My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and twenty-one, ready to go

Wang Jian holds three positions in one person: Vice President of Cloud and Smart Industry Group, Vice President of Fuxing China Research Institute, and CEO of Fuxing Cloud Computing Co., Ltd.

The first two are almost false positions, just in name only. Wang Jian's main energy is devoted to the research and development and technical research of Fuxing Cloud.

Xia Jingxing looked at Wang Jian with a smile, his eyes full of expectation, and asked: "Dr. Wang, our cloud computing has been almost a year since the beginning of the year when the project was established. It has been almost a year since the end of the year.

I heard that you and your team have been in the laboratory all day long for nearly a year, doing research and development day and night.

You should pay more attention to your body. Your body is the capital of your revolution. Don’t exhaust yourself.

Are there still shortages of manpower and R\u0026D funds? If there is a shortage, you can directly raise it with CFO Deng Yuanjun and CHO Liu Wenjuan and let them make up for it for you. "

Wang Jian originally thought that Xia Jingxing was here to investigate and was prepared to be criticized.

But he never expected that Xia Jingxing would greet him with greetings, and also very considerately propose to strengthen the team's manpower and research and development funds.

This immediately put Wang Jian out of control, and he abandoned all the rhetoric he had prepared.

Wang Jian felt a little moved, and then felt ashamed for a while, feeling that he had failed Mr. Xia's high expectations.

"Mr. Xia...the research and development of the cloud computing project is progressing slowly, and I personally have to bear the main responsibility!"

Wang Jian did not escape, but stood up bravely and took the responsibility on himself.

Upon hearing this, Shen Xiangyang knew something was wrong, and immediately glanced at Xia Jingxing anxiously. Seeing that the latter's face turned dark, Shen Xiangyang's heart sank to the bottom.

Shen Xiangyang and Wang Jian have worked together at Microsoft for many years, and they know that Wang Jian is not very good at talking. In other words, he is not tactful enough in dealing with things. .

He was worried that Wang Jian would offend Xia Jingxing. After all, cloud computing was one of the projects in which the group invested the most money in research and development.

In terms of R\u0026D investment alone, cloud computing projects are second only to a few businesses such as reviving mobile phones and semiconductors.

Now Wang Jian just throws out "R\u0026D progress is slow and I take responsibility". How can he satisfy his boss?

The other executives around him also looked at Wang Jian a little strangely, feeling that this guy was a bit stubborn and had really fooled Mr. Xia into thinking he was just an ordinary young man.

As far as they know, not a cent of the dual-currency financing of more than 12 billion yuan completed by Fuxing Industrial at the beginning of this year, which is US$1 billion, was all allocated to the research institute and Cloud and Wisdom. Business Group.

Among them, cloud computing alone accounts for half of the research and development funds, while projects such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things share another US$500 million.

Of the other 5 billion yuan in financing, 1.25 billion was allocated to the first phase of the Yizhuang headquarters project, 1 billion was allocated to the Fuxing Building construction project in Haiding, and the remaining more than 2 billion yuan was allocated to the home appliances and energy business groups.

In terms of investment in R\u0026D, cloud computing projects may be slightly less than consumer electronics and semiconductors, but in terms of group funding, cloud computing and the entire cloud and smart business group are the ones with the most.

Make some comparisons.

With the loans provided by the government, the construction of the Fuxing Building and the first phase of the headquarters only consumed a total of more than 2 billion in cash.

The cloud computing project invested US$500 million, equivalent to 3.5 billion yuan.

On one side are real fixed assets such as buildings and land, and on the other side are strings of codes that cannot be used yet.

The executives had different thoughts, and they were all a little worried that Mr. Xia had been deceived by Wang Jian, a PhD in psychology who couldn't code.

Xia Jingxing was keenly aware of the suspicious glances that the executives cast towards Wang Jian, and secretly felt funny in his heart.

In the previous life, before Wang Jian led Ali Cloud to achieve major technological breakthroughs, Ali's executives were all the same as the executives of Fuxing Industry. They suspected Wang Jian in various ways, thinking that he was a big liar and a big parallel importer who deceived his boss Jack Ma every year. One billion yuan was invested, but nothing was achieved.

If you have this money, wouldn't it be nice to buy some IBM minicomputers and Oracle databases?

In the end, when Wang Jian created Asia's number one cloud computing and responded to all doubts, he immediately received numerous honors and was successfully elected as an academician.

However, when reporters interviewed Wang Jian afterwards and mentioned the difficult years of cloud computing research and development, Wang Jian burst into tears several times.

At that time, the entire company laughed at and questioned him. Only Jackma was willing to believe in him and gave him huge material support and moral encouragement. Otherwise, he might not be able to persevere.

Jack Ma does not understand technology and made many wrong decisions during the entrepreneurial process, but the most correct decision he made was to unswervingly believe that Wang Jianhe invested heavily in cloud computing.

Ali's brilliant success in cloud computing has eliminated the inherent stigma that outsiders think "Ali doesn't understand technology" and has also made Ali Cloud represent Chinese technology at the forefront of world technology.

Xia Jingxing will naturally not question Wang Jian, and he will invest in cloud computing more firmly than Jack Ma, making Fuxing Cloud more successful and going further than Ali Cloud.

If Jack Ma invests 1 billion yuan a year, then he invests 500 million U.S. dollars a year, and it will become 1 billion U.S. dollars, 2 billion U.S. dollars... double the investment.

He is not worried about the wrong technology or track, but is a little worried about whether investing too much money will make Wang Jianhe's team feel that their life is too comfortable, thus losing their enterprising spirit.

Xia Jingxing's expression kept changing, and he decided that it would be better to find out more clearly, and not ruin the team just because he was too happy to spend money.

"Dr. Wang, cloud computing is an emerging technology across the world, and even the products of Amazon and Google, which have taken the lead, are somewhat immature.

We don’t need to be too anxious, we must maintain sufficient patience, start from the underlying operating system, and truly achieve technological independence, security and controllability. "

Wang Jian nodded repeatedly, Xia Jingxing's words came to his heart.

Fuxing Cloud has great ambitions and does not want to build on the technical architecture opened by foreign technology giants.

This also caused a new problem, the project volume was large and complex.

Xia Jingxing suddenly changed the subject, "However, we still need to have some sense of urgency.

Amazon launched its first cloud computing service product, Amazon S3, in March 2006. Web application developers can use it to store digital assets, including pictures, videos, music, documents, etc. It is considered a software as a service platform (SaaS). Cloud storage software can also be called cloud disk.

This year, Amazon launched a further cloud computing product, EC2, also known as elastic computing cloud.

The word elasticity is very particular. It means that users can flexibly run their own Amazon machine images, run any software or applications they want on this virtual machine, and the rented computing resources can be used as they wish at any time. Increase, decrease, pay as you go.

In the three-level division of cloud computing, this belongs to the lowest level Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

The launch of LaaS products also means that Amazon has gone very far on the road of cloud computing, leaving the industry behind.

Google, which first proposed the concept of cloud computing, came a little later. In April this year, they launched the cloud computing service Google App Engine, which is a tool that simplifies the creation, running and building of scalable web applications. It is the industry's first platform. Service (PaaS) products.

To be more specific, it allows developers to build web applications locally using Google infrastructure, and then deploy the applications to Google's infrastructure after they are completed.

More than a month ago, Microsoft held the Professional Developers Conference PDC 2008 in Los Angeles. Ray Ozzie, Microsoft's chief software architect, announced the public cloud computing platform Windows Azure at the conference.

At present, this is just a concept product, and it should be some time before it is officially launched. However, since Microsoft dares to come up with it, it is estimated that it will soon come out with a mature product.

Workday and Salesforce are vigorously developing human SaaS and general SaaS software respectively.

Through this information, we can clearly see that opponents on the other side of the ocean are ready to fight on the cloud computing battlefield.

If we only focus on this one-third of an acre in China, by the time Fuxingyun slowly goes overseas, we will no longer have a foothold in the vast international market. "

Xia Jingxing looked around at the senior executives. These words were not only addressed to Wang Jian, but also to other senior executives.

Although Fuxing Mobile has achieved outstanding results in the international market at this time, some people have never opened up and are always focusing on the domestic market.

In some areas, the domestic market is the largest single market in the world.

If we are number one in the country, we will probably be number one in the world.

Winning or losing does not matter.

Therefore, many companies are content with the status quo and withdraw after encountering slight obstacles in the complex and ever-changing overseas markets.

People are accustomed to staying in their comfort zone. Enterprises are controlled by people, and they also like to stay in the comfort zone.

Although China is the world's largest single market, its population only accounts for one-fifth of the world's population.

Take technology giants as an example. The revenue and profit volume of American giants that occupy four-fifths of the global market excluding China are far greater than those of Chinese giants that only occupy the Chinese market and only account for one-fifth of the global market.

Huge revenue and profits enable American giants to have R\u0026D funds several times that of Chinese giants with the same R\u0026D investment ratio.

If things go on like this, the technological gap will widen completely, adding more obstacles to Chinese giants' overseas expansion.

Now Amazon, Google, and Microsoft have launched cloud computing, and the first two have even taken several steps forward, which makes Xia Jingxing feel very stressed.

If we don’t catch up, Fuxingyun may follow Ahri’s path of becoming No. 1 in China, No. 1 in Asia, and No. 4 in the world.


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