My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and eighty-nine, the veteran comes out

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As time entered April, Tesla's entire company began to operate at high speed like a sophisticated machine.

The Fremont, California factory, built nearly fifty years ago, has begun large-scale upgrades.

The originally dark and closed factory environment began to become brighter and more modern after adding skylights.

After receiving the call, the unemployed workers who were laid off by General Motors and Toyota happily returned to the places where they had worked for interviews.

At the Port of San Francisco, a large number of automobile production equipment ordered from all over the world are beginning to arrive in batches. Next, they will be transported to the Fremont factory to assemble Tesla's first production line.

In large cities such as New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston, homes are undergoing emergency renovations.

The automotive media and Roadster owners have all received an invitation letter to the car pre-sale conference and are rushing to Silicon Valley from all over the world, not wanting to miss the shocking debut of Model S.

Some technology media also noticed Tesla’s big move and started reporting on it.

Tesla looked ready to go, which put a lot of pressure on Musk.

At the Nikola headquarters not far from Tesla, Musk was meeting with a mysterious visitor and asked him for advice.

"Mr. Eberhard, there are rumors that the Model S will be sold for US$100,000, or even less than US$80,000.

You are the real founder of Tesla. What do you think the final price of this car will be? "

Musk crossed his legs and looked at Eberhard carelessly.

He said this with the intention of irritating Eberhard.

This old guy wore the same pair of trousers with Darren Xia back then and refused to allow him to become a shareholder. Now he has experienced the pain, right? Deserve it!

Compared with before, Eberhard looked a lot older. His face was full of beard and a bit unkempt, and his hair was also a lot whiter.

He shook his head at Musk, "I don't know exactly. When I left my job, Model S was under development.

I rarely pay attention to the subsequent things about Tesla because that company no longer belongs to me. "

Musk smiled and said, "Dylan Xia is a complete villain. He is worried that you will affect his position at Tesla, so he went out of his way to drive you away.

I heard that he was attacking you because of the cost overrun on the car, which is extremely shameless.

How many Roadsters have been sold in total? How can the cost be controlled? "

Eberhard looked a little unhappy. Although almost two years had passed, he still hadn't completely let go.

Model S is about to go on sale, and the entire Silicon Valley, the entire United States and even the global automotive industry are paying attention to this news.

This was originally his glorious moment, but now it has become someone else's.

Musk observed the situation, continued to apply eye drops, and said: "Without the foundation you laid in the early stage, how could Tesla release its second car so quickly.

Look at our Nikola, the first car has not been delivered yet.

Alas, one step behind, every step behind! "

Musk looked like he had a headache, but he wasn't entirely pretending.

He now truly feels the difficulty of building a car, which is even harder than launching a rocket.

If the rocket launch had not been successful, Nikola might have gone out of business.

Fortunately, God blessed him, and his rocket launch was successful, and his personal business value and credit have experienced a huge rebound.

Eberhard said with a smile: "Nikola has done a good job, I didn't expect you to be so persistent and stick to Tesla's back.

After the delivery of Nikola One, the situation you will face will be much better. "

Musk shook his head, "The price of Nikola One's benchmark supercar is still too high, and its sales volume and influence will not be great.

If the Model S price and market decline, sales may experience a blowout.

10,000 vehicles, 100,000 vehicles, 1 million vehicles, this is how an industry-leading electric vehicle manufacturer has risen.

Nikola actually adopts the same development strategy as Tesla. It first targets seed users at high prices, gains a group of fans while practicing, and initially establishes the brand tone.

Then, we will continue to launch mid-to-high-end, mid-range and even low-end models.

How high a car company can stand ultimately depends on sales.

Without sales volume, R\u0026D and manufacturing costs cannot be diluted, and terminal prices will not be competitive.

I am now very worried that Tesla will be three years ahead of us at once! "

Musk did some rough calculations and found that Nikola is at the same development stage as Tesla was in 2006-2007, lagging behind its competitors by two to three years.

Whether it will be two or three years depends on the delivery date of the first batch of Nikola Ones and the release of the second model.

Alas, Musk only felt tired for a while. This feeling of only being able to see other people's backs made him very uncomfortable. .

Eberhard consoled him: "Don't be too anxious. New energy vehicles are still in a very early stage of development. The industry and market are not yet mature, and user acceptance is not high.

To a certain extent, there is not much difference between Nikola and Tesla. Everyone is still on the same starting line. "

Musk smiled and nodded, "That's why I didn't give up! At first, everyone was not optimistic about me building rockets, but in the end I conquered the stars and the sea.

There is no reason why the things running on the ground can't defeat Darren Xia.

He is just a pseudo-tech tycoon. I don’t see how much technological progress he has promoted, and he only cares about making money on Wall Street. "

Eberhard laughed loudly, "Your metaphor is very vivid. I really don't feel much of a geek in him, but a strong sense of philistine.

But then again, he is now worth $30 billion and has endless money in his pocket. He is a strong enemy for you. "

Musk sneered: "So what if you have money? You can't do technology well by just throwing money. The most important thing is that the founders must have determination and belief.

I think if Darren Summer blossoms more, he will collapse sooner or later. "

Eberhard didn't say anything. He felt that the plate might not collapse so easily.

Social networks, operating systems, mobile phones, financial investments... Darren Xia is all about success.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that Tesla received a US$500 million loan from the Department of Energy. Ao Guanhai is such a good leader!"

Musk said sarcastically: "We at Nikola also applied for a loan, but we have not been approved for a long time."

Eberhard spread his hands and said, "Maybe there are transactions in there that we don't know about. Who knows the real situation?"

Musk said sadly: "Don't think about it, there must be a deal inside. This is a good leader we have chosen to help foreigners."

Eberhard smiled and said, "I heard that Ao Guanhai's younger brother is working as a foreign teacher in Dai Lun's hometown. I wonder if he has received any benefits from Dai Lun."

The two of them teased Ao Guanhai for a while, and felt that the atmosphere suddenly became much more pleasant.

Musk also took this opportunity to extend an olive branch, "Your non-compete agreement is about to expire, how about you help me?

SpaceX is finally on the right track. I am very busy now. You can replace me as Nikola CEO and complete your revenge on Tesla at the same time.

If there is a chance in the future, we can also acquire Tesla and let Darren Xia return to China in disgrace. "

Eberhard said nothing, seeming to be thinking.

"You have sold all your Tesla shares to DFJ anyway, and that company is over for you.

With me, you will get a new lease on life, and I can grant you co-founder status and shares. "

Musk said: "The shareholder lineup behind Nikola is no worse than Tesla.

Behind them stand Darren Summer, Bill Gates, and Bezos;

Behind us stood Larry Page and Larry Ellison.

Nikola is not short of money, what we are short of is talents like you, Mr. Eberhard, to join us. "

Eberhard's face kept changing. He actually regretted selling all his Tesla shares.

When he left Tesla, he sold half of his shares and retained the other half as pension money.

As a result, Draper was careless and defrauded him of his pension.

Bought the remaining nearly 6 points of equity he held at a valuation of US$300 million.

Based on Tesla’s recently reported valuation of more than $1.5 billion, he lost nearly $100 million.

This is the moral level of a three-generation venture capital family that defrauds even the elderly of their money.

Therefore, he can only choose to get closer to Musk and see if he can get some pension money from the Rocket Madman.

"Elon, if you don't care about the past, I am willing to join Nikolai."

Musk was very happy and high-fived Eberhard with a smile on his face. "What happened in the past has long been over. We now need to join hands to deal with the common enemy."

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