My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and ninety-eight, Suanni chip

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"This is our first-generation self-developed mobile phone processor, codenamed "Suanni"."

Chen Zongjian, president of Fuxing Industrial (USA) Chip Design Institute, stood on the stage and introduced the Suanni processor while playing ppt.

Xia Jingxing sat in the audience and looked at the mighty and domineering logo of "Suanni", feeling very satisfied in his heart.

The nine sons of the dragon are different and can represent nine different series of chips.

However, other series of chips are not yet available. Currently, only one mobile phone SOC chip has been designed.

“The Suanni chip has been authorized by Arm and is designed and developed based on Arm’s latest cortex-a8 architecture.

The CPU frequency of this processor can reach 1ghz, which is more than double the frequency of Samsung s5l8hz currently equipped on Fuxing fx1 and fx2. .

The first level cache has changed from 16kb on Samsung s5l8900 to 64kb.

The second level cache has changed from 0 on Samsung s5l8900 to 640kb.

In terms of GPU image processor, the Suanyi chip has also been significantly upgraded, and the powervrsgx535 it is equipped with has greatly improved performance compared with the previous generation product..."

Chen Zongjian changed the topic, "The only flaw is that the process technology jumped from 90nm to 45nm."

Lu Qi, who came to listen in, looked at his junior brother with a smile and asked: "It is a good thing that the process technology has improved. It means that the performance has been enhanced. How can it be a defect?"

Chen Zongjian smiled slightly, turned to look at Xia Jingxing, and said, "Darren, Fuxing Semiconductor and Huaxin International are not yet able to mass-produce 45nm chips, right?"

Xia Jingxing nodded, "Yes, after this chip is designed, it can only be entrusted to Samsung or other manufacturers. IDM, a vertically integrated manufacturer, is still not worthy of its name for us."

Lin Bing said calmly: "Fuxing Semiconductor and Huaxin International's lagging behind in process technology is only temporary, and they have been struggling to catch up.

Isn’t the Suanni chip still just a prototype? By the time your design is finalized, our manufacturing factory process should have risen to a higher level. "

Although Lin Bing's tone was calm, Chen Zongjian could hear a hint of anger.

I thought to myself, I didn’t mess with you, I was just stating the facts. As for being so loaded with guns and sticks?

Lin Bing was in a bad mood these days. Ever since he learned about Fuxing Industrial Group's future strategy and hidden crises from Xia Jingxing, he had been thinking about how to break the situation and how to speed up the research and development progress.

Originally, he was a step-by-step person and did not particularly agree with Xia Jingxing's rapid expansion and all-out development strategy.

Now he has transformed from a conservative to a radical.

Is this a side effect of taking a strong dose of medicine?

Xia Jingxing stared at Lin Bing, muttering secretly in his heart.

He originally just wanted to "provoke" Lin Bing, but it seemed like this guy was a little over the top?

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing felt that it was necessary to give Lin Bing a warning.

He said with a smile: “Development must be fast and efficient, but there is no need to rush, and we must pay attention to strategy.

We have reached an agreement with Samsung, and the Renaissance fx2s will be equipped with their s5pc100 processor, designed and produced by them.

After the Suanni chip is designed, it will continue to be manufactured by them.

Only when Fuxing Semiconductor's manufacturing technology reaches the world's advanced level can we truly achieve independence and design, manufacture, and package and test chips ourselves.

This process won’t take too long, but it won’t happen overnight.

Our entire industrial system needs to move forward together, without even a single shortcoming. "

After looking at each other with Xia Jingxing, Lin Bing understood the other person's meaning, which was to persuade him not to be too impatient.

Lin Bing reflected for a moment, and it seemed that he had indeed become a little anxious and angry recently?

Xia Jingxing continued: "Developing high technology is not an easy task. It requires us to maintain a sense of urgency at all times, but at the same time we should not be too tight, which may break our nerves."

Others were still thinking about the meaning of Xia Jing's jargon, but Lin Bing understood it completely.

He nodded towards Xia Jingxing and said with a smile, "Mr. Xia is right, you need to control the temper."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said nothing more.

Chen Zongjian stood on the stage and continued to introduce: "Let's talk about the Samsung s5pc100 processor pre-equipped with Fuxing fx2s.

This is the second processor introduced by Fuxing Mobile, and its performance in all aspects has been improved compared to the first processor s5l8900.

The main frequency is 600mhz, the first-level cache is 32kb, the second-level cache is 256kb, and the process technology is 65nm...

Let's take a look at this performance comparison chart. The performance parameters of the three processors, s5l8100 and Suanni, are clearly presented. "

Xia Jingxing looked at the screen on the stage and said, "As the third-generation processor of Fuxing mobile phones, the Suanni chip has the strongest performance. You want to express this, right?"

Chen Zongjian nodded slightly, and then his face became a little solemn, "Yes, because there is no time for research and development, we can only choose to revive the fx3 and then equip it with the Suanni chip.

But because we skipped a generation of product development, it posed a major test to our work. "

Xia Jingxing thought for a moment and said, "According to Smartphone's release habits, their iPhone 3gs will be released in two months, that is, in June.

iPhone 4 will be released in June next year.

Which mobile phone do you think will be equipped with their self-developed processor? "

Chen Zongjian smiled, "I secretly asked my former colleagues at Pasemi Company, but I didn't get much useful information.

However, I infer that the iPhone 4 released next year will be equipped with a processor developed by Smartgo.

And the performance should not be bad, at least better than Samsung's products. "

Hearing the news, Lin Bing's face was a little moved, and he couldn't help but ask: "Then can our Suanni processor be delivered on time?"

Chen Zongjian said with a bitter smile: "I can't hold it, I feel it will be postponed."

Upon hearing this, Lin Bing couldn't sit still at all, and his expression became very serious, "This can't be a joke, we are now inextricably linked to the Wisdom Fruit, and we even have some upper hand.

If the Suanni chip is not delivered on time, the Renaissance FX3 will be released later than the iPhone 4, which will cause catastrophic consequences and inestimable losses. "

Xia Jingxing's face gradually darkened. Fortunately, he was mentally prepared and was not as gaffey as Lin Bing showed.

"Zong Jian, you can mention whatever you are lacking now and we can solve it together.

Regarding the Suanni chip, we really cannot delay it for a day.

If we fall behind step by step, it will be difficult for us to catch up with smart phones. "

Lu Qi also advised: "Yes, Zong Jian, in order to fight against the wisdom fruit, Dai Lun, Lin Bing and I have worked hard over the years and thought of countless ways. We are even more busy reviving mobile phones and Android. Like a top."

Chen Zongjian looked sad. He didn't know these things, but he really had no choice.

Lin Bing kept frowning, thinking about how to resolve the crisis.

At this time, Xia Jingxing spoke, "You can't blame Zong Jian for this, it's mainly me. It was too late to set up the chip design department.

Moreover, it is necessary to skip a generation of products, which makes the difficulty increase again.

Compared with Wisdom Fruit's overall acquisition of Pasemi and the acquisition of a mature R\u0026D team that has been working together for many years, the team we recruited and established also has an additional running-in process. "

Lin Bing advised, "Mr. Xia, I can't blame you for this. It's not that easy to acquire a mature chip design company in the United States."

Lu Qi sighed and said: "At this point, we can only decide whether to postpone the product release based on the development progress of the Suanni chip."

Xia Jingxing nodded, "This is the only way to go. If that doesn't work, Fuxingfx3 will continue to use Samsung products and delay the release of the Suanni chip."

As soon as Xia Jingxing finished speaking, Lin Bing objected: "No, our product plan will be completely disrupted. What if Fuxing FX4 fails to catch up again?" Gu Fu

Hearing this, Chen Zongjian's face turned red.

Renaissance FX2 failed to catch up because the development cycle was too short, which is excusable;

It is understandable that Fuxingfx3 has not caught up, because it has passed a generation of products, and its research and development has become more difficult;

But fx4 can't keep up, which is a bit insulting.

Chen Zongjian said solemnly: "I guarantee that the Suanni chip will be successfully developed before the release of Fuxing fx4."

Lin Bing looked at Chen Zongjian with a dark face, looking a little aggressive, "What guarantee do you have? Even if we catch up, do you think the Suanni chip can still be equipped with Fuxing FX4? The processor performance has already lagged behind.

Nowadays, smartphone products are iterating so fast. If you can’t keep up with the upgrades, you’re just waiting for users to lose. "

Chen Zongjian remained silent, feeling a little aggrieved. He was equivalent to building a team from scratch and leading the team to design the first product.

His old employer, Pasemi, was packaged and acquired by Wisdom Fruit. The employees there were all chip veterans who had worked together for many years. Their collaboration capabilities and R\u0026D experience were not at the same level as his.

In this case, what can he do to fight against the fruit of wisdom?

Xia Jingxing said calmly: "The battlefield between us and Wisdom Fruit has changed to the chip field. If we want to win, we can only make breakthroughs in self-developed chips.

Of course, Zong Jian, don’t put too much pressure on you. We allow you to expand your team and even acquire some chip design companies, but only if the cfius Foreign Investment Committee approves the transaction. "

Having said this, Xia Jingxing turned to look at the angry Lin Bing beside him, smiled and reassured: "Don't be too anxious, have you forgotten that we also have a sub-brand called Honor?

If the Suanni chip technology lags behind and cannot be installed on the Fuxing fx4, it can be used by Honor. It is positioned as a mid-to-low-end mobile phone, and it is not a big problem if the processor performance is slightly inferior.

Moreover, Suanni chips always need to be installed on mobile phones. Only through market review and improvement can we make progress and make products that are comparable to the top manufacturers in the industry. "

Xia Jingxing also figured out that if the Suanni chip really didn't work, then let Honor use it for experiments.

HiSilicon's early products were terrible, but they eventually became the highest-level processors in the industry.

Growth will definitely be accompanied by labor pains.

Lin Bing couldn't believe what Xia Jingxing said. When did the always competitive boss become so peaceful?

"Of course."

Xia Jingxing changed the subject and said: "Zong Jian, it's best for you to lead the team to work harder and deliver the official product before June next year.

Isn’t this still a year away? Take advantage of it as soon as possible. "

Chen Zongjian still didn't dare to guarantee it, so he took a deep breath and said, "Darren, I will do my best."

"Can we double or triple the salary and call on everyone to work overtime?"

Xia Jingxing also became furious and planned to use his money power.

However, the all-conquering means actually failed!

Chen Zongjian smiled bitterly and said: "Americans are too content with enjoying themselves. Even if their wages are doubled, I am afraid many people will still be unwilling to work overtime."

Xia Jingxing cursed a few times in his heart, is there still a king's method? This is why in China you are not allowed to break your head and rush to work overtime.

Employees of some large factories called on their intranets to boycott overtime work, but they were criticized and taught: You are unwilling to bend down for life, please don't hinder us!

"Let's give it a try. Employees will take turns working overtime. If it doesn't work, just hire more people."

Compared with competing for mobile phone market share, the extra labor cost is almost negligible. Xia Jingxing is very good at answering multiple-choice questions.

At this moment, Chen Zongjian completely understood Xia Jingxing's determination and said, "Okay, then I will work overtime with the team and try to catch up."

This sentence slightly improved Chen Zongjian's bad impression in Lin Bing's mind. If Xia Jingxing hadn't been there just now, he might have gone berserk.

As far as the chip design department is concerned, is it not difficult for them to revive mobile phones?

He feels that the atmosphere in Silicon Valley companies is very bad and there is a serious lack of fighting spirit.

Xia Jingxing rubbed his temples, it's so difficult!

He actually knew a long time ago that it would be difficult for Fuxing Mobile to defeat Wisdom Fruit, and he even had to worry about being left behind by Wisdom Fruit.

There are many reasons for this, not only because of Wisdom Fruit’s decades-old brand and American corporate identity, but also because of the fact that China’s chip industry has been weak for many years.

The chip design center established by Renaissance Semiconductor in China cannot recruit many mid-to-high-end talents.

Carrying out acquisitions in the United States is full of constraints.

The old United States has not even begun to sanction the revitalization industry, but it is already developing so hard.

For those companies that are really serious about developing high technology, even if you don't like them, don't slander them, because every step forward for them will be ten times more difficult than their foreign counterparts.

After the meeting, Lin Bing followed Xia Jingxing into the latter's office.

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Bing asked urgently: "Mr. Xia, we have to think of something quickly and we must not give Wisdom Fruit a chance."

Seeing that Lin Bing was as worried as an ant on a hot pot, Xia Jingxing comforted him and asked Liu Xiaoduo to make two cups of coffee.

"There's something wrong with your mentality!"

Xia Jingxing bluntly pointed out Lin Bing's problem.

Lin Bing was startled for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

He was actually constantly introspecting and reminding himself to be calm and collected, but what Xia Jingxing talked to him made him feel very restless, and he was eager to take advantage of his position and ascend to the throne of the global smartphone manufacturer.

These two emotions were intertwined and tortured him very much.

Seeing him like this, Xia Jingxing was both relieved and headache-y.

He was relieved because Lin Bing was always thinking about the difficulties and dangers ahead, and he was troubled because the other party was always like this, and there was no solution.

So, Xia Jingxing said considerately: "How about taking a break and going out to relax?"

Lin Bing thought that his boss was dissatisfied with him, so he was silent for a while before replying: "Mr. Xia, I will correct my attitude as soon as possible."

Xia Jingxing sighed, "Isn't the guillotine down yet? Don't scare yourself to death first.

Look at how well I maintain my state of mind, singing, dancing, jumping and running! "

Lin Bing smiled. He felt that his boss's inner strength was too strong. He wondered where this kind of self-confidence came from.

Xia Jingxing said: "Wisdom Fruit has now risen for the third time after launching Mac and iPod, and it is basically impossible to suppress them.

I am actually very satisfied with being able to suppress them for so long, because we have taken this opportunity to grow.

The next war with them may last for many years.

Even if we fail for a moment, there is no need to worry too much.

Just as we can’t slap them to death, they can’t even try to slap us to death.

After the mobile phone market reaches a stalemate, we must try to make breakthroughs from other angles. "

"Another angle?" Lin Bing looked like he was listening to the instructions.

"Yes, for example, artificial intelligence, application ecology, chips, and the ecological linkage between mobile phones, smart homes, and smart cars."

Lin Bing's mind was completely opened. How could he forget this?

The renaissance industrialist has a great cause and many brothers. If we can't fight alone, I can fight in a group!

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