My Age of Investment

One Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy-One, The Big Short

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Just when Xia Jingxing had arranged the next stage of work for each office and team of Vision Capital and was preparing to leave New York.

A sudden news disrupted his pace!

“Dylan, I suggest you better meet that guy.

These pen-holders are usually the most ruthless characters who kill without blood. "

Liu Hai stood in front of the desk and looked at Xia Jingxing, who was sitting opposite and enjoying Ivanka's intimate massage service.

Ivanka was wearing a tight-fitting professional skirt today, and her plump figure was fully highlighted by the clothes.

She stood behind the chair and while massaging Xia Jingxing's shoulders, she persuaded softly: "Darren, Mr. Michael Lewis is a very famous contemporary reportage writer and financial reporter in the United States. He enjoys a high reputation on Wall Street and in the American financial community.

I think you might as well meet him and see what his intentions are.

If you reject him so directly, it may affect your reputation and create a bad impression of being too aloof in the industry.

It would be even more troublesome if Lewis picked up his pen again and randomly compiled a few sentences for you. . "

"He dares?"

Xia Jingxing suddenly became angry, which startled Ivanka, and the massaging movements on her hands stopped.

Seeing Ivanka's blue eyes filled with mist and looking like she was about to cry, Xia Jingxing could only force out a smile.

"I'm not angry with you, I'm expressing my dissatisfaction with the reporters who compiled the news randomly."

Ivanka said nothing. She took away her hand on Xia Jingxing's shoulder and strode out of the room, her face full of unhappiness.

Hearing the "bang" of the door being closed, Liu Hai, who had been looking down at the pattern on the floor, raised his head and asked with a normal expression: "Then do you want to see Lewis?"

Xia Jingxing pondered in his heart. If Lewis were an ordinary writer or reporter, it wouldn't hurt to meet and chat with him for a few minutes.

But this guy is no ordinary person!

Xia Jingxing thought about it carefully in his mind and found that what Ivanka said made some sense.

What if Lewis picked up a pen and randomly composed a few sentences of his own?

He could make trouble for Lewis afterwards, but the bad impact had already been caused and it would not help.

"Then let's meet him! You go and bring him in, and I will also meet this great writer and journalist."

Xia Jingxing finally decided to meet Lewis and find out the other person's intentions.

Liu Hai nodded and went out.

Michael Lewis is a middle-aged white man in his forties.

At this time, he was sipping coffee in the reception room on the 49th floor of 40 Wall Street.

At the same time, he was also thinking about a question: Would the Wall Street Killer Whale want to see him?

As far as he knew, the financial tycoon had been keeping a low profile for a long time and had not appeared in public for almost a year. He was very mysterious.

This is not much different from other hedge fund tycoons.

Those who engage in hedge funds all hope to be as low-key as possible and as unnoticed as possible.

It’s just that Lewis has specifically studied Xia Jingxing and Vision Capital.

Then he made an interesting discovery!

Suddenly, the door to the reception room was pushed open, and Liu Hai walked in with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Lewis, let's go, our boss is waiting for you!"

When he heard that Darren was actually willing to see him, Lewis was very happy. He picked up his bag and followed Liu Hai to the 70th floor in the elevator.

"Darren, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to interview you."

While Lewis shook hands with Xia Jingxing with a smile, he looked at the Wall Street giant in front of him who was really hiding under the water.

Xia Jingxing was also observing the great writer in front of him, who was wearing a crisp high-end suit and had a confident smile on his face.

If he hadn't known this guy's true identity in advance, Xia Jingxing might have mistaken him for a financial practitioner.

In fact, Lewis was indeed a financial practitioner on Wall Street in his early years. He worked as a bond trader at Salomon Brothers for many years. He later wrote about his work experience as "Liar's Poker", which became a best-seller after its publication. , and quickly became an introductory classic to investment banking.

Lewis also became famous, turning from an unknown trader to a star financial writer.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Xia Jingxing asked Lewis to sit down and asked Ivanka to bring two cups of coffee.

Ivanka's anger has not subsided at this moment, but in front of outsiders, she still behaves generously enough and does not lose her temper regardless of the occasion.

Lewis glanced at Ivanka a few more times, then suddenly smiled and reached out to her, and said, "Is this Miss Ivanka from the Frederic family?"

Ivanka shook hands with Lewis and said, "Hello, Mr. Lewis."

Lewis looked around Ivanka and Xia Jingxing, as if he understood something, and said with a smile: "Miss Ivanka comes from a famous family in New York, and Darren, you are the most outstanding young man in the world. You two are quite good together." A perfect match."

Hearing these words, Ivanka's original unhappiness completely disappeared.

She smiled at Lewis, and then looked at Xia Jingxing.

Xia Jingxing felt that Lewis was a little nosy, but he didn't say anything to deny it, so he just laughed and fooled him.

Ivanka was a little dissatisfied with Xia Jingxing's perfunctory statement, but she didn't say much and quickly left the room.

"Mr. Lewis came to interview me today. There must be something important, right?"

Seeing that Xia Jingxing's tone was a little cold, Lewis knew that he must have made the financial tycoon a little unhappy by talking too much.

Flower Street, everyone is having fun.

Lewis smiled and took out a handwritten notebook from the handbag placed aside.

He did not use a voice recorder because he knew that some interviewees were taboo about that thing.

"Darren, let's start the interview now. I mainly want to ask you a few questions."

Xia Jingxing glanced at the pen and paper in Lewis' hand, nodded and said, "You can ask."

"As far as I know, Envision Capital participated in subprime bond derivatives trading in 2007 and made more than $5 billion in profits from it. Is this true?"

Xia Jingxing did not answer immediately, but thought quickly in his mind.

"Mr. Lewis, before I answer your question, can I ask you a question?"

Lewis smiled and spread his hands, "Of course, today looks like an interview, but in fact you can treat it as a casual chat."

Xia Jingxing said "OK" and then asked, "What is your intention in interviewing me? Do you want to write a report about me, or something else?"

“I want to publish a book!”

Lewis said lightly: "A book about the causes, outbreak process, and consequences of the financial crisis!

You are the person who stands at the top of the Wall Street pyramid. I would like to understand your different views on the financial crisis from your perspective. "

"why me?"

Xia Jingxing looked at Lewis with a smile, "Why don't you interview Paulson, Peter Thiel, and Blankfein. Their performance in the financial crisis was better than that of Envision Capital and me."

"Darren, don't get me wrong. My book is not meant to disparage anyone, but to present the entire process of the financial crisis to the public from a neutral perspective."

Xia Jingxing sneered, "What are you going to call the book? 'Greedy Wall Street'?"

Lewis shook his head repeatedly, "The word greed has a derogatory connotation, I plan to use a more neutral word - short.

In addition, the impact and scope of this financial crisis are very large, so a big word is added before short, which together is called "The Big Short". "

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