My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and ninety-six, autonomous driving project establishment

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"We and YouTube are currently jointly developing a system for intelligently identifying images and videos.

After the development is completed, it will be used to screen and block hateful, racially discriminatory, bloody, pornographic/violent and other images and videos that violate the laws and regulations of various countries posted on the YouTube platform. "

After learning that Xia Jingxing came to inspect the work, Ng Enda and Li Feifei, as the president and vice president of Fuxing Industrial (USA) Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, personally took the big boss to visit various laboratories.

The group of people walked and chatted.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work during this period. Banned videos have always been a concern for YouTube.

Because of this stuff, YouTube is often criticized by all walks of life and is almost being described as a website that spreads cancer. "

Ng smiled and said: "Hundreds of millions of people from dozens of countries visit and upload videos to YouTube every month. The management of such a large platform is indeed a headache.

It is difficult to achieve efficient review by relying solely on manual review of videos, and it will also cause a lot of manpower expenditure.

Having an auditing system with high recognition accuracy can save oil pipelines a lot of trouble.

However, it is difficult for the current AI recognition accuracy to reach a level that does not rely on manual review at all.

For a long time in the future, AI and manual review will still be needed together, with AI as the mainstay and manual work as the supplement. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "I understand that artificial intelligence can also make mistakes and judge normal videos as prohibited videos."

Ng Enda nodded and said: "To completely solve this problem, we need to continue training our algorithm model to make its recognition more accurate.

How to train artificial intelligence? We need more labeled data. "

Li Feifei added on the side: "I previously developed a database and downloaded 1 billion pictures. In order to find people to label these pictures, I used Amazon's crowdsourcing service platform AMT, but after a few years, I only label them. Millions of pictures.”

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, Amazon AMT, also known as AI Futukang.

As the name suggests, this is a platform for taking online orders and doing part-time jobs, and the most important task is to label data.

How to mark it? It's very simple, sit in front of the computer, manually input and classify the data, distinguish whether there is a "dog" in a photo, and identify whether the "bass" in the sentence is a bass or a bass.

You can earn 3 cents for each labeled picture or piece of voice.

It may seem like you earn very little, but you add up to it. In India, where the IT outsourcing business is developed, many housewives have turned this part-time job into a full-time job. They work 8 hours a day and can earn 700 US dollars a month.

It sounds good, but it's actually more boring than driving screws in the factory.

But after all, it is a part-time job, and there is no one standing by to supervise. You can do whatever you want, which is a relatively free job.

Xia Jingxing asked: "How many photos have been tagged in the database we developed?"

Ng Enda sighed, "Only more than one million, because we can't find so many people to do this job. There are too few active users on Amazon AMT, so many people stop working."

Xia Jingxing frowned, "It's too little. The annotated data is fodder for artificial intelligence. We must quickly find a way to increase the number of annotations."

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing's heart suddenly moved and he blurted out: "Hey, can we consider introducing this industry to China?

Earning four to five thousand yuan a month should still attract some people to become data annotators. "

Xia Jingxing suddenly thought of many things. Brother Xi could set up an outbound call center in his hometown, and he could also set up a data annotation center in his hometown!

Find a group of women with a certain cultural foundation, and after training, they can start working, and they can also work at home, which is equivalent to subsidizing the family income.

Xia Jingxing told Ng Enda and Li Feifei his thoughts.

Li Feifei's hometown is also in Chengdu, and it provides jobs for women. She was very interested in this matter and immediately put forward many targeted suggestions.

Andrew Ng put forward a different opinion: “If we choose the crowdsourcing model, it is estimated that the annotators can only annotate some simple pictures.

Video annotation and 3D annotation are somewhat complex, and each frame requires annotation data.

Especially the autonomous driving you mentioned, Darren, the amount of data is terrifying just thinking about it. "

Xia Jingxing remembered that some professional data annotation companies emerged in the past life, and their main service targets were autonomous driving technology companies.

In order to complete some high-quality and difficult annotations, those data annotation companies have been researching small tools on how to efficiently annotate data.

"We can develop auxiliary annotation tools to segment images and videos. The annotator only needs to check and cross each object box, or select green or red."

Ng's eyes suddenly lit up, "This is a good idea, otherwise an image labeled with hundreds or even thousands of sets of data could torture people to death."

Xia Jingxing smiled. This was not something he came up with on his own, but a small method devised by data annotation companies in his previous life.

As we all know, the more data annotations are and the more food is fed, the more accurate the artificial intelligence will be.

Cars that turn on autonomous driving mode need to drive in complex urban road conditions, which puts forward higher technical requirements for artificial intelligence and computer vision.

Surrounding cars, roads, signs, etc. all need to be annotated countless times by data annotators, and then a large amount of data is brought together to finally develop self-driving cars that can safely go on the road.

However, autonomous driving is a development process that is gradually becoming more mature and precise. Before that, various rollover incidents are probably inevitable.

If a car owner is unlucky and encounters a traffic scene that is not included in the autonomous driving database in autonomous driving mode and the machine does not recognize it, then the whole village will have to attend.

"Speaking of autonomous driving, Darren, when do you plan to start developing this project?"

Ng Enda stopped and Li Feifei also stood aside and looked at Xia Jingxing with interest.

"Next year, let's get this thing done first."

Ng shook his head and said with a smile: "I heard in school that Sebastian Thrun and a group of people are working on a secret project in Mountain View.

They modified six Toyota Prius and one Audi TT, and installed a bracket on the roof of each car, equipped with a mechanical rotating lidar that can scan the body in 360 degrees.

A GPS antenna is also installed on the rear of the roof to assist in vehicle positioning.

Four millimeter-wave radars are installed on the front and rear bumpers of the vehicle and on both sides of the front. The front radar is mainly used to detect distance and speed..."

Xia Jingxing frowned slightly. Sebastian Thrun is also a professor at Stanford University and the founder of Google X Lab.

If he guessed correctly, the project the other party is responsible for is Waymo, Google's self-driving brand.

"How do you know so clearly?"

Xia Jingxing was suddenly curious. Ng's description was vivid, as if he had actually seen those prototype cars.

"Haha, because I've seen them!"

Ng smiled and revealed the answer: "Tron invited me to visit their prototype car some time ago, and also invited me to join their team."

Are you poaching people on my head?

Now, Xia Jingxing's opinions on Paige deepened.

Of course, he himself doesn’t remember nearly hollowing out Google China.

Xia Jingxing glanced at Ng Enda and wondered what the other person meant by saying this. Are you leaving?

When he was about to speak, Andrew Ng beat him to it: "But I have rejected them. Although their project is cool, I think Renaissance Industries is not bad at all. We can definitely develop smarter autonomous driving technology than theirs."

Xia Jingxing finally understood that Ng wanted to do autonomous driving.

He thought for a moment, now that Google has officially come to an end, it seems that it really can't wait any longer.

Tesla's main focus is currently on mass production of Model S, and it has no time to devote to the research and development of autonomous driving.

Even if Tesla develops related technologies in the future, it will choose to use them for its own use rather than open them to the outside world.

Fuxing Industrial wants to build a full-stack autonomous driving service provider and will export relevant software and hardware technologies to automobile manufacturers in the future.

Of course, if no other company dares to use it because of Fuxing Auto, then it can be used by itself just like Tesla.

Xia Jingxing glanced at Li Feifei and said that the research and development of the image and video recognition system could be left to the other party's leader.

Domestically, Shen Xiangyang is still developing mobile assistants, that is, voice recognition technology. In the future, this technology can also be installed on tablets, cars, smart speakers and other devices.

Allowing Andrew Ng to start working on autonomous driving will not affect the development progress of other projects.

Anyway, there is no shortage of money now, so just put all your efforts into it and it will be done.

The reason why Google’s

Of course, if a project is successful, it will be foresight.

"Okay, Andrew (Ng's English name), recruit a team as soon as possible. We have also officially put the research and development of autonomous driving on the agenda. If you need anything, you can report it directly to Lin Bing and he will fully cooperate with you."

Seeing that Xia Jingxing had so decisively agreed to establish the autonomous driving project, Ng Enda was very happy and kept saying that he would not disappoint the company's expectations.

Xia Jingxing actually wanted to bring such an important project as autonomous driving back to China, but Ng was born in London and grew up in Hong Kong and Singapore as a boy. He studied in the United States and became an American citizen. He was afraid that he would not want to work in the mainland.

However, Xia Jingxing quickly remembered that Andrew Ng had joined Baidu as chief scientist in his previous life and participated in the development of Baidu Brain. He shouldn't resist working in mainland China, right?

Worried that something would go wrong, Xia Jingxing quickly made some insinuations.

"Andrew, have you been to the mainland?"

"Of course I have been. Mainland China has developed rapidly in recent years. Every time I go there, I feel like a new city."

"If the company sends you back to the mainland to work for a few years in the future, would you be willing?"

"no problem."

Ng Enda did not hesitate at all and agreed very readily.

Seeing this, Xia Jingxing immediately felt relieved. After all, if Ng was asked to shoulder the burden of autonomous driving, then he would be the core figure. If something happened midway, it would be very troublesome and would also slow down the research and development progress.

Xia Jingxing explained further: "Our headquarters is always in the mainland, where it is more convenient to obtain data."

Ng Enda smiled and said, "Dylan, I understand all this. Everything is at your discretion."

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