My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and thirty-three, the super mansion is completed

January 1, 2009, the first day of the new year.

The long-awaited 3G licenses have finally begun to be issued, and each of the three domestic telecom operators has obtained a license. . .

The media rushed to launch reports, calling the new year the first year of 3G, and placed high expectations on new technologies and new networks.

As for the mobile Internet proposed by Xia Jingxing at the Android China press conference, although it has also attracted the attention and expectations of Internet practitioners, it will have to wait until 2010 for rapid development.

This is because the infrastructure must be built first before there can be subsequent applications.

The principle is like installing the water pipe first, and then the tap water will flow out.

However, Android China is not discouraged by the slow development of China's 3G network. While recruiting a large number of people, it is organizing Android China's first developer conference.

In any case, the basic conditions required for the development of mobile Internet have all matured, and then it is Android China's turn to show its talents.

After Xia Jingxing acquired Pixel Software and reorganized it into Shushan Studio, a subsidiary of Domestic Games, he took a private plane to the United States.

It is the Christmas holiday, and the entire United States is immersed in holiday joy.

Palo Alto was no exception. As soon as Xia Jingxing arrived home, he saw the shining Christmas tree in the yard, and two Santa Clauses, one big and one small under the tree.

Xia Jingxing looked at the tube top Christmas skirt Kristina was wearing and instantly thought of many inappropriate images.

How could such a good Christmas outfit be simplified like this?

But then again, Xia Jingxing was quite satisfied with this Christmas gift.

The two had not seen each other for two or three months. When they met, they were like a pile of firewood. They hugged each other and kissed each other for a full two minutes before they separated. Then Xia Jingxing picked up Christina and walked towards her. As he walked inside the house, he seemed eager to open the gift.

Christina put her arms around Xia Jingxing's neck and looked at the latter tenderly.

Xia Zerui, who was forgotten where he was, bit his fingers and stared blankly at his parents, wondering what they were doing.

It wasn't until both of them had gone far away and completely disappeared behind the door that he realized what he was doing and started crying.

As soon as she heard her son's cry, Kristina immediately jumped out of Xia Jingxing's arms. After running out the door, she saw the oil bottle running towards her crying, and she felt dumbfounded.

I had no choice but to squat down, open my arms, and pick up my son. While wiping his tears, he comforted him: "Enoch, you are already a one and a half year old child. Don't cry all the time. Mom is playing with you." It’s a game.”

Xia Jingxing was a little embarrassed and wanted to hug his son, but the little guy gave him a sharp look and then turned away and ignored him as a father.

Xia Jingxing smiled. He probably saw the whole process of his mother being "robbed" and thought he was a bad guy.

After coaxing the child for a while, Christina finally coaxed the child to the dollhouse, with the servant watching from the side.

She pulled away and walked back to the living room. When she saw Xia Jingxing was about to pounce on him again, she quickly pushed her hands to stop him and said, "Go to bed tonight, otherwise he will find his mother again later."

Xia Jingxing immediately spread his hands in disinterest. Since he got this little thing, it has become inconvenient to do anything.

He missed the old days, when he could play happily no matter where he was.

"Forget it, I'll go spend some time with the kid. Looking at him like that, he probably thinks I'm a bad guy."

Watching Xia Jing walk to the toy room, Christina's lips slightly raised. She knew that she owed her child, but as for herself, she no longer cared about it.

The next day.

Xia Jingxing, Kristina, and Xia Zerui's family came to the barren mountains south of Palo Alto, near Los Altos.

To be precise, this land is no longer a barren mountain.

After more than two years of construction and renovation, the topography of the barren mountain has been completely changed.

A flat cement road leads directly to the top of the mountain, with tall palm trees planted on both sides of the road.

When the car drove halfway up the mountain, a tall wall appeared, and in the center of the wall was the gate.

After passing through the gate, the car slowly stopped. Xia Jingxing and Kristina got out of the car, holding one of their son's hands while walking and looking at the completed mansion.

Fountains, outdoor swimming pools, tennis courts, basketball courts, golf courses, helicopter pads and other facilities are distributed around, surrounding the main building in the center.

The outer circle of various living facilities is planted with various flowers and trees such as orange trees, lemon trees, maples, oaks, pine trees, and redwoods. If you look up from the foot of the mountain, you would think it is a dense forest, and you can hardly see it. to the presence of the building.

Viewed from the sky, the entire manor looks like a bird's nest, with a low-lying area in the middle dotted with various buildings, and the outer area is tightly blocked by flowers, plants and trees.

"Little duck~"

Xia Zerui suddenly pointed to the artificial lake in the distance and said.

Kristina looked in the direction of her son's finger and found several swans playing in the water, and she couldn't help laughing.

A lot of effort was put into building this artificial lake. Since there are no springs in the mountains, water needs to be brought in from elsewhere, which is very laborious and costly.

A family of three was admiring the surrounding scenery when they suddenly heard the roar of a car engine behind them.

Xia Jingxing turned around and saw that it was Bei Lizhong.

After the other party parked the car, he ran towards him non-stop as soon as he got out of the car. As he ran, he shouted: "Dylan, Kristina, I'm very sorry. There's a traffic jam on the road. I'm a few minutes late."

Seeing Bei Lizhong running out of breath, Xia Jingxing waved his hand to indicate that it wouldn't be a problem.

After a few simple greetings, Bei Lizhong introduced the house to Xia Jingxing and Kristina with a smile.

This house or manor covers an area of ​​more than 50 acres, approximately 203,000 square meters.

Xia Jingxing and the others are now located in Qianshan, covering an area of ​​about 80,000 square meters.

In such a large area, several residential buildings only cover an area of ​​4,000 square meters. The rest of the land has been built into various supporting facilities, such as artificial lakes, outdoor sports areas, outdoor leisure and entertainment areas, etc.

The back mountain covers an area of ​​more than 120,000 square meters, with private gardens, organic farms, horse farms, etc.

Under Bei Lizhong's careful design, not an inch of land was wasted.

Xia Jingxing was quite satisfied with this. After all, this land cost more than 90 million US dollars to buy. Of course, all of it must be used. It would be a waste to leave it vacant.

In addition, Xia Jingxing successively invested US$120 million in building this super mansion and various supporting facilities.

Most of this money was spent on terrain transformation and supporting facilities, such as leveling mountains, building artificial lakes, building horse farms, etc.

Including the land, construction, decoration and other various expenses, the total investment in the house reached 218 million US dollars, which was nearly 20 million US dollars over budget.

It costs a lot of money!

However, when Xia Jingxing saw the house and the surrounding scenery, he was very satisfied and felt that it was worth the money.

After all, you get what you pay for. To carry out so many projects, a lot of expenditure is necessary.

There was a distance of two to three hundred meters from the gate at the wall to the main villa building. Before Xia Zerui entered the villa, he couldn't walk on the sidewalk and started shouting for a hug.

Xia Jingxing laughed at this. The naughty child is still so young. Don't get lost at home in the future.

He gently picked up his son, then quickened his pace and followed Bei Lizhong to the gate of the villa.

At this time, Bei Lizhong took out three button-like objects from his pocket and handed them to Xia Jingxing and Kristina.

The two looked at each other and recalled the scene when they visited Gates' Arcadia 2.0 a few years ago.

Sure enough, as soon as a few people approached, the door of the villa opened automatically.

When they walked through the door and entered the room, the lights automatically turned on, and soothing music sounded in their ears.

"Is this Internet of Things technology?" Xia Jingxing looked at Bei Lizhong curiously.


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