My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and eighty-five, Fremont Factory

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After Xia Jingxing took Ao Guanhai and his party to visit Tesla's design, battery and other departments, they came to the last stop, the vehicle engineering department.

In the large workshop that was opened, Ao Guanhai saw five or six Model S prototype cars. He was delighted to see them and walked closer to observe and touch the cars.

"Looks cool! Very futuristic and technological!"

Xia Jingxing pulled out Franz who was standing behind him and introduced: "The appearance was designed by our chief designer, who is also one of our major contributors."

Ao Guanhai glanced at Franz, smiled and praised: "Great! The design is simple and fashionable. I think this is in line with Tesla's environmental protection concept."

Franz was still very excited after receiving personal praise from the commander-in-chief.

He glanced at Xia Jingxing, who gave him an encouraging look.

Franz, who was in an excited mood, began to introduce the appearance of Model S to Ao Guanhai in detail. Ao Guanhai listened very carefully and asked a few questions from time to time.

"Why isn't there a door handle?"

Ao Guanhai subconsciously opened the car door, but his hand came up empty.

Xia Jingxing smiled and stepped forward and handed Ao Guanhai a key that looked like a mini car.

As soon as Ao Guanhai got the key, before he made any move, the door handle automatically popped out.


Ao Guanhai squatted down and looked at the door handle, then turned to ask Xia Jingxing.

"Yes, in the future we also plan to add a mobile phone simulation car key function. If the key is lost or forgotten one day, you can still open the door and drive the car normally."

Ao Guanhai nodded slightly, opened the door and got in, and began to observe the car's interior and central controls in detail.

Xia Jingxing and others stood outside the car with a smile, watching this scene through the front window. The leading student of Datong seemed to have found some favorite toy, touching it here and there.

Suddenly, Ao Guanhai lowered the car window, stuck his head out and asked, "Can I turn on the ignition and drive for a while?"

Xia Jingxing was stunned for a moment. If the battery caught fire and exploded, he wouldn't be sentenced to a thousand years in prison, right?

Xia Jingxing didn't dare to gamble. He wanted to persuade Ao Guanhai to be more cautious, but he didn't know what to say. You were sitting on a powder keg? Is there a small chance to experience the feeling of heaven?

Fortunately, before Xia Jingxing could speak, the entourage on the side had already started to dissuade him. They listed a lot of reasons and reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​test driving Ao Guanhai.

"Oh, I really want to drive this car to the 101 Highway. It would be better if I meet a supercar on the road. We can compare speeds."

Ao Guanhai got out of the car regretfully and started to say some nonsense.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Well, I'll arrange for the test driver to go down to the track and give a performance to the leading students of T\u0026T."

"That's great!"

Ao Guanhai agreed without even thinking about it.

In this way, the group of people came to the racing venue not far away.

Two Tesla prototype cars were arranged to leave the field, and there was a chase battle between you and me.

In the stands, Ao Guanhai was so satisfied with what he saw that he turned to Xia Jingxing and said, "When this car goes on sale, I will be the first to reserve it."

"No problem, we guarantee to deliver the first car to your official residence."

Xia Jingxing smiled brightly, understanding that this was Ao Guanhai's reward for him. He was the spokesperson of the commander-in-chief, which was quite substantial.

Zhu Liwen, who was silently observing from the side, smiled and said, "I'll order one too. The performance of this car in all aspects exceeds my expectations."

Seeing that the commander-in-chief had expressed his stance, Zhu Liwen immediately expressed his opinion as well.

The new energy industry represented by Tesla is not only an important support object in the ruling policy of the General Assembly, but also the direction for their Ministry of Energy to expand their political achievements.

Xia Jingxing was very happy and felt that the loan matter should be settled.

Sure enough, Ao Guanhai began to take the initiative to talk about the loan.

"If Tesla is given a loan, how long will it take for you to mass produce Model S?"

Xia Jingxing replied aggressively: "We are currently raising a new round of financing. Once the loans and financing are in place, we will start pre-sales and build a new factory. Mass production will be delivered as early as the first half of next year."

Ao Guanhai frowned and said, "You don't have a factory yet. If you build a new factory, it won't delay mass production, right?"

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing also had a headache. The progress of factory construction in the United States was impressive. He was indeed a little worried that the long construction period would affect the car mass production plan.

Seeing that Xia Jingxing didn't say anything for a long time, Ao Guanhai's face gradually darkened.

"Darren, I don't like others to write me blank checks! If you feel unsure about something, don't make big promises easily."

Seeing that Ao Guanhai suddenly got angry, Zhu Liwen chose to sit back and watch. He didn't have any friendship with Xia Jingxing, so he didn't need to speak for him.

He is a native Chinese and was born in the United States. Apart from their skin, he and Xia Jingxing have almost nothing in common and are not close to each other.

Xia Jingxing sighed, "Building a new factory is only our alternative. In order to save time, we actually want to acquire a car manufacturing factory.

We are looking for targets recently and have found nothing yet. "

"Buy a factory?"

Ao Guanhai thought for a moment, then suddenly turned to look at Zhu Liwen and said, "Steven, we visited GM the day before yesterday. Is one of their factories in trouble?"

"Yes, the Fremont plant mainly produces economical models of Chevrolet and Toyota. It is a joint venture between General Motors and Toyota.

Now GM is encountering big problems in its operations, and continuing to maintain this factory is a huge operating burden. "

Xia Jingxing listened, his mind spinning.

How could you forget this? Centennial GM is going bankrupt!

GM's family foundation is as solid as its liabilities. It has more than a dozen factories in multiple states in the United States, and it also has joint ventures SAIC-GM and SAIC-GM-Wuling in China.

Do you want to buy Wuling?

If you buy it, Fuxing Automobile will also have the qualifications to build cars.

The more Xia Jingxing thought about it, the more he felt that this matter could be done.

But then again, GM's financial situation is in trouble now, and there is some talk, but SAIC is not.

While Xia Jingxing was in a daze, Ao Guanhai turned his back to him and made eye contact with Zhu Liwen, both of them understood what the other person meant.

"Darren, Fremont is only half an hour's drive from Palo Alto. It looks like it was tailor-made for Tesla?"

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "We have learned about that factory, it is very big, and the sale price is probably not cheap.

Tesla is not yet listed on the market, and its financing channels are relatively single.

I myself could inject more capital into Tesla, but other shareholders objected.

Vision Capital currently holds more than 40% of Tesla's shares. If it continues to inject capital, it will control Tesla. "

Ao Guanhai frowned. If the Chinese-backed Vision Capital completely controls Tesla and asks the Department of Energy to provide interest-free loans and carbon credit subsidies, it will inevitably be criticized.

"Well, I'll arrange for someone to talk to GM to see if we can get a relatively favorable price for you."

This was what Xia Jingxing was waiting for, and he quickly thanked Ao Guanhai.

Ao Guanhai waved his hand, "No need to thank me, you should thank the American people.

The best way to repay is to produce environmentally friendly cars as soon as possible so that everyone can drive them. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "If all the problems are solved, if I still can't mass produce cars, I won't be able to see the American people."

"As long as you understand! You have to know that Tesla is not the only electric car manufacturer in the United States. Faraday's products are also very good. I heard that their cars are about to be mass-produced.

Musk is also a great guy, he can even play rockets, and NASA thinks highly of him. "

After giving Xia Jingxing a little warning, Ao Guanhai put the suit jacket he was holding on his shoulders and left in a very chic manner.

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