My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and thirty-four, American real estate speculators

"Yes, this is a technical solution from IBM."

Hearing this, Xia Jingxing's eyes immediately became strange. He wanted to build a smart home, but ended up using someone else's technology in his own home. I have to say, it was a bit ironic.

But his focus soon went elsewhere.

IBM is actually developing Internet of Things technology quietly, and has also come up with some mature applications.

This deserves vigilance and reflection in the revival industry!

Fuxing Industrial’s IoT technology is still in the laboratory of Fuxing China Research Institute, and it seems that the research and development progress has lagged behind its competitors.

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing began to ask Bei Lizhong for some details about IBM's technical solution.

Bei Lizhong answered clearly: "The device I just gave you is actually a sensor, and it can also locate.

When you wear it and are within the sensing range, the information sensing equipment installed on the door and indoors can sense it. At the same time, the relevant information will be transmitted to the central computer through the Internet to achieve intelligent identification and management.

Oh, by the way, Darren, remember to protect the central computer. Don't let it be invaded by any network hacker. It has major security risks and can easily expose your privacy.

Also connected to the central computer is the communication system of the security patrol team.

Web cameras are installed in every corner of the manor. In the event of an emergency, security personnel can be informed and respond immediately. "

Xia Jingxing listened patiently. This thing is actually a system that integrates communication, Internet of Things, security and other modules.

It's not really a black technology. With current technology, it's completely achievable.

Gates had been enjoying related services as early as ten years ago.

It's just that the technology at that time was immature. There were many optical fiber cables for transmitting information laid under the gates' mansion and in the walls of the house. The total length was 84 kilometers.

"IBM uses computer equipment to control and transmit information to various system functional modules. So have they proposed replacing some of the equipment with mobile phones?"

Bei Lizhong looked very surprised, "Mobile phone? Can a mobile phone do this? Isn't it used to make calls and send text messages?"

Xia Jingxing laughed when he heard it, knowing that he was a little embarrassed for the designer in front of him.

As a hardware overlord that has come from the mainframe era, IBM's title of Big Blue is by no means a deserved one.

After selling its PC business to a conscience company, it still retains its core businesses such as servers, software, and corporate consulting services.

However, its technical background, or technical awareness, is still in the PC Internet era.

The Internet of Things developed by Fuxing Industrial skipped the PC and went directly to the mobile Internet of Things!

Xia Jingxing threw away the sensor equipment in his hand. He would definitely not need this when reviving the Internet of Things.

Why bother with things that can be solved with your mobile phone.

The significance of IoT technology is to give "life" to dead objects so that they can transmit information to realize the interconnection of all things.

Mobile devices such as mobile phones that can be carried around can accept information transmitted by IoT devices at any time and control IoT devices synchronously. Its convenience and usage scenarios are far from comparable to PC devices.

Renaissance Internet of Things directly develops mobile Internet of Things. Although it is temporarily behind IBM, as long as we persevere, the future will be bright.

"Darren, are you talking about work again? Why do you have to talk about work wherever you go? Don't you want to see the house?"

Kristina, who was looking around at the interior decoration, suddenly turned around and looked at Xia Jingxing with a somewhat unkind look.

"I...I'm an occupational patient! Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore, it's more important to see the house."

Xia Jingxing followed him with a smile, no longer thinking about the Internet of Things.

Bei Lizhong led Xia Jingxing and the three of them around the villa.

The villa built on an area of ​​4,000 square meters has a construction area of ​​8,000 to 9,000 square meters.

There are more than twenty bedrooms and bathrooms alone.

Generally, luxury homes have indoor swimming pools, basement wine cellars, audio-visual entertainment rooms, etc. Super luxury homes have them all.

There are even large facilities such as libraries and indoor gymnasiums.

Watching all the way down, Christina secretly clicked her tongue.

She approached Xia Jingxing and asked in a low voice, "How many servants will we need for such a big house with so many rooms?"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about these things. I have arranged the transportation team, housekeeping team, security team, doctor team, lawyer team, etc., and they will all go to Vision Capital's account. We will look at it later." Don’t set up a family office alone.”

Even though Kristina is the founder of Facebook, before the company went public, she didn’t have much cash in her hands, and she had never experienced such a luxurious service.

"Then will I take a helicopter to work every day from now on?"

Xia Jingxing spread his hands, "Isn't it possible? You have someone build an apron on the roof of the Facebook office building. From now on, that will be your exclusive "parking space."

Christina shook her head repeatedly, "I feel it's a bit too high-profile, and the noise of the helicopter is too loud, which affects the normal work of employees."

“Then when the Facebook headquarters office building is built in the future, a helipad will be built farther away.

Countless small bosses in the United States own helicopters. As the dignified CEO of Facebook, can’t you own a helicopter? What kind of high profile is this? "

Xia Jingxing sighed, "But it depends on your own wishes. You can do whatever you want."

Kristina grew up in a rural area and has a relatively simple outlook on life.

At the same time, the founders of technology companies are indeed much more low-key than the bosses of traditional companies.

Xiao Mazi has a broken Fit that he has been driving for who knows how many years, but he has been reluctant to throw it away...

Although he is followed by bodyguards equipped with enough equipment for several cars, his public persona is low-key and frugal.

It wasn't until later it was revealed that Xiao Mazi was buying an island in Hawaii, everyone knew that Xiao Mazi was equally generous and merciless in spending money.

Money cannot be brought to you during life or taken away after death. Carpe diem is the real thing.

After visiting the villa, Xia Jingxing left with Kristina and her son.

This house had just been renovated. Although the materials were carefully and carefully selected and formaldehyde was removed, Xia Jingxing felt that it would be better to open it up.

Moreover, the relevant team supporting the villa is still being recruited, and various animals including horses have not yet been transported to the back mountain.

The specific moving time will be set in a few months.



"This is an invitation letter entrusted to you both by the Ao Guanhai campaign office. I sincerely invite you both to attend Mr. Ao Guanhai's coronation ceremony on the 20th of this month!"

The little dog, who had disappeared for a while, drove a Roadster to Palo Alto. As soon as he got out of the car, he took out two beautifully crafted invitations.

Kristina accepted the invitation very happily and said: "Mr. Ao Guanhai is really awesome! He successfully ran for the election when so many people were not optimistic about him, and created the first time for a person of color to serve as the commander-in-chief. history."

After saying that, Christina cast an admiring look at Xia Jingxing.

As early as a few years ago, Xia Jingxing decided to bet on Ao Guanhai and told her to mobilize Facebook's corporate resources to support Ao Guanhai.

Now that Ao Guanhai has been successfully elected as the commander-in-chief, Facebook can also gain some benefits.

Xia Jingxing's reaction was very calm. He took the invitation and glanced at it a few times before losing interest. Ao Guanhai had already won the vote two months ago, and the whole world was reporting on it at that time.

He also immediately sent congratulations to Ao Guanhai and received a reply from the other party.

Xia Jingxing looked at the puppy who was leaning against the car, with his arms folded across his chest and looking lazy.

As time goes by, Xiao Quan seems to have recovered from a series of blows such as falling out of love, being cheated by his girlfriend, and failing investments.

Xia Jingxing couldn't help but joke: "As a member of the campaign team, Ao Guanhai succeeded. Didn't you get a reward based on your merits and get an official title?"

Xiao Quan spread his hands and said, "No, thank you, I have gained a lot, but there is no action.

Oh, by the way, he also asked me to send a message to thank you both for helping him.

He said that when the coronation was over and things had settled down, he and Mrs. Michel would invite you both to dinner. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "Okay, I understand. Apart from helping Ao Guanhai build the campaign website, what else have you done recently? How is the operation of the P station?"

Xiao Quan chuckled and said: "That's it, development is neither fast nor slow! Zuckerberg seems very anxious, so anxious that he wants to end up being the leading actor."

Kristina couldn't listen anymore and rolled her eyes, "Xiaoquan, after all, you are also the founder of Facebook and a member of Ao Guanhai's campaign team. Why do you have to invest in that P station? Isn't it shameful to spread the word? ?”

Xiao Quan's expression immediately became a little embarrassed, and he had no choice but to look at Xia Jingxing for help.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "This has nothing to do with money or interests, the main thing is to realize a dream! Right?"

Xiao Quan nodded fiercely, "Yes, yes, I am actually running P station for the purpose of doing charity.

The financial crisis broke out, and how many actresses lost their jobs!

Moreover, the current social pressure is so great that people need to be spiritually satisfied. "

Upon hearing this, Christina was too lazy to pay attention to the puppy anymore and went into the house to cook.

Watching Kristina walk away, Xiaoquan immediately relaxed, winked at Xia Jingxing and said, "Boss, do you want new products? The top ten female stars with the highest playback index on the P station. I have a complete set of works here, and it is also a collector's edition. !”

Xia Jingxing took a flying kick, and Xiao Quan dodged it with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, let me ask you, have your houses been sold?"

"No! The house price has dropped so much that I can't sell it even if I want to."

As soon as Xiaoquan talked about the matter of real estate speculation, Xiao Quan became a little angry and regretted it.

"Don't sell it! Leave it all to me, I will have use for it."

Xiao Quan was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Didn't you always say that speculating in real estate is meaningless in the past?"

"You said it, that's the past!"

Xia Jingxing said angrily: "We are based on the present and looking forward to the future!"

Xiao Quan seemed to understand a little bit, and quickly asked: "Boss, are we going to speculate in real estate?"

“Fucking real estate speculation, what you said is speculation, what we have to do is to save the collapsing economy of the United States and help the economy recover together.

I am an honorary citizen of the United States after all, so will I take advantage of others’ danger? "

The little dog giggled. He had already understood. He was preparing to enter the market to buy the bottom!

I guess the boss is even more aggressive than he is when it comes to real estate speculation.

Last year, he suffered a huge setback in his real estate speculation career. If his boss hadn't given him a hand, he would probably have cried to death by now.

Now that we have the opportunity to regroup, and the boss is taking the lead, we can’t miss it!

"Boss, tell me, what should we do? I'll listen to you."

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly and said, "Is it okay to copy homework? Just stare at them and copy them."

"Copied from whom?"

"Black Stone!"


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