My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and eighty-six, brand marketing

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The next day.

In a conference room of Tesla Company, Zetsche exchanged the signed investment agreement with Xia Jingxing with a smile on his face, shook hands and said: "Darren, happy cooperation! I believe that in the near future, Tesla will be under your wise leadership." Under his leadership, we will surely become a great automobile company like Daimler."

"Thank you Mr. Zetsche for your blessing. Tesla is still an immature car company, and we will need more technical support from Daimler Group in the future.

You are the dominant player in the field of fuel vehicles, and we are the new entrants in the new energy market.

The in-depth cooperation between our two companies will definitely start an industry legend in the future. "

Zetsche laughed heartily, exchanged some business compliments with Xia Jingxing, and left with the others.

After Straubel sent the group away, he ran back to Xia Jingxing with a beaming face and said, "Darren, counting the US$75 million investment from Daimler Group and the US$500 million loan provided by the Department of Energy, Model S has started pre-production. We can also collect a part of the deposit after the sale, and the US$1 billion we need for mass production is almost enough.”

Xia Jingxing shook his head slightly, "No, we still need a production factory."

Straubel frowned, "You mean the Fremont factory? Can you buy it cheaply?"

Yesterday, he heard Xia Jingxing mention this matter, and said that the Grand Commander's Office was willing to help pull the strings, but Straubel felt that this matter might not be that simple.

He went back last night to investigate the Fremont plant and found that General Motors and Toyota had invested more than $1 billion in building this auto plant.

For such a large amount of money, it would be enough to sell Tesla.

Looking at Straubel's suspicious eyes, Xia Jingxing smiled proudly and said, "Acquisitions must be strategic. You will definitely not be able to do it forcefully. You must learn to leverage your strengths."

"Borrowing strength?"

Straubel seemed to understand.

Xia Jingxing raised the investment agreement in his hand and said with a smile: "Do you know why Zetsche is willing to increase the valuation by US$500 million?"

"Because of the $500 million loan?"

"Yes, one billion plus five hundred million, doesn't it equal 1.5 billion US dollars?"

Straubel sneered. Was his boss bullying him for not learning math well?

US$500 million is a loan that needs to be repaid, and it is not equity financing. How can it be possible to add US$500 million to the valuation.

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "This US$500 million loan reflects the importance the US authorities attach to Tesla and its support for new energy industry policies.

Zetsche is a smart man, and he can understand at a glance that our leading student of the Grand Unification must want to achieve something during his term in power.

Even the commander-in-chief has made a bet, what is there that Zetsche dares not to follow? "

Straubel suddenly understood and asked: "You mean, we take the loan agreement from the Department of Energy and the equity investment agreement from Daimler to talk to GM about taking the factory assets as shares?"

Xia Jingxing shook his head again, "GM can't protect itself right now. Everything is focused on cutting costs and recovering funds. How can it possibly invest in Tesla? Be careful of creditors spraying them to death."

Our real target is Toyota, which is also a dominant player in the automotive industry that is no less powerful than Daimler.

Now even Daimler has invested in Tesla and signed a technical cooperation agreement with Tesla. Is there any reason for Toyota not to make plans? "

Straubel completely understood that the boss's routine was a bit deep.

First, he used Ao Guanhai's visit to Tesla and the interest-free loan provided by the Ministry of Energy to raise his own profile, forcing Zetsche to increase his valuation of Tesla.

Then take the agreement between Tesla and Daimler to negotiate with Toyota.

This link is intertwined, and everyone is included in the calculation.

If Toyota succeeds, then financing, factories, mass production and other matters will all be solved at once.

At the same time, Tesla has also received credit endorsements from the Department of Energy and two of the world's top automakers.

Next, when Tesla goes public, the benefits of this endorsement will be reflected, and it can convince more investors.

Thinking of this, Straubel couldn't help but clapped his hands and applauded, "Darren, with these few tricks, our car mass production and even the launch of the car have been solved."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Did you miss one more thing?"

Straubel wondered, what was missing? It's not enough to achieve a few things with one stone, how can you want to achieve ten things with one stone?

"You forgot Nikola, I heard they were finally delivering their first car."

Although Xia Jing's jargon is full of ridicule of Nikola, he still attaches great importance to Nikola's mass production and delivery of cars.

You know, unlike his acquisition of Tesla, which saved several years of R\u0026D effort, Nikola was built by Musk from scratch.

In the early years, Musk came to Tesla to "steal" trade secrets, but who would have thought that now Nikola has begun mass production and delivery of cars.

Unlike Boss Jia, although Musk also likes to fire off firecrackers, he is a man of action after all.

Ao Guanhai said that if Tesla couldn't help him, he would help Nikola.

This incident gave Xia Jingxing a lot of sense of crisis.

Compared with Tesla, Nikola's American origin is undoubtedly more pure.

If the technical strength and development stage of the two companies are now at the same level, Aoguanhai may directly choose to support Nikola.

Speaking of Nicholas, Straubel's face gradually became serious.

"Because of the successful launch of a private rocket, Musk is almost being made into an American hero.

Nowadays, when walking in Silicon Valley, whenever Musk's name is mentioned, everyone will give a thumbs up. "

Straubel spread his hands and said, "Anyway, I don't like that guy. He has a bad temper and a bad character."

Xia Jingxing smiled. Musk had poached many corners of Tesla in the early years, and the most important poaching target was Straubel in front of him. .

After failing to recruit people, Musk also completely fell out. He often criticized himself and Straubel on different occasions, and also criticized Tesla.

"I also discovered what you said. Musk is consciously creating his own public persona.

By portraying himself as a hero and a geek, he gains the admiration of others, thereby labeling his companies with high-tech, subversive and other high-level attributes.

This is similar to a celebrity's fan operation, using fame to harvest fans' wallets. "

Straubel laughed and felt that Darren's metaphor was appropriate.

"He doesn't focus on product quality. He likes to do some fancy stunts all day long. I heard that he even brought his car to a talk show some time ago."

As Straubel spoke, he was still observing the expression on Xia Jingxing's face. Seeing that he had no reaction, he couldn't help but remind him: "Darren, do we have to find a way to contain them?

Technology cars have always been our label at Tesla.

If Nikola overshadows our momentum, it will be a heavy blow to our brand marketing. "

Xia Jingxing smiled. Straubel was also a duplicitous person. He said that others were doing it in a flashy way, but in fact he wanted to do it too.

"Then how many shows should I go on?"

Straubel smiled and said, "Why not?"

"I thought of a better way!"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "What do you think about letting Tony Stark be our spokesperson?"

"The one filming "Iron Man"?"

"Yes, the filming of "Iron Man 2" will start soon. We need to arrange a car for the hero, and it must have a technological style."

Straubel shrugged, "It sounds good, and it goes well with the Iron Suit, but it would be even better if you starred in it."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Then the movie might suffer a loss."

"Dylan, let's discuss something? Tesla currently has limited funds. Can the advertising fee be cheaper? Tesla and Marvel can be considered brother companies."

Straubel is very good at making ends meet, or he is used to calculating carefully, and he never misses any opportunity to make money.

Xia Jingxing waved his hand and said, "No problem, just send a few prop cars when the time comes."

Straubel smiled, "It would be better if we could get an Autobot for Tesla."

"Marvel and Hasbro have always had a good relationship. Maybe we can give it a try."

"Really? That would be great."

Straubel rubbed his hands excitedly. It would be good to have a big backer, with all kinds of resources available.

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