My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and forty-five, Ao Guanhai’s plan

Remember [new] in one second! National Architecture Museum, small conference hall on the second floor.

Dozens of American entrepreneurs and business leaders lined up in a long queue, and one after another came forward in order to shake hands, chat with Ao Guanhai and his wife, Michelle, and take photos.

The photo session is free, and there is no charge of hundreds of thousands of RMB for the photo session like Chinese micro-businesses do.

This made Xia Jingxing feel a little relieved. The tickets and the dance had already been paid. It would be too much to charge for a group photo!

After a while, it was finally Xia Jingxing's and Kristina's turn to step forward.

"Dylan, Kristina."

Ao Guanhai was very enthusiastic. When they met, he opened his arms and gave both of them a big hug, and then said: "Thank you very much for your help in my campaign."

Looking at Ao Guanhai, who was wearing a red tie and full of high spirits, Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "Our help is only a negligible part. The main reason is that the American people have a keen eye and voted for you.

Mr. Ao Guanhai, you will be a good general. I believe that under your leadership, the American people will soon get out of this crisis and create a glorious and prosperous era that far exceeds the previous 43 generals. "

Xia Jingxing's flattery made Ao Guanhai elated, and he said with a smile: "Revitalizing the U.S. economy requires more efforts from outstanding entrepreneurs like you and Kristina.

Throughout the economic recovery, entrepreneurs can reap huge financial rewards, and 304 million Americans will thank you for your efforts. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, a little disapproving in his heart, but he still had to talk about the situation.

“Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Android, Tesla, Vision Capital, and Renaissance Industries (USA) have been actively responding to the government’s call to help the people and save the declining economy by expanding investment, increasing employment, and other methods.

A prosperous and powerful America is what all entrepreneurs operating industries in the United States would like to see.

The United States is the first to get out of the predicament, and can serve as a beacon to guide and help other economically troubled countries in the world.

As the most powerful country on the planet, I have full confidence in the future of the United States. "

Ao Guanhai laughed loudly, "Dairon, you are so good at saying that the United States is in great need of responsible foreign entrepreneurs like you to invest.

Next, the Secretary of Energy and I plan to visit your business and discuss a plan with you. "

Xia Jingxing was suddenly a little surprised, but he concealed his emotions very well, pretending to be surprised and happy and said, "Really? That's great. I personally and my affiliated companies very much welcome Datong to inspect the work before his death."

Ao Guanhai smiled, showing his big white teeth, "I shouted the campaign slogan of "change" and promised the people that the United States would play a leading role in environmental protection.

Next is my term in office, and I hope to do something about energy and environmental issues.

You are the chairman and largest shareholder of Tesla Electric Vehicles, and I very much hope to get your help.

Soon the United States will introduce the "Clean Energy and Security" Act, with the goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions, protecting the earth's environment, and setting an example for the world. "

Xia Jingxing nodded, his expression very excited, "Excellent! This is exactly the energy-saving and emission-reducing life concept that Tesla has been promoting and promoting.

Mr. Ao Guanhai, Tesla is very willing to respond to the government’s call and join the environmental protection plan you proposed. "

Ao Guanhai smiled slightly. The Chinese guy in front of him was very knowledgeable. As soon as he dozed off, he immediately handed over a pillow.

During his term, the energy issue must be properly resolved.

It has been more than two months since he was elected as the commander-in-chief. Although he has not officially entered the White House, he has been making corresponding preparations with his team.

That's how Tesla came into their sights.

Although this company is majority owned by a Chinese, Xia Jingxing, it is ultimately an American company that provides jobs and tax revenue to the United States.

In addition, Tesla also launched the Roadster, a mass-produced electric vehicle.

In all aspects, it is in line with the plans planned by Ao Guanhai and the ruling team.

It doesn't matter to him whether it will lead to tiger breeding, or whether Xia Jingxing, a Chinese, will earn a lot of commercial benefits from the plan.

The U.S. economy is now crumbling, and he urgently needs to achieve something to lay the foundation for his re-election in four years. This is the most important thing to him, and other things can be put aside for the time being.

Moreover, he also spent most of his wealth, namely US$1 million, to purchase Vision Capital's hedge fund.

If Envision Capital can make big profits, it means he can also get a piece of the action.

Strictly speaking, his share of the pie was indeed a bit small, and he only invested a mere US$1 million.

But there is no way, who told him to only have so much money.

As a leader from a poor background who only paid off his college loan a few years ago, he managed to save the US$1 million to subscribe to the fund.

But now that he is the commander-in-chief, making money is not easy.

No need for him to take the initiative, someone will "give" money.

No, Michelle and Kristina next to them talked about donating money to the Olympic View Foundation.

"The economy in the United States is very bad right now, and there are a large number of homeless people on the streets. Barack and I really want to do something for those people who are suffering."

Michelle, who was wearing a bright red dress and had dark skin, a few shades darker than her husband, made a compassionate look in front of Kristina, as if she was very concerned about the homeless people.

Having said that, how could Christina not know what the other person wanted to express, and immediately expressed her willingness to donate 1 million US dollars to the Oguanhai Foundation to help homeless people return to a normal life.

Michelle was very happy. She didn't expect that the female entrepreneur in front of her would generously donate $1 million after she just expressed a little bit of meaning.

She finally deeply felt the rights and benefits brought by the Grand Commander's wife.

At this time, Ao Guanhai on the side suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two: "Christina, thank you for your kindness, but the donation of 1 million US dollars is too much, and it has far exceeded the donation limit of my foundation. .”

Kristina immediately realized that Ao Guanhai had just taken office now, so he should be more protective of feathers.

Her donation of 1 million US dollars was indeed a bit eye-catching. Mixed in a bunch of donations of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars, it simply stood out from the crowd.

If he is found out, there will definitely be various conspiracy theories.

Taking donations for this inauguration celebration as an example, Page, Marissa and Google Chairman Schmidt each donated only US$25,000, while Microsoft CEO Ballmer and his wife only donated US$50,000 each.

Even political donations should be sent out in a more subtle way.

Thinking of this, Kristina smiled and said: "Okay, then I will cross out a zero and donate 100,000 US dollars."

The amount of the donation was neither too much nor too little. It was just right. Ao Guanhai was very satisfied, and he and his wife Michelle thanked and praised Kristina.

Then, Ao Guanhai smiled and shook hands with Xia Jingxing again, "It's almost time, let's stop talking today. I will hold a private banquet at the White House in a few days, and then I will invite you and Christina to the banquet. .”

Xia Jingxing said "Okay", then he and Kristina stood together and took a photo with Ao Guanhai and his wife.

The meeting officially ends here.

Ao Guanhai and his wife started to meet the next guest, while Xia Jingxing and Kristina left the conference hall together.

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