become the largest Internet industry group in China! "

Speaking of this, Bonima said with regret: "This was originally Penguin's development strategy, but now they are about to complete their strategy and ecological layout before us."

If we fall one step behind, we will never have a chance to catch up.

At the same time, you have to endure the backlash!

The Internet is a winner-takes-all race, where the big fish eats the small fish.

We maintain the status quo and maintain a stock price of HK$20, even with a market value of HK$36 billion!

Xia Jingxing will not give us a chance to overtake!

Everyone here should have dealt with him, and you know that on the surface he is a kind young man, but in fact he is more scheming than anyone else, and he never considers leaving anything behind so that we can meet him another day.

Because there is never the word "live" in his dictionary. He will not stop until his opponent dies. "

Bonima's words made all the shareholders present break their guard.

Among so many people, who has never suffered from Xia Jingxing?

Only MIH did not directly confront Xia Jingxing, but it was also indirectly hurt by the decline in Penguin's stock price.

Xiong Xiaoge scratched his forehead. As the leader of the Venture Capital Alliance, he had suffered a lot from Xia Jingxing over the years.

The venture capital alliance "Junior Day", which was once at its peak and brought together the country's top VC institutions, was beaten by Xia Jingxing and was reduced to only three or two big cats and kittens today.

Except for IDG, the Conscience Department, and Sequoia, all the other guys have left.

Oh, and there is also Axel China. Tong Shijie has lived and died with them over the years, and has successfully lost half of the net value of the fund.

Alas, I have no choice but to follow my elder brother and starve for nine meals in three days.

If you don’t make any money, who will recognize you as the first-generation VC senior and big brother?

On the contrary, Xia Jingxing's "15th" alliance has more and more teammates, and it has far more than 15 cooperative organizations.

Vision Capital has also gone from being a solitary player to becoming the number one VC in the country among the stars.

Although there is still some controversy about this first VC, as long as the students of the "Vision Phase I" such as Tudou and are listed and graduate, the principal of Vision Capital should steal the Chinese Internet's "2005-20XX" phase. The fruits of victory have ascended to the throne!

Alas, I really doubt my life!

What have you been doing all these years? He led everyone to invest in Thousand Oaks and lost more than 200 million US dollars?

It seems that apart from this incident, it has not caused any other sensation in the industry, right?

Regardless of whether it is a positive sensation or a negative sensation, all the limelight in recent years has been taken up by Vision Capital.

Xiong Xiaoge, who felt bitter in his heart, took off his glasses and wiped them carefully.

Tears of regret had already wet his eyes, and he didn't want others to see the vulnerability deep in his heart.

Zhu Linan, Zhao Linghuan and other conscientious generals don't have so much inner baggage. They don't care how much money they lose, the most important thing is to make the leader happy.

Li Yikai's face was livid, and a flash of resentment flashed in his eyes.

Maybe the nearly 100 billion Hong Kong dollars used by Vision Capital to short the Li family included the 1 billion Hong Kong dollars he paid to get back on the Penguin car.

He didn't dare to tell the old man at home about this matter, for fear of making him angry.

Use my money to short my company!

Xia Jingxing, you street boy, just wait!

Li Huangtai's thousands of warnings and instructions were all forgotten by Li Yikai at this moment.

Now there was only one thing on his mind, how to wash away the endless shame that Xia Jingxing had brought to him.

Maybe we can start with Penguin, first destroy the so-called Chinese Facebook, and then send overseas troops to fight to the death with the American Facebook!

Li Yikai felt that this revenge plan was very reliable, and he pressed on Xia Jingxing step by step.

If the two major Internet industry groups that Xia Jingxing valued most could be eliminated, and then look for opportunities to severely damage Vision Capital, then Xia Jingxing's commercial building would completely collapse.

As for reviving mobile phones and reviving industry, their American friends Wisdom Fruit will take care of them.

Thinking of this, Li Yikai said in a deep voice: "Boni, I feel relieved and admired to see you with such a strong sense of crisis.

However, since you have raised the problem, there should be a solution, right? "

Before turning their eyes to Li Yikai, Bonima and Liu Zhiping looked at each other, and they both understood each other's eyes.

This young master is capable!

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Bonima said calmly: "The biggest reliance, the most mature and the biggest source of income of Haihai Holdings is online games! This hand must be cut off by them!

In addition, they have also developed a new business, Weibo, and this hand will also be cut off!

Once both hands are severed, Hainei Holdings will be a disabled person guarding, a outdated social media platform.

When the time comes, we won’t need to take the initiative, QQ Zone and Penguin Weibo will automatically clean them out of the market. "

Li Yikai's cold expression suddenly turned bright, and he said with a smile on his face: "Okay! So what should we do specifically? Or do you need any help?"


Bonima said in a calm tone: "Penguin Weibo is now at war with domestic Weibo, and the key to winning is to see which platform has more celebrities.

No matter how many ordinary users there are, it won't help, because everyone pays more attention to celebrities. Every word and deed of these people can cause a sensation on the Internet and spread on a large scale.

Nowadays, domestic Weibo has attracted a large number of celebrities, and we are temporarily lagging behind in this area.

However, we have taken the lead in spending 100 million yuan to recruit celebrities, and I believe it will produce results soon.

However, it should be noted that domestic Weibo will definitely counterattack.

This battle will definitely be expensive!

At the same time, we will also attack in the field of online games, publish more games as agents, and even initiate mergers and acquisitions in the upstream of the industry - the game production field.

The funds currently reserved by Penguin are not enough to fight two large-scale battles, so we need financing!

Raise at least HK$4 billion from investors in the form of private placement! "

Seeing Bonima showing four fingers solemnly, Li Yikai smiled and said, "Is 4 billion enough?"

You actually made such an exorbitant request?

Bonima smiled coldly in his heart and immediately answered: "At least 4 billion. The more the specific number, the better. Everyone should know in their hearts that Xia Jingxing is not an easy enemy to deal with.

Our fixed increase must be completed quickly, and at the same time, we must spend the money quickly.

Xia Jingxing now often flies around the world and is addicted to financial investment to make quick money.

We can take this opportunity to catch him off guard. By the time he comes to his senses, the battle is over. "

Li Yikai immediately clapped his hands and said, "Okay, that's it. No matter how much the increase is, I will pay half of it!"

Other shareholders immediately looked at each other, including MIH's shareholder representatives, who had some doubts at this moment.

To follow or not to follow?

Although the domestic holdings are not weak, Penguin still has a great chance of winning. Once QQ comes out, who can compete with it?

To put it bluntly, if the battle is really lost, Penguin can still occupy a place in the Chinese Internet arena with the help of QQ.

Domestic holdings and other Internet companies do not have instant messaging products and will not pose a direct threat to QQ.

After thinking for a while, other shareholders began to express their opinions.

When it was Xiong Xiaoge's turn, he hesitated.

The fact that Thousand Oaks gathered countless VC and PE funds and then was taken away by Xia Jingxing was still fresh in his memory.

The tragedy of Thousand Oaks will probably not happen again for Penguins, right?

Forget it, let's just invest and just spread the cost of holding shares down.

Last year, IDG subscribed for hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in Penguin shares at a cost of HK$60 per share, and now invests the same amount of capital at a price of HK$20 per share.

The cost of holding shares suddenly dropped to HK$40 per share.

It used to take twice as much to get back the money, but now it only needs to double to get back the money, and the difficulty is suddenly halved.

Fund fixed investment masters call them experts when they meet them!

Bonima gave Liu Zhiping a subtle smile, and the corners of the latter's mouth slightly raised.

If we have a concept and funds, wouldn’t this game of chess survive?

Liquidation, how?

With a cash reserve of nearly 10 billion, can the market value be halved to more than 10 billion?

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