My Age of Investment

One thousand two hundred and ninety-nine, secret past events

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"Thank you all for coming to the "Summer Palace" today. Your arrival makes the humble house feel brighter."

Located at the "Summer Palace" at the junction of Palo Alto and Los Altos, Xia Jingxing, wearing a bow tie and suit, stood on the lawn and began to deliver a speech.

In front of him stood all the big shots in Silicon Valley.

Facebook Chairman Jerry Yang, Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg, YouTube CEO Lori Grell, Renaissance Industries Overseas Business CEO Lin Bing, executives Ng Enda, Li Feifei, and Chen Zongjian, Android CEO Lu Qi, executive Andy Rubin, executive director of Vision Capital's Silicon Valley office Rich Milner, Tesla CEO Straubel, executives Davis, Bodichevsky and others are all listed.

These people are all the people Xia Jingxing relies on most, and the six major companies they represent are also Xia Jingxing's core industries in Silicon Valley.

At this moment, everyone in gorgeous and decent clothes was all looking intently at Xia Jingxing...and Xia Zerui behind him.

Xia Zerui was wearing a well-tailored children's suit, and his hair was styled like an adult's.

He hugged his father's thigh tightly, hiding half of his face from behind, looking curiously at the dark crowd in front of him.

The executives had different looks, and many of them saw the young master for the first time.

Xia Jingxing noticed everyone's gaze, rubbed his son's little head, and introduced: "This is Enoch, his Chinese name is Xia Zerui."

Noticing Xia Zerui's obviously mixed-race appearance, everyone couldn't help but turn their attention to Kristina, who was standing next to her in a white dress.

Kristina had a slight smile on her face. This was the first time Xia Jingxing introduced her son in public.

Today is the day when their family moves into the summer palace, so they invited senior executives of their companies, relatives and friends to watch the ceremony. .

Originally, she suggested that the event should be held in a low-key manner, and even if it had to be held, her son should be hidden.

I don't know where Xia Jingxing went wrong, but he insisted on taking his son out to show off.

She could probably guess some of Xia Jingxing's thoughts. Although she didn't want to take the initiative to expose her son, she also didn't want to hide the child secretly.

In other words, he dared to admit the relationship and the child born out of wedlock.

This made her feel quite relieved. After all, no one really likes to live in hiding.

Everyone thought that Xia Jingxing was going to announce his heir in public, but it turned out that he was not and he just introduced the little guy.

No one was surprised by this. After all, the boss was still very young and had not yet retired or considered family inheritance.

Besides, is the boss married? This is also a question that makes everyone feel confused.

But after all, the occasion was wrong, and no one dared to ask this question.

It was just a move, and it was not an important celebration. Xia Jingxing simply said a few words and ended his speech.

Everyone took a glass of champagne from the wine tower covered with white tablecloth next to it, and gathered around in twos and threes to chat.

"Enoch, you've grown taller again. Do you still remember Uncle Jerry?"

Yang Zhiyuan did not go to get drinks or talk to anyone else. Instead, he walked straight to Xia Jingxing and hugged Xia Zerui after approaching.

Her wife Akiko Yamazaki chatted with Kristina on the side.

Xia Jingxing looked at Yang Zhiyuan with a smile and said, "Where is your daughter? Why didn't you bring her with you today?"

"What? Want to book a baby kiss?"

Xia Jingxing laughed loudly. Yang Zhiyuan's daughter was two or three gold bricks older than his son, and she really couldn't hold her.

Yang Zhiyuan played with Xia Zerui for a while and handed him back to Kristina. Then he pulled Xia Jing aside and said in a low voice: "The child is almost two years old. What are you going to do? Just keep going like this. Putting off getting married?

Originally I shouldn't have asked this question, but from the perspective of a friend, I couldn't help but want to ask it. "

Xia Jingxing and Yang Zhiyuan looked at each other and suddenly smiled, "Let's talk about it later, after the company is listed."

Yang Zhiyuan's eyes were complicated. He knew what Xia Jingxing was worried about.

Gu Dun

The Pentagon has already come to our door two years ago, demanding a strategic partnership with Facebook.

Not only Facebook, but also technology giants such as Google and Microsoft have established cooperation with the Pentagon.

Generally speaking, these "technological weapons" are not used in large numbers, and cooperation is carried out in secret.

But if Kristina marries a Chinese, Facebook will probably have to change its CEO.

After understanding the inside story, Yang Zhiyuan stopped talking. He patted Xia Jingxing on the shoulder and said, "It's hard for you and Kristina."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Why is it difficult? If you want to get something, you have to give it first."

Yang Zhiyuan smiled and said: "You can see clearly that I did not choose to become an American citizen at the beginning.

This is a prison, you can get in but you can't get out. "

Xia Jingxing looked at Yang Zhiyuan in confusion, and the latter told a secret past event with a serious expression.

When Jerry Yang was the CEO of Yahoo in 2007, Yahoo helped Hai Naifan solve a case.

Then it was targeted by the Hai side, forcing Yahoo to donate 17 million US dollars to Hongda Wu to establish a foundation...

The more Xia Jingxing listened, the more he frowned. He had heard of Wu Hongda's name in the United States. He was known as a so-and-so fighter. He was a very good dancer. He also had a group of pawns under his command who were given dog food and waved flags.

"This is the certificate of submission!"

Yang Zhiyuan looked at Xia Jingxing and said in a cold voice: "Just because we provided a little help, we need to submit a certificate to prove our innocence."

Jerry Yang sneered, "Microsoft donates so much money to universities and scientific research institutions across the sea every year, why is no one forcing them to donate?

And Google, they also have business across the sea, and no one is threatening them with this.

Just because I am Chinese, Yahoo has been treated unfairly. "

Xia Jingxing frowned and said, "What if you don't donate?"

"Don't donate?"

Jerry Yang smiled and shook his head, "The next step is to launch a lawsuit for violating user privacy and not complying with U.S. commercial laws.

You have to believe that as long as they want to cause trouble, there is no crime they can't devise.

The final interpretation is in their hands, so what can we do?

If you don’t pay the US$17 million and admit defeat, the subsequent losses may be as high as US$170 million or US$1.7 billion! "

Xia Jingxing sighed, "You immigrated to the United States when you were ten years old? Still don't regard you as one of my own?"

Yang Zhiyuan smiled disdainfully, "Haha, let alone immigrated to the United States as a child, even if you were born in the United States, you will still suffer unequal treatment.

If it hadn't been for Yahoo's decline, I might never have become CEO.

They elected me to take office because they were at their wits end and hoped that the founders would step forward and use their familiarity with the platform to turn the tide. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "This is also a kind of discrimination! Although the top Chinese rich are protected by bodyguards, they will not be beaten up in the street by the gangsters at the bottom.

But the power from the white upper class cannot be resisted by all Chinese rich people.

In the final analysis, there is still no political power. The selected Chinese congressmen and ministers are just decorations, mascots symbolizing freedom and fairness in the United States. "

Yang Zhiyuan remained silent. Although he was extremely glamorous on the outside and was called the first Internet person of the century and the first Chinese technology entrepreneur, in those dark and invisible corners, he suffered a lot of blackmail and extortion.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. Darren, your choice is absolutely right, because only with your back to the sea can you truly become a world-class entrepreneur that deserves the title."

Xia Jingxing lowered his head and chuckled. Can you believe the saying "private property is sacred and inviolable" that Europe and the United States talk about every day? He didn't believe it anyway.

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