My Age of Investment

One Thousand Three Hundred and Seven, Golden State Warriors

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San Francisco Bay Area, Oakland.

The Oracle Arena, which can accommodate nearly 20,000 people, was sparsely populated by thousands of fans who came to cheer on the home and away teams.

During the game, the visiting team Houston Rockets kept suppressing the home team Golden State Warriors, which made the Warriors fans in the audience worried and a little depressed.

The Warriors' home stadium was originally located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but moved to California in 1962. Since California was nicknamed "Golden State", it was named "Golden State Warriors".

It was one of the first 11 teams to join the NBA and the first championship winner in NBA history.

Legendary superstar Wilt Chamberlain once set an NBA single-game record of 100 points while playing for the Warriors. This record has never been broken. Jordan's highest score in a single game during the regular season was only 69 points.

But these glories are in the past for the Golden State Warriors.

As a well-known weak team in the Western Conference, it has not won a championship ring for more than 20 years.

Two years ago, the team also created a black eight miracle, defeating the Dallas Mavericks, the first place in the Western Conference, in the playoffs as the eighth place in the Western Conference.

Just when everyone thought the Golden State Warriors were finally rising after years of decline, they fell flat again!

In the first row of the auditorium, Chamath Palihapitiya, a former Facebook executive and now Xia Jingxing’s private investment adviser, was wearing a leather jacket that seemed to have been borrowed from Huang Renxun. He enthusiastically told Xia Jingxing about the Golden State Warriors. Glorious team history and current situation.

"Darren, look, how many fans are here today? Not even half of the seats are filled."

Chamas pointed his finger around, and then said: "This is the fans expressing their dissatisfaction!

Excluding this game, there is only one game left in the 2008-09 season to end the regular season. The Golden State Warriors are ranked outside the top ten, and they will probably not be able to make the top eight.

The current owner of the Warriors, Chris Cohan, is worth only $325 million. He has neither the strength nor the confidence to revive the team.

I contacted him and he had the idea of ​​selling the team.

It’s just that he wants to sell it at a high price!

Speaking of which, he was also a bit unlucky, spending $119 million to acquire the Golden State Warriors in 1995.

More than ten years have passed, and the team's performance has stagnated. If it hadn't risen once in the 2006-07 season, it would have not made the playoffs for more than ten consecutive years.

I think his sports investment will probably only earn interest, or it will barely beat inflation. "

Xia Jingxing nodded and said nothing. His eyes remained on a tall figure on the visiting team's bench.

Even when he is sitting, he looks like a giant.

Chamath noticed that Xia Jingxing was looking elsewhere, followed the latter's gaze, and said with a smile: "Yao is a very good player, but it's a pity that he seemed to be injured and couldn't play today."

Xia Jingxing nodded. He made a special trip to watch the game today, mainly to see Yao Ming. As a result, the opponent injured his right foot and could not play, which was a little regretful.

"Darren, after we acquire the Golden State Warriors, we can sign Yao over and use his and your Chinese identities to open up the Chinese market, which has huge commercial value.

There are many Chinese Americans in San Francisco and California, and they are the areas with the largest concentration of Chinese Americans in the United States.

If we play the Chinese card, for example, performing some Chinese programs during halftime, we should be able to win more fans for the team. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, Chamas's move was not new.

He remembered that his Palo Alto neighbor Jeremy Lin signed with the Golden State Warriors in his previous life and became the first Chinese-American player to land in the NBA.

But Jeremy Lin is far less brilliant than Yao Ming.

Even if a team wants to package him, it won't work to please the Chinese and Chinese fans.

In the final analysis, making stars in competitive sports still requires athletes to have a certain level of strength.

Just as Xia Jingxing and Chamath were talking, new changes appeared on the court.

The Rockets' 43-year-old Congolese veteran Dikembe Mutombo jumped up, grabbed the ball under the backboard, and quickly faked a move to confuse the Warriors players. Then he passed the ball to his teammates. , he rushed towards the Warriors half court like a nimble cheetah, and several Warriors players hurriedly pursued him.

After running across the midfield line, Mutombo received a pass from his teammate, and then he chose to continue dribbling the ball forward. Finally, with his height of nearly two meters and a strong body, he easily knocked away the defensive players who came to interfere. , jumped hard under the backboard and scored two points with a dunk.

Suddenly, the whole place was in an uproar!

Countless Rockets fans stood up and applauded, sending their blessings to the forty-year-old veteran who still rode thousands of miles alone and performed violent dunks alone.

If nothing else happens, this may be Mutombo's last professional season.

It is extremely rare for the opponent to still maintain a high level of competitiveness at the end of his career.

As a neutral fan, Xia Jingxing also laughed and clapped, but was met with a wave of hostility from the surrounding Warriors fans.

Domestic media reporters who came to the game noticed this interesting scene and focused their cameras on Xia Jingxing.

Xia Jingxing smiled and waved to them, making the reporters happy.

Mutombo's successful counterattack completely sounded the clarion call for the Rockets to attack aggressively, and the score began to expand.

Until the referee blew the first-half whistle, the Warriors still failed to tie the score, trailing the Rockets by ten points.

Then comes halftime, another favorite time for spectators to watch the game.

The cheerleaders wearing navel-baring sports bras and covered with few fabrics began to make a shining appearance. Accompanied by the dynamic music in the venue, the sexy and enchanting girls began to perform hot dances.

Xia Jingxing looked at the dance filled with youth and vitality and thought that this performance was worth the price of admission.

Just as Xia Jingxing and Chamath were evaluating the girls' talents with the eyes of checking their assets, two little old white men came over.

"Darren, I didn't expect you to come to watch the game in person."

The visitor was Chris Cohan, the owner of the Golden State Warriors. He shook hands with Xia Jingxing with a smile on his face.

Larry Ellison, who was standing next to him, gave Xia Jingxing a cold look and did not come over to say hello. He made a stinking face like someone owed him ten billion dollars.

Before the rise of Musk, who was the craziest and most arrogant person in Silicon Valley was probably Larry Ellison.

A few years ago, Larry Ellison told the outside world that anyone who invests in Workday is his enemy.

He wanted to strangle his business rival Duffield through this "blocking" method.

But Xia Jingxing didn't take Larry Ellison's threat seriously at all at that time, and directly invested in Workday, "braving the world's disapproval", which was a slap in the face to Larry Ellison, and Liang Zi was done with it. The knot was formed.

Because of this incident, the relationship between the two parties has been very tense.

Facebook, Fuxing Industries and other companies owned by Xia Jingxing stopped cooperating with Oracle many years ago.

Later, Larry Ellison and Larry Page invested in Musk's Nikola Automobile Company, completely opposing Xia Jingxing.

Xia Jingxing also seemed not to see Larry Ellison, and dismissed this man as nothing. He only shook hands with Chris Cohan, and then started chatting with him.

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