My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and twenty, spur

Rockets, flying cars, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, new energy vehicles, semiconductors...

Li Guangnan suddenly felt that something was not right. He immediately counted with his fingers and took a breath of cold air because he found that Fuxing Industrial's stall was a little too big!

His originally happy mood was gone. He couldn't bear it and didn't want to see the great situation of reviving industry ruined.

After thinking and hesitating again and again, he decided to remind him: "Mr. Xia, I said something inappropriate.

At present, the group's capital flow is very tight. Although there is a lot of input, more is spent.

The only business that is profitable on a large scale is consumer electronics, or to be more specific, Fuxing Mobile achieved profitability through high pricing when annual sales were only a few million units.

However, all these profits have been invested in the research and development of new mobile phones and new products, and cannot provide blood transfusion to the group.

Although the smart home appliances and energy business groups have turned losses into profits compared with the previous two years, their profit scale is not large.

Moreover, the smart home appliance business group has been increasing its holdings in the stocks of its listed home appliance companies, while the energy business group has entered the photovoltaic field and power battery field. .

If these two major business groups want to maintain rapid development, they may need some financial support from the group.

Not to mention the two major business groups of aerospace, cloud and intelligence, as well as the semiconductor sub-group and Renaissance China Research Institute, they are basically still in the state of R\u0026D investment.

Except for DJI's certain sales results, there are currently no other mature technologies and products on the market, so there is no way to generate revenue.

The semiconductor subgroup added a new member, Huaxin International, and its losses became more serious.

The real estate projects developed by Shunchi Real Estate are all for self-use and are not sold to the outside world, so they cannot generate much profit.

Fuxing Auto is in the research and development stage, and there is no possibility of profitability in the next few years.

Fuxing Mall only sells our own products and is small in scale, so we can ignore its losses for the time being..."

All the senior executives, including Xia Jingxing, listened carefully to Li Guangnan's evaluation of the group's "one regiment, one hospital, three divisions and five business groups".

Li Guangnan is a restless person and is particularly concerned about the development of domestic science and technology.

After serving as a consultant and director of Fuxing Industrial Group, he has been traveling all over the country, giving lectures at various universities and calling on aspiring young people to devote themselves to science and technology.

In addition, he has not forgotten his own job and has been paying close attention to the development of various industries in Fuxing Industry.

At this time, when talking about the internal problems of Fuxing Industry, it is absolutely to the point, and there is no mistake or omission in a sentence.

Even Xia Jingxing scratched the back of his head. He didn't even realize for a moment that Fuxing Industrial had entered so many industrial fields without knowing it.

"The entire Fuxing Industrial Group has invested more than 10 billion in R\u0026D this year. The intensity and absolute value of R\u0026D investment ranks first among domestic private enterprises. It is even better than Chrysanthemum Factory, which has always been known for its high R\u0026D investment."

Li Guangnan looked at Xia Jingxing and sighed, "I suggest that we don't move too fast. It's better to take it slow.

When a business group begins to have its own hematopoietic function, we will open up the next new battlefield, step by step.

Now the group has dozens of first- and second-level subsidiaries, tens of thousands of R\u0026D engineers under its command, and dozens of cutting-edge technology projects are under construction at the same time...

It does seem to be a little too anxious, which can easily cause financial pressure on the company.

Of course, I am not opposed to tracking and following cutting-edge technology, but it is best to adjust the rhythm, take it step by step and take it slowly, and make sure every step is taken. "

Dozens of executives present nodded secretly, and what Academician Li said was exactly what they wanted to say.

But because Xia Jingxing was often absent from the company, and Xia Jingxing's prestige and position were too high, they did not dare to speak out.

Li Guangnan is different from them. He is both a highly respected academician and a company director, and his age is also there.

It would be much better for him to stand up and speak out than for his subordinates to go to the big boss Xia Jingxing alone for advice. The boss might also listen to it.

Thinking of this, everyone silently turned their attention to Xia Jingxing, wanting to see Mr. Xia's expression and reaction when he heard these words.

anger? Suddenly wake up? Unmoved?

They found that they and others had all guessed wrong. Xia Jingxing acted very calmly, and did not have strong emotional fluctuations at all because of Li Guangnan's words.

The corners of Xia Jingxing's mouth curled up slightly. Academician Li was a relatively upright person, so he could easily offend others with his words.

But he is not as petty as some people.

He did not answer, but glanced at Deng Yuanyun and gave him a look.

Deng Yuanjun understood and immediately replied on behalf of his boss: "Academician Li is very reasonable. As the chief financial officer of the group, I am very aware of the group's financial situation.

Our group is now big, but not strong.

Various business groups, sub-groups, and research institutes were established less than three years ago and were established as recently as this year.

We don’t have our own technical advantages now, so we can only force ourselves and try our best to catch up.

In terms of funding, it is actually not a big problem, because Mr. Xia has been injecting capital into the group and has never stopped over the years! "

Li Guangnan nodded and said: "I know this! In the past few years, Mr. Xia has spent tens of billions of yuan on Fuxing Industrial Group, including acquisitions and subsequent capital injections.

But then again, our group currently invests more than 10 billion in R\u0026D a year, and the losses are even greater than this.

You must plan your research and development well, and don’t ignore risks just because you are too quick. "

Li Guangnan didn't say any more, because the following words were a bit unpleasant.

Considering that Xia Jingxing's total net worth is only a few hundred billion yuan, even if it is true as popular rumors say, that one hundred billion yuan is all real cash.

But if you continue to follow this tossing method, it will all be sucked up in three years.

Too risky!

In Li Guangnan's view, with Xia Jingxing's huge capital strength, as long as he is not so eager to engage in research and development and new projects, and waits for a little while to wait for the products and businesses to be launched on the market to start to self-generate, it is completely feasible. path of sustainable development.

But he was afraid that Xia Jingxing had spent too much money and would be in trouble if something unexpected happened later.

How many big bosses and companies have failed because of the break in their capital chain? Even if Xia Jingxing is the richest man, there is a limit to the amount of money he can control. He is not the God of Wealth who can conjure up money at any time.

Looking at Li Guangnan who seemed a little anxious, Xia Jingxing smiled.

He had roughly guessed that Academician Li was a little worried that he would collapse Fuxing Industry.

In fact, it is normal to have this kind of worry. After all, he is indeed playing a bit big now. In other words, he is trying to make things happen.

At the same time, Fuxing Industrial rarely raised external financing, so it introduced two small shareholders, Chen Hong and Lin Weiping, in the early stage, and also took out the semiconductor business for independent financing.

The rest of the time, he was the one spending money to support it.

This kind of performance, in the eyes of people who don't understand his true strength, is definitely dancing on the edge of a knife. If it doesn't work, he may end up halfway through his business!

Xia Jingxing finally spoke.

He looked at Li Guangnan with a smile and said: "The group will raise an overall financing in the near future, and the financing size is expected to be no less than 5 billion US dollars.

In addition, considering that the road to profitability in the future of Renaissance Aerospace may be difficult, it will not be able to achieve self-generation for a long time.

Therefore, I will personally undertake its financing for the next 20 years, with an annual investment of no less than US$1 billion. "

Hearing these words, Li Zexiang's eyes suddenly lit up.

He was still wondering whether he should ask Mr. Xia about the R\u0026D and operating funds of Fuxing Aerospace, but the other party immediately took the initiative to answer his questions.

DJI, which has only sold 10,000 to 20,000 drones, cannot support a company that builds rockets.

Now that Xia Jingxing has promised to invest in Rocket Company, there will be no problem at all and it will not affect the normal development of DJI.

Others were shocked when they heard that Xia Jingxing's "1 billion times 20 years" equals 20 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to the long-term rocket investment plan of 140 billion yuan at this time, and then showed different expressions.

This figure has surpassed Xia Jingxing's worth of RMB 100 billion as assessed by Forbes, and is almost on par with the RMB 150 billion assessed by Hurun.

The first reaction of everyone was that they didn't believe it. They felt that it was probably the boss who was trying to deceive the policy to support the renaissance of aerospace.

Although the boss's net worth may continue to skyrocket in the future, more than 100 billion is by no means a small amount. If there is nothing better to do, he has to invest in the Rockets.

They think the boss is either doing it on a whim or as a routine.

Xia Jingxing didn't explain too much, there was no need.

Also, I believe that other than himself, even the accounting firm doesn’t know how much money he actually has.

Because Envision Capital has hired different accounting firms for its offices around the world, and even withdraws money from banks through different major banks, it will not always choose only one bank as the channel for funds.

Xia Jingxing continued: "The next US$5 billion raised by the group will not be invested in rocket companies and semiconductor companies, but will only be used for the development of other business groups, research institutes and subsidiaries.

In this case, there should be no need to worry about the tight capital chain, right? "

Seeing that Xia Jingxing looked confident, Li Guangnan had no choice but to temporarily suppress the idea of ​​continuing to persuade him.

After all, Xia Jingxing was the company's largest shareholder and chairman, so it was hard for him to disgrace Xia Jingxing, so he planned to persuade him in private.

“Getting back to the subject, I am still a little dissatisfied with the current development of Fuxing Industry, because our research and development progress is too slow, and our opponents will not stand there waiting for us.

The current sales leadership mainly comes from design and first-mover advantage, not core technology. "

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing glanced at Lin Bing and said, "According to reliable information, Wisdom Fruit is developing a tablet computer.

Our mobile phones have successfully suppressed smart phones, but we must not overturn other products and let others take the lead. "

Lin Bing responded quickly and immediately replied: "Mr. Xia, our tablet computer project has been approved for some time, and we will have a concept product in the next month or two."

"Don't talk to me about concept products. Can you come up with a formal product at the product launch conference in the middle of next year? I want to release it together with the new mobile phone."

Although Xia Jingxing spoke in a calm tone, Lin Bing still heard the determination in it. His face kept changing, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll arrange for the team to make a surprise attack and work overtime in turns. We should be able to catch up."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news."

Xia Jingxing's heart was as hard as iron at the moment. Since he had decided to ruthlessly plunder the Wisdom Fruit's luck, he couldn't feel sorry for his employees. He could only pay overtime pay and prepare late night snacks. After all, he was a preacher. Conscientious capitalist.

Taking this opportunity to spur Lin Bing on, Xia Jingxing began to look for a new target.

Soon he set his sights on Wang Jian.

Seeing Xia Jingxing glance over, Wang Jian suddenly felt a little panicked.

He knew that what was supposed to come would come.


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