My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and thirty-two, Shushan Studio


With a clear sound of glass breaking, the ashtray that had been with Bonima for many years came into close contact with the hard wall, and fell to the ground and turned into a pool of debris.

This ashtray had been picked up by Bonima several times and was ready to be smashed, but was finally put down.

But today, it still has not escaped its tragic fate and ended its life miserably.

Looking at Bonima, whose face was so angry that he looked like a madman, Liu Zhiping persuaded him earnestly: "Boney, the matter is a foregone conclusion. We must find a way to solve it quickly now. This is the right way.

Being angry won't solve any problem, it will only make the opponent more proud. "

Panima gasped, kicked the back of the desk hard, and sat back on the chair with a dejected look.

He took off his glasses, threw them on the table, and said bitterly: "It's too late to say anything now, Pixel Software has been acquired by Domestic Games.

"Xunxian" finally had some success, but it was ruined by them.

Xia Jingxing is a cancer in the industry, there is nothing he can't do.

In order to attack us, they actually resorted to this trick of killing one thousand enemies and damaging themselves eight hundred. "

Liu Zhiping sighed, "We were one step behind. We didn't even think of acquiring Pixel Software first. Even if we took a stake in this game maker, we wouldn't be kept in the dark the whole time."

"Who could have predicted this? I originally wanted to wait and see the follow-up results of "Xunxian" before making a decision, but who would have thought that Xia Jingxing would take advantage of it so quickly."

Bonima rubbed his swollen temples. He had been too tired in the past two years and felt like he was running out of energy.

Xia Jingxing was like a master chess player, able to see through their moves every time, and then make moves one step or even several steps ahead of time, forcing them into a desperate situation.

"Although Domestic Games has acquired Pixel Software, Pixel Software cannot tear up the cooperative agency agreement signed with us."

Bonima frowned and said: "I know that, but pixel software can hold us back. Game updates and upgrades are all messed up by you, which will directly destroy this game."

Liu Zhiping remained silent. The shopping mall was like a battlefield. Bonima's hypothesis was not impossible.

Some people will do anything to win.

"It seems that all we have to do is look for new games. This time we will acquire them directly without giving Xia Jingxing any opportunity to take advantage of them."

Bonima nodded slightly, "That's all we can do for the time being."

"Bony, don't be discouraged. We still have billions of Hong Kong dollars in our accounts. Xia Jingxing wants to prevent the rise of our game business in this way. It can only be said that he is wishful thinking.

Can he acquire all the game companies in the world? "

Bonima clenched his fist tightly and hit his forehead hard, as if he was learning from the pain and reflecting deeply.

"Let's go all out to promote Weibo! As for the game business, let's wait and see for a while."

Liu Zhiping was stunned, "Boni... We have set a stop-loss line for Weibo, and we are already close to that line.

Moreover, our Weibo is showing some signs of decline. Although the number of registered users has exceeded 100 million, the number of monthly active users has not increased much, and it has not exceeded 30 million so far.

This means that new users are constantly coming in, but old users are also constantly losing.

Hong Kong stars are completely outdated! Stop counting on those people. "

Ponima's lungs were about to burst with anger. This wouldn't work, and that wouldn't work either. So how should Penguin develop?

Surrender is impossible!

He is also proud and will never give in to a despicable person like Xia Jingxing in this life!

Bonima suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said, "I heard that Ding Sanshi, Charles, and Accountant Cao all have the idea of ​​starting a Weibo. Why don't we cooperate with them?"

Liu Zhiping shook his head repeatedly, "Boni, have you forgotten? We originally formed a huge alliance with game manufacturers such as Shanda, The9, and Pig Factory. Where is the alliance now?

I heard that the members of the Venture Capital Alliance have almost fled, and even Sequoia has succumbed to Xia Jingxing’s power, leaving only IDG and the Conscience Department still struggling to support it.

This kind of loose interest alliance cannot withstand too much test. I think we should not waste our efforts on it. "

Bonima smiled coldly, "You said it was a loose alliance of interests! I plan to come up with something practical this time."

"Something affordable?"

"Yes, I'll tell you what I'm saying, and you can help me give it a reference."



In the office of Pixel Software Company, Xia Jingxing was chatting with Liu Kun, the founder of this newly acquired gaming company.

Liu Kun is very young, he has just turned thirty, but he is already considered a successful person.

Two days ago, he sold the company to Domestic Games for 300 million yuan, becoming a veritable billionaire in one fell swoop.

Now facing Xia Jingxing, the God of Wealth, he showed respect and enthusiasm from the bottom of his heart and answered all questions.

"Mr. Liu, Pixel Software was founded in 2002. The first game it launched was called "Sword and Demon Sealing Record", right?"

"Yes, we had a very small team at that time, just a dozen people. We could only make stand-alone games, and there was no technical content."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "I'm overly modest. I heard that your game is sold overseas. It was ranked among the top ten role-playing games in Gamespot, a well-known American game media, for ten consecutive days, and topped the list for three consecutive days.

During this period, the games on the same list as yours include AAA masterpieces such as "Diablo 2" and "Neverwinter Nights".

Because of winning numerous honors overseas, Pixel, along with Xishanju, Zulong, and Kuangzu, were rated as one of the four major game studios in China that year. "

Liu Kun felt both nostalgic and sentimental when Xia Jingxing mentioned the past honors of Pixel Software Company in such a familiar way.

“Alas, Mr. Xia, let’s not mention how brave the heroes were back then. There is no room for single-player games in our country. Piracy is rampant. Back then, “Sword and Demon Sealing Record” didn’t make much money at all.

In order to support the team, we were forced to enter the online game market like Xishanju and others, and developed "Sword and Sword Online". The latter online game was handed over to Changyou's agent for operation. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, ""Sword Online" was also one of the best fighting games of the same period, with smooth combat movements and the first PK gameplay. Unfortunately, it was censored by Changyou."

Liu Kun smiled and said, "These are all things in the past. I always lacked a little luck."

Seeing this, Xia Jingxing stopped mentioning the past achievements of Pixel Software and talked about his evaluation of Pixel Software.

“Actually, I chose to acquire Pixel, not because I wanted to take advantage of Penguin, as the outside world speculated.

What really impresses me most about Pixel is that the three games you developed from the stand-alone to online gaming era all have a common feature - a deep dive into Chinese culture. "

This time, not only Liu Kun, but also Ling Hai and Pixel Game chief planner Liu Yubin who were sitting next to him were stunned.

Xia Jingxing smiled and continued: "I personally prefer this kind of Chinese art-style things, whether it's games, animations, or movies.

This is actually a culture that can be explored deeply. Why do we always accept the aesthetics passed down to us by Bangzi Country and Beautiful Country? "

Hearing this, Liu Yubin clapped his hands excitedly and said: "Mr.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "The general direction you are adhering to is not wrong, but the products you made are not refined enough, so some players commented that the characters are ugly."

Liu Kun immediately sneered, "Mr. Xia, we are just a small company. In fact, we also want to be more sophisticated, but we have no funds."

Xia Jingxing said: "I understand that you have to consider input and output after all.

But now that you have joined the domestic game, you can put aside those worries.

I plan to support Pixel in developing a fairy tale online game that is more sophisticated than "Xun Xian"! "

Liu Kun and Liu Yubin looked surprised. How much money would they have to invest?

Ling Hai kept a faint smile on his face, where was he?

Xia Jingxing smiled and continued: "Along with online games, there are several or even more than ten co-branded movies."

Liu Kun asked: "Mr. Xia...the investment is so big, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to recover the cost?"

"Some attempts must be made, otherwise we will have to watch others export our culture! We are exported to the point where we no longer have confidence in our own culture."

Looking at Xia Jingxing who had a "not short of money" look on his face, Liu Kun truly understood what the strength of the richest man meant.

Ten movies, plus an online game, the investment must be one to two billion.

However, this investment was not noticed by Mr. Xia at all. The word "try" has profoundly revealed his higher spiritual pursuit of playing the world and living a free and unrestrained life.

"Next, I plan to reorganize Pixel Software into Shushan Studio, which will be responsible for the game adaptation of Huanzhulou's work "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman", and construct a bizarre, majestic and magnificent world of swordsmen."

Xia Jingxing looked at Liu Kun and Liu Yubin, "Are you two interested in joining our grand plan?"

Liu Yubin's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded hurriedly.

He is a person who truly loves games and Chinese culture, and Xia Jingxing's plan suits him very well.

As the boss of Pixel Software, Liu Kun has sold the company, and he is now only responsible for handing over the work.

After the work handover is completed, he can leave at any time, but he must abide by the non-competition agreement for the next three years and cannot start or join a game company.

Liu Kun hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed, "Mr. Xia, I am willing to join Domestic Holdings Group, but can you change my position for me? I want to try the film and television industry.

I'm an art major, isn't Director Feng also an artist? I feel like I can learn and transform like him.

If Domestic Holdings plans to do a movie-game linkage, it will definitely need people who understand both games and movies. I strive to become such a composite player. "

Xia Jingxing laughed when he heard it, and after thinking about it, he thought he might as well give Liu Kun a chance to transform.

It's just that this kid has experienced what it's like to be a boss and has become a billionaire. I'm afraid he won't be used to being a professional manager again, right?

Seeing the hesitation on Xia Jingxing's face, Liu Kun quickly explained: "Mr.

It is my greatest honor to be your subordinate! "

Xia Jingxing smiled faintly, "Okay, then you try it. If you don't get used to it, you have to tell me in time."

Seeing that Xia Jingxing was willing to accept him as his younger brother, Liu Kun quickly thanked him in various ways.

Xia Jingxing turned to look at Ling Hai. The expression on the latter's face was very exciting, as if his status was seriously threatened.

This confused Xia Jingxing. Could it be that Liu Kun was approaching him under the guise, but was secretly spying on the throne of the domestic gaming CEO?

Xia Jingxing was too lazy to think about it anymore. Anyway, he had already made up his mind to observe Liu Kun for a while. If he found out that the other party was really using roundabout tactics, he would just change the person.

He doesn't like people who approach him with purpose. If he really wants to join the domestic game, he can just say so and he won't refuse.

After sitting for a while, Xia Jingxing and Ling Hai went downstairs and left in the car.

Sitting in the car, Ling Hai asked: "Mr. Xia, are our domestic holding groups also going to establish a film and television company? Don't we already have Jupin Pictures?"

Xia Jingxing took a deep look at Ling Hai, which made the latter feel a little guilty.

"Since you became CEO, you have led Domestic Games to achieve very dazzling results. However, in the future, Domestic Holdings will not only make games, but also need to learn more and improve yourself. The future burden will be heavy."

Listening to these words that sounded like comforting and beating himself up, Ling Hai felt filled with anxiety.

It’s true that you are with me as much as you are with a tiger!

One second everyone was laughing and laughing, and the next second they fell out of control faster than flipping through a book.


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