My Age of Investment

One Thousand Thirteen Hundred, Accidental Billionaire

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"Dylan, Jerry, you are here."

Xia Jingxing and Yang Zhiyuan were chatting when Ricky Milner suddenly strode over.

Hearing the sound, the two people immediately stopped talking, turned around and looked at the person with a smile.

"Daniel Ek just called me," Ricky said, approaching.

Xia Jingxing said calmly: "What did he say? Did he agree to sell Spotify to Facebook?"

Ricky paused and said, "He quoted a price of US$1 billion!"

Jerry Yang sneered, "What a joke, is their broken software worth 1 billion US dollars? If you give it 100 million US dollars, I think it's too much."

Ricky didn't answer and turned to look at Xia Jingxing.

Xia Jingxing glanced at Yang Zhiyuan. Old Yang really has poor vision. He missed the US$1 million acquisition of Google and the US$1 billion acquisition of Facebook. If based on the other party's judgment, he would now miss the opportunity to acquire Shengpotian.

However, Xia Jingxing also felt that US$1 billion was a bit too high and was a sky-high asking price.

"Shengpotian was founded less than three years ago, and the software was just launched last year. US$1 billion is too expensive. To make it cheaper for him, we can give him Facebook equity, or he can use cash if he wants."

Ricky quickly shook his head, "Darren, Daniel is very stubborn. If you don't offer a high price, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince him to agree to the deal.

According to his original intention, he is more willing to let the company complete the listing independently in the future.

I persuaded him for a long time. He refused to sell the company before. Today he called me. To be honest, I was shocked. I thought he had taken the wrong medicine. . "

Jerry Yang retorted: "I also took a look at Shengpotian's software. Facebook can make it on its own, so there is no need to buy theirs.

With US$1 billion, we can buy the four major record companies (Universal has not yet acquired EMI) and get them to agree to license music network copyrights to us.

Coupled with the traffic from Facebook and YouTube, it is not difficult for us to build and promote our own music streaming platform. "

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "There is already a ready-made one, why make one yourself?

And acquisitions are not just acquiring companies, but also acquiring teams.

We currently need a mature music streaming development and operations team. After the acquisition and integration, we will be able to put it to use immediately.

Of course, I don’t agree with the $1 billion valuation they reported.

When Shengpotian raised funds last year, the valuation was less than US$100 million, right? "

Rich added: “The last post-money valuation was $86 million to be precise, and now the latest offer from venture capital institutions for Shengpotian is $250 million.”

"Then let's talk based on the bottom line of US$500 million. As long as it's lower than this valuation, we can quickly win the title."

Xia Jingxing quickly made a decision. Whether it was YouTube or short videos, he would inevitably have to deal with the four major record companies in the future. Now that he had won Soundpoten, he would be able to gain experience in advance.

Yang Zhiyuan looked like he was hesitating to speak, and his face looked very tangled.

Although he is the chairman of Facebook, he is actually only a small shareholder and cannot influence Xia Jingxing's thoughts.

In addition, Kristina and Xia Jingxing already sleep in the same bed, so his opinions can basically be regarded as her opinions.

Xia Jingxing also noticed that Yang Zhiyuan was still a little entangled and reluctant, so he smiled and comforted: "Jerry, believe me, the value of Shengpotian will definitely not be much worse than that of the oil pipe.

Facebook's future positioning is by no means just a social network.

A single advertising revenue structure is not conducive to the future rise of Facebook's stock price and market value.

In addition, when the dividends of the social market are exhausted, the growth rate of users begins to slow down, and even active users begin to decline, which is a disastrous consequence for Facebook.

To solve these problems, we can only start acquisitions, extend our industrial reach outwards through acquisitions, and create new business models and revenue structures. "

Jerry Yang frowned and said: "Darren, I'm not against Facebook starting capital operations.

But I think the acquisition should be placed after the listing. The most important thing for Facebook next is the listing, and the priority of other things must be moved to the back. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Who said that external acquisitions can only start after you go public?

If you wait another year or two, Shengpotian will not be worth what it is now. "

Jerry Yang explained: "No, no, no, you misunderstood me. In another year or two, Facebook's valuation or market value will be more than the current US$60 billion."

"Then do you think the valuation of a company like Shengpotian that has only completed one or two rounds of financing will rise faster, or will the valuation of a quasi-listed company like Facebook rise faster?"

Xia Jingxing suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Yang Zhiyuan, but the main problem still lay in the differences caused by the two parties' different understandings of the potential of sound and music streaming media.

Gu Lu

If Jerry Yang had known that Sheng Potian had the potential to have a market value of US$100 billion, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be like this.

The two people were debating a little loudly, alarming Kristina and Akiko Yamazaki who were not far away.

The two walked over quickly.

Kristina asked: "What's wrong? I thought you guys were quarreling."

Jerry Yang waved his hand, "No such thing, we are talking about the acquisition of Shengpotian."

"Sheng Po Tian? Did they agree to sell?"

Seeing Kristina's puzzled look, Yang Zhiyuan had no choice but to repeat to her what he had just discussed with Xia Jingxing.

After listening, Christina did not immediately express her support for Xia Jingxing, but gave her opinion from the CEO's perspective.

“If Soundwave can become the YouTube of the music industry in the future, then Facebook will have two outstretched arms in addition to its main social business.

Social + entertainment is a very imaginative development direction.

Time to kill young people also sounds sexier than an internet advertising company. "

How could Yang Zhiyuan not understand that this was Christina supporting Xia Jingxing in a roundabout way.

"Okay, then I take back my opinion and it's up to you to decide."

Sensing that Jerry Yang seemed a little unhappy, Kristina comforted: "Jerry, I understand your thoughts, but now that our social business has stabilized, it is indeed time to open up a second growth curve.

We cannot wait until our business reaches its peak before thinking about transformation. By then there will be no extra market left for us. "

Xia Jingxing glanced at Kristina with admiration. She had made great progress and now there was no need for him to make extra lessons in bed.

In the previous life, Xiao Mazi's structure was relatively low. He clung to the name of a social empire. First, he did not engage in high technology within cloud computing. Second, he did not enter the market other than the main social business. Third, he plagiarized even the wrong answers.

If Facebook followed Penguin's example and engaged in pan-entertainment, its market value would have reached a trillion US dollars long ago.

It seems that Facebook is quite focused, but in fact it is slowly entering a dead end, so much so that it is about to fall behind the five giants of technology.

Of course, this behavior of sticking to their hometown is also related to the fact that Facebook is the latest to be established among the five technology giants.

By the time Facebook gains some strength, the good track has basically been divided up by the other four giants, and it can only Allin the metaverse like Baidu Allin artificial intelligence.

"Well said!"

The puppy appeared out of nowhere and walked towards everyone while clapping his hands.

Xia Jingxing said angrily: "Where have you been? Why are you here? You can't even get anything hot to eat at the table."

Xiao Quan chuckled and handed the gift box tucked under his arm to Xia Jingxing, "Congratulations to the boss on moving to a new home."

This gift box looked familiar to Xia Jingxing because it was a bit thin and could hold photos and CDs. Xiaoquan often used this kind of box to send him things that violated social values.

Xia Jingxing calmly accepted the gift and planned to open it after everyone left.

"Open it? There are good things inside."

Seeing that Xia Jingxing actually received the gift box behind his back, Xiaoquan couldn't help but urge him.

Xia Jingxing looked around. He suspected that Xiao Quan was deliberately challenging his authority.

"I won't dismantle it now, just keep it as a surprise."

Xiao Quan keenly realized that his boss was thinking wrongly, so he shouted out, "This is a limited edition gift. After you open it, everyone can see it together."

Yang Zhiyuan, Ricky and others were aroused, and they all asked Xia Jingxing to break it up.

Xia Jingxing glared at Xiaoquan fiercely, thinking that Xiaoquan shouldn't be so confused about the occasion, right?

He unpacked the gift box a little worriedly and prepared himself for embarrassment.

Anyway, he is not the only one who is embarrassed. Xiaoquan, the major shareholder of P station, is the source of the evil.

Xia Jingxing opened the gift box three times. As soon as the box was opened, it immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

It turned out to be a pornographic book!

A book with a yellow cover titled "The Accidental Billionaire: The Birth of Facebook, a Story of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal."

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