My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and seventy, London gold and New York gold

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“Darren, this is the trend of London gold (spot gold) in the past year.

It can be clearly seen that in March last year, after the Bear Stearns incident broke out, the price of gold exceeded the $1,000/ounce mark, reaching a maximum of $1,032.7/ounce.

The next few months were as ups and downs as the U.S. stock market.

Until September, when Lehman Brothers collapsed and a world financial crisis broke out, the safe-haven properties of gold were completely activated.

In just one month, the price of gold rose from US$746.47 per ounce to US$931.18 per ounce.

Then crude oil fell, bringing gold with it, falling to 682.41/ounce in half a month.

In that month and a half, gold was like a roller coaster, with both shorts and bulls dying a lot. "

Li Yaozu, who is far away in London, is talking to Xia Jingxing through a video call system. Behind the former, there is a screen showing the spot gold trend chart.

Among them, the "W" shape shown by the gold price in September and October is very obvious. The two valleys are like two bloody mouths, swallowing up many innocent souls. .

Especially at the second bottom, I don’t know how many investors who went long gold after seeing the collapse of Lehman Brothers triggered a global financial crisis were killed.

I have to say, this is another tragic story of copying the bottom to the top!

“Beginning in November last year, the price of gold finally resumed its rise and continued to rise until February this year, that is, last month, when it once again reached the thousand-yuan mark, reaching an intraday high of US$1,006.29 per ounce.

This position is a bit high, and we want to wait for a better entry opportunity.

Today's opening price of spot gold was US$939.8/oz, and the closing price was US$921.97/oz, a decrease of 1.85%.

After research and judgment, my team and I have determined that there is a high probability that the price of gold will fall below US$900 per ounce, and that will be the best time to enter the market. "

Xia Jingxing chuckled, "Wait some more? How long? Haven't you seen that Citibank has issued a prediction that the price of gold will hit US$2,000 per ounce in 2009?"

Li Yaozu also laughed, "The predictions they released are too dirty to wipe their butts."

Abe, Liu Hai, Jiang Ping and others in the room burst out laughing.

Butts determine ratings and reporting!

Wall Street investment banks are very familiar with doing this kind of thing, and they are also notorious among institutional investors.

Xiao San may still believe in these investment banks.

But institutional investors were the first to not believe it.

These are lessons learned through blood and tears. You think the investment banks are bullish on gold, but in fact it is just a smoke bomb released by their retreat.

"Both Paulson and Soros have urged me several times. They have both laid an ambush. Only our main funds have not been received yet."

Li Yaozu adjusted his glasses and said with a smile: "Otherwise, Xia Sheng, let them go short and cover our entry.

Shorting gold now can create a floating profit of at least 10 points.

After we enter the market, they will backhand and go long, and then we will work together to increase the spot gold market. "

Xia Jingxing said angrily: "We are just allies, they are not my subordinates, I can command them.

Stop having these unrealistic spring and autumn dreams and quickly find a good position to enter the market.

Gold will definitely rise sharply this year. Now is the last chance to enter the market. If you miss it, you will really miss it. "

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing felt a little regretful. Paulson and Soros were so shrewd that they entered the market last year. The holding cost was less than US$700 per ounce, and the floating profit on investment had reached at least 30%.

This is without leverage, but if leverage is included, you can make a lot of money.

Vision Capital moved slowly, liquidating old funds and raising new funds, and could no longer assume the best entry posture.

However, gold is still worth investing in because its market is large enough to withstand the ups and downs of Vision Capital.

"Oh, by the way, Xia Sheng, I recommend allocating part of the gold futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange, also known as New York gold."

Xia Jingxing replied: "You can arrange this freely. I have given you a total of 10 billion U.S. dollars. You can use all of it to go long in the gold market."

Li Yaozu said with a smile: "London spot gold has a leverage of nearly 100 times, and New York futures gold has a leverage of 5-15 times.

Xia Sheng, I think it is best for our team not to use the TRS trading tools provided by the two major investment banks.

The maximum leverage of 300 times, I'm afraid my heart won't be able to bear it. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, "I didn't ask you to put all your money into the transaction at once. Don't you leave some money for a margin call?"

"But the two major investment banks will monitor accounts, and they will also require margin calls, which will add a lot of trading pressure."

Xia Jingxing thought about it, a hundred times the leverage was already very exciting, there really was no need to double the happiness.

"Well then, your team doesn't need to sign a total revenue swap agreement."

Li Yaozu showed a happy smile, and his whole mind relaxed a lot.

He was really afraid that if Xia Jingxing tripled his leverage, it would definitely be like dancing in shackles. Not only would it be too restrictive, it could easily lead to catastrophic consequences.

Seeing that the boss finally looked towards her, Ye Shuhui on the other screen said with a smile on her face: "Xia Sheng, our team plans to buy the bottom of Hong Kong stocks."

"What are the bargain hunting opportunities in Hong Kong stocks? Although your team is in Hong Kong, the investment area does not need to be limited to Hong Kong Island."

Xia Jingxing shook his head. It wasn't that he looked down on Hong Kong stocks, but the quality of the stocks in Hong Kong stocks was indeed poor. They were either some listed real estate stocks or government-owned enterprises and traditional private enterprises from the mainland that came to be listed.

In terms of growth, it's not that good.

Moreover, the Hong Kong stock market has not been hit as hard as the U.S. stock market, and its rebound will not be as violent as the U.S. stock market.

Ye Shuhui replied: "Okay, let's try to look further ahead."

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly. Of the $35 billion newly raised by Vision Capital, Liu Hai, Jiang Ping, and Li Yaozu each managed $10 billion, and the remaining $5 billion was handed over to Ye Shuhui.

This fund allocation plan is determined by last year's performance, and it also has a certain relationship with the market in which each office is located.

Generally speaking, the current Hong Kong stock market is indeed a bit weak, and there are only a few listed Internet and technology stocks.

Originally, Penguin was okay and was a big bull stock, but his luck was taken away by him, and the future prospects may not be good.

Not to mention Ali, if you invest for a few years and wait until it is privatized, you can get a listing price.

Xia Jingxing thought about it and found that in the huge Hong Kong Stock Exchange, there were only a few stocks that were particularly suitable for long-term holding.

We can only maintain our lives by engaging in some speculation.

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing asked specifically: "How are the listed companies under the Li family doing recently?"

Ye Shuhui didn't know why the boss suddenly asked this, so she had to explain everything.

“Their investment activities around the world have stopped, especially in the mainland market, where they have completely stopped acquiring land.

However, the old man and Zou Xuan recently went to London to have fun. The two of them walked around the streets with their fingers linked together, and were photographed by a group of reporters.

When reporters asked him what his relationship was with Zou Xuan, the old man always replied with the same sentence: "a confidante."

You said, half of Old Man Li's body is buried in the ground, why is Zou Xuan following him without asking for status? Is he older? "

Xia Jingxing hurriedly stopped Ye Shuhui, who was getting more and more gossipy, "You said the old man went to England?"

What are you going to do? Could it be bargain hunting?

Xia Jingxing felt that his guess was close to the truth.

It was almost at this time that the former Le Wong Tai began large-scale investments in the UK, and then in two years he would start liquidating and selling off assets in Hong Kong Island and the Mainland, completely tearing off the mask of hypocrisy and exposing the true face of a businessman.

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