My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and ninety-two, the era of new energy subsidies

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Li Shufu came forward with a smile on his face, shook hands with Xia Jingxing and congratulated him.

Wang Chuanfu was a little more reserved, but also gave a few compliments: "Tesla is opening a new era of cars, redefining cars just like Facebook redefined social networking and revitalized mobile phones redefined mobile phones.

It has taught our domestic car people a lesson. I never thought that cars could be built like this before. "

The two of them kept complimenting each other, making Xia Jingxing feel a little embarrassed.

He took the two of them to a nearby high-end Chinese restaurant, ordered a table of dishes, and chatted while eating.

"The Aoguanhai government has given great support to the new energy industry and the automobile industry. Many American companies, including Tesla, have received government loans. California has also begun piloting a carbon credit bill. Related policies will soon be implemented across the United States. spread out.

The country also hopes to seize the strategic commanding heights of emerging industries and eliminate the century-old automotive industry gap through technological changes.

I heard that in recent months, there have been strong calls in China to support the new energy vehicle industry? "

Wang Chuanfu put down his chopsticks, picked up a small white wine glass, clinked glasses with Xia Jingxing and Li Shufu respectively, raised his head and drank the wine in one gulp, and then said slowly: "It's more than just a voice. In January this year, the Ministry of Finance, The Ministry of Science and Technology jointly issued the "Notice on Carrying out Pilot Work on the Demonstration and Promotion of Energy-saving and New Energy Vehicles".

It was announced that pilot projects for the demonstration and promotion of energy-saving and new energy vehicles will be carried out in 13 cities including Beijing and Shanghai. The central government will focus on providing subsidies for the purchase of energy-saving and new energy vehicles.

However, the policy only benefits public service passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles. The maximum subsidy for hybrid vehicles is 50,000 yuan per vehicle, and the maximum subsidy for pure electric vehicles is 60,000 yuan per vehicle.

I estimate that if you want to get subsidies for private purchases of new energy vehicles, you will have to wait until next year or even the year after that. "

Xia Jingxing listened quietly, with a myriad of thoughts in his mind.

The ten-year era of new energy vehicle subsidies has officially begun.

In this subsidy frenzy, there are scammers and deceivers, but there are also companies that really benefit.

For example, Wang Chuanfu in front of us, he and his company received a lot of dividends from this subsidy, successfully completed the initial rise, and took up the banner of revitalizing China's automobile industry.

This is inseparable from the personal struggle of entrepreneurs, and it is also inseparable from the gifts of the times and the country.

Li Shufu interjected: "In March, the "Automotive Industry Adjustment and Revitalization Plan" issued by the Government Affairs Council clearly stated that new energy vehicles should be used to "strengthen independent innovation, cultivate independent brands, form new competitive advantages, and promote automobile industry. The breakthrough point for the sustainable, healthy and stable development of the industry.

If our country wants to overtake in the automobile industry, simply relying on joint ventures to introduce technology will not work. We can only place our hope on new energy.

In all aspects, policy support will never be weaker than that of the United States.

After all, the automobile and related industrial chain is a 10 trillion big industry that can create and drive countless GDPs.

Some international evaluation agencies have already given predictions that this year China will officially surpass the United States and become the world's largest automobile producer and consumer.

But what is the use of this name?

If we don’t catch up, all the money will be made by foreigners. "

Xia Jingxing laughed loudly. Both of these two Autobots were entrepreneurs with relatively high ideals and pursuits. This was why he was willing to make friends with them and invite them to have dinner together.

“Both of you are leaders among private entrepreneurs. Chatting with you makes me feel that my horizons and landscape have broadened a lot.

Come, let’s have a drink together and wish China’s automobile industry will develop better and better in the future. "

Xia Jingxing picked up the cup and drank another drink with the two of them.

After several glasses of white wine, the three of them started talking.

Wang Chuanfu even asked directly: "Mr. Xia, when does Tesla plan to enter the Chinese market?"

Li Shufu was also very interested in this issue and looked at Xia Jingxing with interest.

"We have not yet established a firm foothold in the U.S. market and will not consider entering the Chinese market for the time being."

Wang Chuanfu smiled and said, "Although we are peers, I actually look forward to Tesla entering the Chinese market."

Xia Jingxing glanced at Wang Chuanfu, who still had a smile on his face and looked very candid, not like he was saying anything against his will.


Wang Chuanfu said calmly: "Mr. stand up.

Then BYD, as a part of the industry, can naturally make profits. "

Xia Jingxing chuckled, "Then you praise me too much. I don't have that much ability.

The maturity of the industry is driven by technology, policy, user purchase intention and other parties.

All I can do now is sell more cars and let the company survive first. "

Wang Chuanfu said with a smile: "But I see that Mr. Xia is already actively deploying the new energy industry chain, establishing Fuxing Automobile and CATL, and investing in Atieva and Star Semiconductor."

Xia Jingxing heard the implication and smiled: "BYD's semiconductor business seems to be doing quite well. It seems that it launched the first IGBT chip some time ago, breaking the foreign technology monopoly in one fell swoop.

This is a great thing. Inverter home appliances, photovoltaics, new energy vehicles, industrial control and other industries all need IGBT chips.

Fuxing Industry has a huge demand for IGBT chips, and it is difficult for Star Semiconductor to supply them.

I turned around to say hello and asked Deng Yuanjun to come and see you. "

The smile on Wang Chuanfu's face immediately became fuller. He just mentioned it casually, but he didn't expect Mr. Xia to be so particular.

Speaking of which, BYD and Fuxing Industrial are still competitors, competing in multiple industry segments such as consumer electronics, power batteries, and automobiles.

But it is also a partner. Nearly half of Fuxing FX2 mobile phones are assembled by BYD OEMs.

This is also the old rule of Fuxing Industry, which likes to choose two or more suppliers.

Therefore, Wang Chuanfu saw a chance for cooperation. Anyway, Fuxing Semiconductor currently only designs mobile phone chips, and its business does not involve IGBT chips. It has even invested in Star Semiconductor, an IGBT manufacturer that was founded only a few years ago. It can definitely cooperate with BYD.

To be honest, Wang Chuanfu felt that BYD was involved in enough industries and fields, but he didn't expect Fuxing Industrial to be even more powerful than them. It can be called the Thousand-Armed Goddess of Mercy.

Fuxing Industrial has entered too many industries, which has also caused many problems. It is impossible to do everything personally. It needs to let go of some less important supply chains and choose a development model of cooperation with external suppliers.

As far as Wang Chuanfu knows, in the past two months, Fuxing Industrial Fund has been aggressively investing in many companies in the chip industry chain. Star Semiconductor received investment during this period and successfully entered Fuxing Industry's supply chain. .

The co-opetition model of "competition accompanied by cooperation" will become the customary way of dealing with countless large manufacturers in the future.

Xia Jingxing didn't care much about this little business, because it wouldn't help BYD.

Even if it really gets fatter, Fuxing Industrial is not afraid of competing with it.

The two of them finalized a cooperation in just a few words. Li Shufu looked on with envy. Unfortunately, Geely only made cars and didn't have much business that overlapped with Fuxing Industrial. Naturally, there was no cooperation or competition.

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