My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and forty-seven, the war suddenly failed (Autistic Cat Leader 3/10)

What is hegemony?

That's it.

Everyone on earth has to listen to you Americans?

Other countries may be afraid of you, but China, which has had a fight with you, is not afraid of paper tigers.

You are not qualified to speak like this in front of China.

Xia Jingxing felt very unhappy and made all kinds of complaints about Ao Guanhai.

I just wanted to describe China as worse than your home in Africa, but the result is still aggressive.

Looking at it like this, Zhan Hu seems to be ineffective against Ao Guanhai.

Xia Jingxing made up his mind that after returning to China, he would question the bureau chief. It seems that what you teach cannot fool people, right?

"I am just a small businessman, and national affairs are too far away from me."

Xia Jingxing did not want to discuss this topic with Ao Guanhai, and he could not represent more than one billion Chinese people.

Ao Guanhai's sullen face suddenly smiled, "Dairon, don't be nervous, I'm just discussing with you a plan for harmonious coexistence between China and the United States.

As the most outstanding Chinese in the United States, I believe you have the right to speak in this regard.

And I heard that the relevant departments in China favor you very much. "

Xia Jingxingpin came out, Ao Guanhai wanted to force himself to take sides and express his stance!

Although Ao Guanhai is a client of Vision Capital, and everyone's personal relationship has been very good in the past, after this dark horse came to the throne, the butt determines the head, and the perspective of looking at the problem has completely changed.

The phrase "America First" says it all.

You can help me make money and help me fulfill my political ambitions, but only if it does not harm the national interests of the United States.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "Our country pays attention to scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, and my status ranks at the bottom.

You may be able to send a note to the relevant departments, but it may not be effective and it cannot influence their decision-making. "

Ao Guanhai shook his head and laughed, and finally revealed his true purpose: "I don't need you to hand me any note, we have a dialogue window with China.

What I really hope for, Darren, is that you help me with reindustrialization and the return of manufacturing. "

The return of manufacturing was not a slogan shouted by Friedrich when he was in office. It was actually implemented during Oguanhai's reign, but the effect was not satisfactory.

"The so-called "re-industrialization" is to maintain the United States' position in global manufacturing competition and to fully prepare for a new round of industrial revolution.

Today's new energy vehicles are setting off a new industrial revolution.

Tesla has chosen a good track, and I believe that it will soon feel the huge benefits of industrial upgrading. "

Ao Guanhai looked at Xia Jingxing. He had already given out the benefits, and it was up to the young man opposite to make his choice.

Upon hearing that it was Tesla, a low-priority company, Xia Jingxing breathed a sigh of relief and replied: "We are planning to expand Tesla's car production, and will probably build or acquire a factory to provide local supplies." Plenty of jobs.

Tesla is an American company, so it naturally gives priority to the American market. "

Ao Guanhai chuckled, he was very smart, but this statement alone was not enough!

"Darren, if you have studied Roosevelt's New Deal, you should know that its core policies are the three R's, right? Relief, revival, and reform, so it is sometimes called the Three R's New Deal."

Seeing Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, Ao Guanhai continued: "Revival refers to the revitalization of industry, and a "National Industrial Revitalization Law" was also introduced.

What do you mean by coincidence? It’s exactly the same name as the Fuxing Industrial Group you established in China. "

Xia Jingxing remained silent and looked at Ao Guanhai silently.

Reviving industry means reviving China's manufacturing industry. As for reviving the United States, you should go to Roosevelt, right?

Seeing that Xia Jingxing didn't answer, Ao Guanhai simply said more bluntly, "The United States now very much needs the manufacturing industry to return. The mobile phones, home appliances, semiconductors and other businesses that Fuxing Industrial Group is doing are all in short supply for us."

Xia Jingxing shook his head gently, "Apart from the mobile phone and semiconductor business, the home appliances, batteries and other businesses that Fuxing Industrial is doing are all low-end industries with little technical content, and there is no market in the United States.

Rushing to move them to the United States violates economic laws and will lead to bankruptcy in a short time.

The profits of these industries are already very thin, and they are not big brands in the world. In addition, labor in the United States is so expensive, which is enough to kill the life of low-end manufacturing industries.

As for Fuxing mobile phones, they are all assembled and manufactured by OEM companies for us.

The semiconductor business mainly relies on the Chinese market and only masters low-end process technology. It cannot compete with chip manufacturing giants such as Intel and Texas Instruments, or even Japanese and Korean semiconductor companies. "

Ao Guanhai has investigated Xia Jingxing's industries and knows that most of what he tells is the truth.

Seeing that Xia Jingxing refused so simply, he didn't feel angry at all.

Gu Lian\u003c/span\u003e But Ao Guanhai still added: "Dairon, if you want to expand your semiconductor business and make it a global brand, you have to move your headquarters to the United States."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "If that day comes, I will consider it.

But at this stage, I think it is better to focus on Tesla.

The prototype of our second car, the Model S, has been basically developed and will be put on the market soon.

This is a more versatile four-door, five-seater sedan. Its sales volume, production capacity, and significance to the new energy vehicle industry far exceed that of the Roadster that was previously on sale.

In the future, I also plan to invest billions of dollars in Tesla to help it increase its production capacity and build industrial chains such as energy storage, battery manufacturing, and autonomous driving. "

Ao Guanhai nodded slightly. If Fuxing Industrial did not move to the United States, it would not be bad to make Tesla a large enterprise integrating industry and technology.

This will help the United States seize the commanding heights of emerging industries and even drive the development of the entire industry and related industrial chains.

At the same time, several of his major governance policies such as clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, and re-industrialization can all be effectively connected and implemented through Tesla.

Thinking of this, Ao Guanhai decided to give Xia Jingxing a little taste and trick him into building a Tesla.

“Recently, I will hold a meeting with the Minister of Energy and issue a clean energy plan.

We will then come to Tesla for a visit and inspection. If all conditions are met, the government will provide you with a low-interest loan of no more than US$500 million to support your development. "

Xia Jingxing pretended to be surprised and said: "This is great, Tesla is very short of development funds now.

If there is a fund to help us build an automobile production plant, we are confident that we will enter the capital market next year and then start a larger-scale expansion. "

“This is a good plan. The listing of a new energy vehicle company will definitely shock the entire automotive industry and accelerate the development of the new energy vehicle industry.

At the same time, Tesla becoming a listed public company can also make its financial status and business management more standardized and transparent, which is the only way to become a large enterprise. "

Ao Guanhai stopped talking about China and concentrated on chatting with Xia Jingxing about Tesla.

Aoguanhai is becoming more and more interested in this new energy vehicle company and wishes to see it lead the industry trend and cultivate a complete new energy industry chain for the United States.

Xia Jingxing was relieved to see that Ao Guanhai no longer forced him to express his position.

Now is not the time to break up with Lao Mei, he must disguise himself.

In order to achieve this goal, it is worthwhile to give up some of the interests of Facebook, Tesla, and Android.

The revitalized industry that he really put all his hopes and efforts into is still keeping a low profile and growing slowly. He needs to bring money back from the United States to support its growth, and it also needs a relatively relaxed business environment.

If it is blocked by some forces at this stage, then even if you have money, you won't be able to do anything.

Eighteen years in the enemy camp, if counted from 2002, would be enough for him to lurk until 2020.

Kristina on the side slowly relaxed when she saw that Xia Jingxing and Ao Guanhai had resumed their normal conversation and were no longer tense as before.

She was just worried that Xia Jingxing would offend Ao Guanhai.

Although the American commander-in-chief was having dinner with them in a friendly manner, ordinary foreign businessmen could not bear it if they were really angry.

At this time, Ao Guanhai suddenly turned his head to look at Kristina and said with a smile: "Sorry! I was too involved in talking to Darren today, and I left you, the most outstanding young female entrepreneur in the United States, in the cold."

Kristina smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, Michelle and I have been talking, and I learned a lot tonight."

Ao Guanhai smiled, "Christina, you also shoulder a major mission. In the future, I will count on you to lead Facebook to provide social services to people around the world.

In the information age, the dissemination of universal values ​​in the United States relies heavily on Internet platforms such as Facebook and Google. "

Kristina smiled lightly, "America comes first, I always keep it in mind."

Ao Guanhai laughed loudly. They are all smart people. They can understand everything at once, and there is no need for him to provide too much ideological guidance.

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