My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and forty-six, our rules are the rules of the whole world

After attending the inauguration ceremony of the Commander-in-Chief, Xia Jingxing and Kristina were in no hurry to leave Washington, DC.

They stayed in this city for three days, which was considered a holiday for themselves. They visited all the surrounding attractions, and finally waited for the private banquet of Ao Guanhai and his wife.

Under the huge crystal chandelier in a dining room of the White House, four sets of shining silver tableware were placed on a long wooden table, and each of the four plates contained a piece of cooked steak.

What about the promised state banquet?

Just eat this?

Xia Jingxing was very unhappy. Ao Guanhai and his wife were too stingy. What happened to spending a little of their own money?

Since he and Kristina were not political dignitaries of a certain country, Ao Guanhai's banquet for them was a private banquet and could not go into public accounts. All expenses for the banquet had to be paid for with his own private money.

Ao Guanhai, who was sitting opposite Xia Jingxing, took a few bites of steak, then slowly wiped the corners of his mouth with a white napkin, and picked up the red wine glass on the table, "Darren, Christina, let's celebrate together, Thank God we met and became good friends.”

Xia Jingxing and Christina raised their glasses, clinked their glasses with Ao Guanhai and his wife, then raised their heads and took a sip of the red wine in their glasses.

As soon as the wine entered his mouth, Xia Jingxing knew that it was not some expensive red wine. Did Michelle buy it from a supermarket in a certain neighborhood outside the White House?

Ao Guanhai said with a smile: "Daerun, Kristina, today is a private banquet. There are only four of us present, so there is no need to be taboo about many things, you can say them directly."

Xia Jingxing and Kristina smiled at each other and nodded towards Ao Guanhai.

"I'm quite unlucky. Commander-in-Chief Xiaobu left me with such a big mess. If I can't solve it, I might become the worst commander-in-chief in history."

In order to let Xia Jingxing and the two of them relax, Ao Guanhai teased his predecessor in a very humorous way.

Xia Jingxing smiled when he heard this: "You will definitely not become the worst commander-in-chief. Mr. Hoover is in front of you, but behind... no one can tell clearly what the situation will be.

Eighty years ago, Mr. Hoover was elected as the 31st President. When he was sworn in, he said that he would ensure the prosperity of the people, that is, let everyone have a chicken on the table, which resulted in the Great Depression. .

Mr. Roosevelt took over his mess, promulgated the New Deal, restored the economy, and led the United States to win World War II, making the United States the most powerful country in the world in one fell swoop.

To be precise, Barack, you are not unlucky. On the contrary, you have an excellent opportunity in front of you. "

Ao Guanhai smiled, showing his white teeth that could represent black toothpaste, "Darren, you are always so humorous!"

Xia Jingxing spread his hands, "I like to use the most humorous words to talk about the most serious issues."

Ao Guanhai shook his head, and then took a long breath, "Darren, the current situation cannot be compared with that of 80 years ago. The international situation, industrial structure, foreign trade exports, etc. faced by the United States today are different from those 80 years ago. Everything is different.”

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly. In fact, what Ao Guanhai said was right. He just said what he said just to liven up the atmosphere.

In summary, the New Deal promulgated by Roosevelt included rectifying finance, expanding demand, regulating industrial and agricultural production, vigorously promoting the social welfare system, restraining the rich, and easing class conflicts.

By comparison, we can see the tremendous changes in the United States in the past eighty years.

Eighty years ago, the United States did not have a petro-dollar bundling system, but now the United States plays the financial scythe very smoothly;

At the same time, 80 years ago, the United States had the largest manufacturing industry in the world, and it single-handedly supported the eating, drinking and fighting of all its allies. However, the United States now has a serious hollowing out of its manufacturing industry, with a large number of mid- and low-end manufacturing industries being transferred. , the GDP share of the service industry has increased significantly;

As for implementing the welfare system, curbing the rich, and alleviating class conflicts, it cannot be replicated at all.

Times have changed, and Hawk-chan is running down a wrong path, the kind that even ten horses can't pull back.

Making quick money is addictive, so who would want to work so hard to produce goods and harvest the whole world?

As for Ao Guanhai, he could not change the direction of the big ship heading towards the whirlpool. All he could do was to repair the big ship to prevent the leakage from being too serious and drowning his own people.

Ao Guanhai said: “Dairon, let’s talk about clean energy and environmental protection.

The Air Resources Board, a unit of the California Environmental Protection Agency, has promulgated exhaust emission standards and testing procedures for passenger cars, light trucks and medium-duty vehicles in the form of state regulations since 1990. It was the first state government in the United States to manage vehicle exhaust emissions.

Last year, California enacted the latest zero-emission vehicle Zero;Vechile plan, referred to as the ZEV plan.

The ZEV Act establishes a "points" coefficient for each type of vehicle and stipulates a points benchmark linked to sales.

At the same time, it is also clearly stipulated that car companies whose sales exceed a certain amount in California must produce a certain proportion of zero-emission vehicles.

If the proportion required by the plan is not met, car companies must pay a fine of $5,000 per vehicle to the California Air Resources Board or purchase carbon credits from other companies. "

Xia Jingxing listened patiently. This was the famous carbon credit bill.

In the past, Tesla has been questioned for a long time, not as a car company, but as a company that makes money by selling carbon credits. This is the argument.

General Motors, for example, is a major customer that purchases Tesla carbon credits. Since it cannot meet the requirements of the ZEV Act, it can only purchase from companies like Tesla that manufacture new energy vehicles and have excess carbon credits.

*** continued: “The ZEV program will be officially implemented in California starting this year.

For the time being, it is only being piloted in California. If the effect is good, it will be gradually extended to other states.

The ultimate goal of this bill is not to benefit any car company or harm any car company.

Rather, it is hoped that in this way, California's air quality will be significantly improved, as well as gradually reduce the demand for fuel by cars and ensure energy security. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. The implementation goals of California's ZEV program in the previous life were basically achieved. Not only did it create Tesla, a new energy behemoth, but it also made California the number one state in terms of new energy vehicle sales in the United States.

In the process of developing new energy vehicles, relevant Chinese departments have also borrowed heavily from California's ZEV program.

“What do you need Tesla to do?”

Xia Jingxing no longer hid it, Ao Guanhai clearly wanted to use Tesla to gain political achievements for himself.

If you want Tesla to work with you, do you have to pay for something affordable?

Ao Guanhai smiled lightly and said: "This involves another one of my governance policies. I hope that the United States will implement "re-industrialization" and "return to manufacturing" as soon as possible.

Now a large amount of our manufacturing industry has flowed into China, which is not a good thing for the future of the United States. "

Hearing Ao Guanhai's words, Kristina suddenly panicked and almost dropped the knife and fork in her hand on the table.

She glanced at Xia Jingxing worriedly. If she couldn't answer this question well, she might be in big trouble.

Michelle and her husband Ao Guanhai also looked at Xia Jingxing with sharp eyes at this time, wanting to see his reaction.

Xia Jingxing's psychological quality was very good, and he was only slightly surprised for a moment before he quickly replied: "What flows into China is low-end manufacturing, the kind that the United States looks down upon, and it pollutes the environment a lot.

In many factories in China, workers’ monthly wages are less than US$300.

With such cheap labor, cheap goods can naturally be produced and sold to countries all over the world.

China has participated in the world trading system, opened a huge market of more than one billion people to the world, and then used its hard-working hands to produce hundreds of millions of cheap goods. In fact, it has made outstanding contributions to the world economy.

The ideal of more than one billion Chinese people now is to live the life of Latin Americans, become a middle-income country, eliminate internal poverty, and ensure that everyone has enough food and clothing.

I think these are reasonable demands and do not harm the interests of all countries in the world.

In some backward areas of China, there are still a large number of people who do not have enough to eat.

They eat potatoes three times a day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year. There is no rice, no bread, and no meat, only potatoes. "

Hearing this, Michelle showed a black question mark face and asked: "There are still such backward areas in China? But how come I heard that Chinese people buy and buy all over the world, turning Japanese electronics stores into French perfume stores?" Are all the luxury stores on the Elysees sold out?”

Xia Jingxing smiled and shook his head, "The people who can go abroad may account for less than 1% of China's total population, but when calculated, there are millions or tens of millions of people, so it creates a feeling that China seems rich to people all over the world. An illusion.

In fact, this is not the case. There are still a large number of people in China who do not have enough to eat and clothing, and cannot meet even the most basic needs of people's lives.

Xiaokang is a concept proposed by China during the Western Zhou Dynasty about three thousand years ago, which refers to the satisfaction of low-level physiological needs and safety needs.

The Chinese have been pursuing this dream of having enough food and clothing for everyone for three thousand years but have not been able to realize it.

Now that modern science and technology have improved productivity, China may have a chance to realize this dream. The goal is to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects around 2020, which is almost equal to that of a middle-income country. "

Michelle nodded seriously, and then continued to ask: "Then what you said about eating potatoes every day is true?"

"Of course it's true, and it happened in my hometown of Sichuan and Shu. We have a minority autonomous prefecture there..."

Listening to Xia Jingxing's story about how a large number of children had to walk several hours on a cliff-mountain road to go to school, Michelle covered her mouth with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Barack, when we visit China, we must visit Darren's hometown."

Michelle still didn't seem to believe what Xia Jingxing said. She felt that the place Xia Jingxing described was too similar to her and her husband's hometown in Africa, and not like the home of pandas.

Ao Guanhai first nodded to his wife and expressed his agreement to visit Sichuan and Sichuan in China. Then he turned his attention to Xia Jingxing and said with a serious expression: "Dairon, although China is still a developing country, its population , Its size determines that it has a good chance of becoming a pole in the world. "

Xia Jingxing listened with a calm expression, but his mind was racing rapidly.

It seems that Ao Guanhai is very wary of China's rise.

When Ao Guanhai visited China in his previous life, he proposed the G2 plan. To put it simply, China would do low-end manufacturing while the United States would master high-end technology.

There is no doubt that this plan that Americans can eat meat and Chinese can only drink soup was directly rejected.

Japan and the Red Empire have both taken care of Rabbit. Who dares to follow the medicine prescribed by Eagle Sauce?

Ao Guanhai suddenly changed the subject and said: “However, the Chinese people’s pursuit and yearning for a better life must not threaten the national security interests of the United States.

America first is a rule that everyone on this planet must abide by!

Our rules are the rules of the whole world! "


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