My Age of Investment

One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty-Four, First Dabao (Autistic Cat Leader 2/10)

January 20th, ten o'clock in the morning.

There were huge crowds of people on the National Mall lawn in front of the Capitol.

Today, millions of people poured into Washington, D.C., standing in the biting cold wind to witness the grand enthronement ceremony of the 44th Commander-in-Chief Ao Guanhai.

The people at the scene were very excited, shouting Ao Guanhai's name as if tirelessly.

Amid thousands of calls and accompanied by the loud military music, Ao Guanhai made a grand appearance together with his wife Michelle, followed by deputy commander Bai Zhenhua and his wife behind them.

Bai Zhenhua seemed to be in good spirits today and did not doze off. He was smiling and waving to the people together with Ao Guanhai.

Then, Ao Guanhai walked to the high platform of Parliament Hill, facing the millions of spectators in the audience. Through the microphone set up in front of him, as well as the countless photography and cameras set up on the scene, his voice and images were spread throughout the audience. All over America.

After reading the oath with the justice, Ao Guanhai began his inaugural speech.

"My compatriots, I stand here today, deeply aware of the gravity of the mission..."

The viewing seats not far from the Ao Guanhai podium were filled with VIP guests, including Xia Jingxing.

Today he was wearing a crisp dark woolen coat and a rare tie.

Looking at the Aoguan Sea not far away, after Xia Jingxing heard a few words of "May God bless the United States" and "Freedom be with you", he felt bored for a while, and his eyes couldn't help but start to wander around.

Xia Jingxing's seat was an exclusive seat for the delegation of technology entrepreneurs. It was quite awkward for him to be a yellow man among a bunch of white people.

Xia Jingxing glanced around and found that Larry Page, Larry Ellison, Gates, Bezos...a large group of American technology entrepreneurs were there.

The only thing I didn't see was Steve Jobs. I guess his condition has worsened again. I'm afraid this year will be a sad one.

Peppa Pig suddenly noticed Xia Jingxing's gaze, and then, just like the naughty pig in the cartoon, he winked at Xia Jingxing very mischievously, and then made a mouth shape, as if he was saying something.

Xia Jingxing looked at it with confusion for a while, and finally figured it out without guessing. Peppa seemed to be saying "Wait for me."

wait for me?

Xia Jingxing was confused again, but he quickly guessed what Page was talking about.

A few months ago, the Chrome browser was officially released, and it is estimated that it is not far away from Google’s release of a mobile operating system.

Page has always been troubled by Envision Capital's blocking of the Android system.

Xia Jingxing guessed that Page was kindly reminding him that this competitor was coming!

So he smiled and mouthed back to Page - welcome.

Seeing this, Page smiled and stopped making small moves.

Kristina, who was sitting aside, noticed the interesting interaction between Xia Jingxing and Peppa Pig, and quickly glared at Xia Jingxing, meaning that pranks must be done clearly. There were so many guests here. Hats off, I guess the white supremacists are going to start rioting again.

Xia Jingxing spread his hands angrily and continued to watch Ao Guanhai's speech.

"It is well recognized that we are in a crisis, partly due to the greed and bad intentions of some...

Nowadays, housing is no longer available, employment is declining, businesses are bankrupt, and the economy is facing serious challenges...

Looking back on the past, when generations of people defeated FXism and GCism, they relied not only on tanks and missiles, but also on strong alliances and unswerving beliefs...

We will begin to responsibly hand over Iraq to the Iraqi people and consolidate the hard-won peace in Afghanistan..."

Ao Guanhai's speech was not long, only about ten minutes. Xia Jingxing suppressed the nausea in his heart and listened to it all.

The content of the speech mainly talked about the various thorny problems currently faced by Eagle Sauce, and then was variously inspiring.

In order to support freedom and democracy, Ou Guanhai also used the example of "a father who could not enter an American restaurant to eat decades ago, but his son can now stand on Capitol Hill and take an oath."

Very interesting!

After the inauguration speech, there was the inaugural parade. Ao Guanhai led his wife Michelle on a swaggering walk around Pennsylvania Avenue, which has three posts per post and five posts per post, and then a group of people entered the White House.

After handing over the work to Xiao Bu and sending Xiao Bu and his wife on the plane, Ao Guanhai officially took office.

At noon, Xia Jingxing and Christina entered the National Architecture Museum together to attend the luncheon and dance held in this building.

Unlike the crowds of people outside the National Mall, those who can enter the museum are not official figures such as members of the two houses of Congress, but also entrepreneurs, stars, celebrities, and people who have paid a lot of money to buy tickets.

When she walked into this place just now, Kristina quietly told Xia Jingxing that the total cost of the inauguration ceremony was more than 100 million U.S. dollars, of which 50 million U.S. dollars in security costs were all contributed by taxpayers. In addition, the expenses involved in dances, celebration parades and other activities all come from the funds raised by the Olympic Viewing Team.

In order to raise funds, there are constant manipulations.

For example, the ticket price for the inauguration ball was discounted on the eve of the celebration, from US$1,000 per ticket to US$500 per ticket, in order to boost sales.

In his inaugural speech, Ao Guanhai called on the people to unite and realize the founding spirit of Eagle Sauce in the new era. His team did so and put the founding heroes on the marketing counter.

Based on the amount donated by the donors, a total of four "VIP customer" gift packages were designed for this inauguration celebration, named after Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison, the four former commanders of the Eagle Sauce.

Among them, the most luxurious and advanced "Washington Gift Package" requires individual donations of more than US$250,000 and corporate donations of more than US$1 million.

If the donation reaches the target, you will receive four tickets to the Inauguration Ball, two outdoor seats to watch the Inauguration Parade, and more.

After listening to the introduction, Xia Jingxing whispered to Kristina: "Didn't Ao Guanhai give us the tickets to thank us for helping him campaign?"

Kristina lowered her voice and replied: "What are you thinking? This is the United States! Facebook donated a million dollars to our T\u0026T undergraduate student activities!"

Hearing this, Xia Jingxing immediately felt that more than 10,000 grass-mud horses were rushing past. He thought he could get it for free, but in the end, this kind of thing happened, and the wool of capitalism is not easy to harvest!

The two were walking and chatting when they suddenly saw Larry Page and Marissa Mayer.

Xia Jingxing immediately pulled Kristina's hand, trying to pretend he didn't see it.

But unexpectedly, Marissa waved to her good sister Christina from a distance: "Hi, Christina!"

There was no way to avoid it now, so Xia Jingxing and Kristina had no choice but to greet him with smiles on their faces.

Marissa and Paige also walked up with smiles on their faces.

The four people exchanged pleasantries with each other, and then the two men and two women separated to talk.

"Darren, I heard that many people at Facebook have resigned recently? It didn't have any impact on you, right?"

Page's opening made Xia Jingxing feel uncomfortable and wanted to say, "It's none of your business."

However, in order to maintain his demeanor, Xia Jingxing could only say with a smile: "Fortunately, it's just a normal flow of personnel. Didn't Google also go through such a wave when it went public?"

Page suddenly burst out laughing, and even his slightly burning and bleeding gums were exposed.

I have to say that Page's appearance is indeed a bit low, and he is not as handsome as Sergey.

Faced with such a majestic appearance, I don’t know how Marissa, the second most beautiful woman in Silicon Valley, can speak of her.

Xia Jingxing glanced at Marissa not far away, who was currently discussing Michelle's outfit today with Kristina, the most beautiful woman in Silicon Valley.

Marissa was originally the most beautiful woman in Silicon Valley. In the past two years, this position was taken away by Kristina.

Page said with a smile: "Darren, with the Chrome browser, Google Maps, Gmail, and Google's search engine, what do you think of our mobile operating system? Is it competitive?"

Xia Jingxing didn't know what Paige meant by saying this, was he deliberately provocative?

He pinched his chin, frowned and pondered, and then said after a moment: "There are quite a lot of things, but I just don't know how to put them together to make them useful.

The mobile operating systems developed by Google need to hurry up. Both IOS and Android already have 10 to 20 million users. "

Page gradually calmed down the smile on his face and said calmly: "Darren, you and I have been old friends for many years. Mayer and Kristina are also good sisters. I really don't want us to end up in a war." That step.

Give me a chance, and give you a chance, how about selling Android to us?

I can give you a check for whatever price you want. "

Xia Jingxing smiled maliciously: "Can you really fill it in casually?"

Page was startled for a moment, then he kept talking and added: "Within 5 billion US dollars, you can fill it in whatever you want."

Xia Jingxing looked at Peppa Pig, who had lost his momentum, and sneered in his heart, Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf? Still want to hit me with a check?

But then again, Peppa Pig actually wants to acquire Android. It seems that the development of Google's mobile operating system is not going very smoothly. It is estimated that all resources are spent on the Chrome browser, which slows down the development progress of the operating system.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Then why don't you sell me the Chrome browser, and I'll give you a check, and you can fill it out as you please within 11 digits."

Page calculated in his mind for a long time before he realized what he was asking for: $10 billion?

He immediately couldn't help but ask: "Darren, do you have so much money? I don't want Facebook's additional shares, I want all cash!"

Xia Jingxing smiled faintly, "So you agree? Well, I will prepare the money for you within a week."

Paige's expression suddenly became a little uncertain, and he felt that he was a little intimidated by Xia Jingxing.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and said in a ridiculing tone: "Darren, why can you take out 10 billion US dollars in cash so easily, just like what Mr. Ao Guanhai said in his speech? Did you do something greedy and evil?

I have heard that Mr. Cuomo has announced that he will target you and Envision Capital. "

A glimmer of gloom flashed in Xia Jingxing's eyes. Cuomo's mad dog has been barking in New York for several months. He didn't dare to trouble giants and local snakes like Goldman Sachs, so he kept staring at Vision Capital.

"Darren, as a good friend, I would like to remind you that Mr. Madoff only entered last month. Financial investment is risky, so it is safer to leave the money behind."

Paige smiled and patted Xia Jingxing's shoulder, then turned around and walked to Marissa's side, holding her little lover's arm and walking away together.

Looking at the backs of the two people leaving intimately, Christina muttered: "Getting better again so soon?"

She turned her head and suddenly saw Xia Jingxing's face was so gloomy that it could drip water. She quickly asked with a concerned look: "Darren, what's wrong with you? Did Paige say something to make you angry? It seems that Facebook In India, Okut was still beaten too lightly.

Don't be too familiar with him, I will soon vent your anger. "

Xia Jingxing held Kristina's hand, shook his head at her, and quickly restored the smile on his face, "It's okay! He showed me Google's browser and map.

Oh, by the way, how is Facebook’s map upgrade going? We must catch up with Google as soon as possible! "

Christina guessed that Xia Jingxing must be pretending to be worried, but there were so many people around him that she didn't ask too much.

Soon, Ao Guanhai, who had arrived in Dabao for the first time, began to announce meetings with people from all parties.

Xia Jingxing and Kristina made preparations, and then followed a group of entrepreneurs and business leaders who had made outstanding contributions to the American economy and society to the small conference hall on the second floor of the museum.


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