My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and eight, whoring to the end for nothing

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"Darren, the Golden State Warriors are a team with a glorious history. She has been in my hands for 15 years since 1995. Just like a child raised by me, I am very reluctant to sell her. of."

Chris Cohan's words were touching. Xia Jingxing couldn't hold back his laughter and kept nodding his head: "I know, and I also understand your emotion."

Chris Cohan smiled, "Just understand! Because of this special feeling for the team, I want to find an owner who can bring championships to the team.

In this way, the team's performance has improved and the fans have come back, so I feel relieved. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "You are a good boss. Warriors fans will definitely remember you."

Chris Cohan always felt that this was not a good thing to say, but he didn't have time to ask more. He just heard Xia Jingxing say again: "Vision Capital plans to set up a sports fund next and will invest in some commercial sports companies around the world.

Our business philosophy is to find companies that once had a glorious history but have fallen into trouble in recent years, invest in them, transform them, and rescue them from the quagmire. "

Chris Cohan's face was a little confused. Although the Warriors' results were not good, they couldn't be described as "quagmire," right?

Before he could refute, Larry Ellison couldn't help but open fire.

"Isn't it just a financial operation of "buy low, sell high and earn the difference"? Why do you say it so noble?"

Xia Jingxing gave Larry Ellison a cold look, and just as he was about to make a few insults, Chamas jumped in before him.

"I don't believe that Mr. Larry Ellison has not received CEO options from Oracle. Does this count as buying low and selling high to make a profit? Anyway, I have never heard of you giving up the option."

Xia Jingxing's heart was filled with joy, what a good fight! This Jew looks arrogant and arrogant, which makes everyone unhappy, but he just needs to be dealt with.

In fact, Chamath was not wrong. Larry Ellison topped the list of CEO salaries of Fortune 500 companies in the past two years. His basic annual salary was only US$1 million, but he received nearly US$2 million through the exercise of options. billion in revenue.

Although he holds nearly half of the shares in Oracle, this does not prevent him from paying himself a "high salary."

Larry Ellison was a little irritated. As the former richest man in Silicon Valley, where could he go without being praised? I haven't met anyone who dared to talk to him like this in decades.

He looked at the dark-skinned Chamas with fierce eyes and said coldly: "Where are you from, an Indian pariah? Is it your turn to interrupt? I'm afraid you have never even seen an option agreement."

Chamath hates people treating him as an Indian. Does Sri Lanka have such no sense of existence?

As a person from the "Greater India", he has perfectly inherited the quarrelsome characteristics of his third brother, and he is inherently unruly. Now Larry Ellison has completely angered him. It doesn't matter who you are, let's start. Crazy output.

“I am not Indian, and even if I am a Dalit caste in India, you cannot use such racially charged names.

Larry Ellison, as a world-renowned rich man and big entrepreneur, your behavior is an insult to all Indian Americans and more than a billion Indians.

Believe me, you will soon pay the price for your words and deeds! "

Chamas became more and more excited as he spoke, and his mouth kept firing like a machine gun.

Racial discrimination has long been ingrained in the United States.

But this was the first time Xia Jingxing saw someone being called "untouchable", and it was an eye-opener.

He didn’t know where Larry Ellison learned about the caste system, but it probably had something to do with the increasing number of Indians in Silicon Valley.

Among Indians in Silicon Valley, upper castes make up the majority, but there are also a handful of Dalits from the lowest castes.

This caste is one level lower than the Sudras, also known as the "untouchables". They cannot wear shoes or do business. They even have to avoid upper castes when walking. They cannot cast their shadow on nobles and can only engage in Works such as digging out excrement, fishing corpses out of the Ganges, and burning corpses.

India announced the abolition of the caste system shortly after independence, and even the generals were once held by Dalits. However, the generals of India were just tool men without much real power.

But objectively speaking, it can be considered an improvement.

But the caste system has persisted in India for thousands of years and is difficult to eradicate completely.

The self-media often boasts that India is importing a large number of CEOs to Silicon Valley in the United States, but it is also importing the caste system.

Even highly educated Indian IT elites, once they gain power in a company, will still discriminate, exclude and suppress their Dalit compatriots within the company.

This is very interesting, as a large number of Silicon Valley companies have been dragged down by the infighting that broke out among Indians, and are often sued by Dalit employees for alleged racial discrimination.

What's more, after white people heard about the origin of "untouchables" from high-caste Indians, they also bullied and discriminated against Dalits.

Xia Jingxing guessed that a similar story might have happened in Larry Ellison's Oracle company.

Faced with the "threat" issued by Chamas, Larry Ellison still looked confident.

"What? You want to take revenge on me? Make Indians not buy Oracle's database?

sure! Develop it yourself! A country whose aircraft carriers are leaking oil can develop high technology by drinking a bowl of Ganges water? This is the funniest joke I've ever heard. "

Although Chamath had already explained that he was not an Indian, Larry Ellison did not believe this argument. Based on Chamath's skin color, he judged that the other party must be an Indian, and that he immigrated to the United States and pretended to be a new American. People of Indian origin.

Chamath felt angry and funny. Larry Ellison's arrogance made him re-understand the racial discrimination in the United States.

Are celebrities and public figures full of wisdom? No racial prejudice?

This is simply impossible, it's just that they don't usually show it.

At the end of the day, they still treat all people of color as slaves who come and go.

Thinking of this, Chamas glanced at Xia Jingxing, Boss, don't you say something?

He had just taken the initiative to fight with Larry Ellison in order to please his boss, but was brutally insulted by him. Didn't the boss say anything?

Xia Jingxing said nothing and glanced at Liu Xiaoduo who was hiding not far away. He was taking a video with his mobile phone.

Seeing Xia Jingxing glance over, Liu Xiaoduo made an "OK" gesture and all the evidence had been collected.

Seeing this, Xia Jingxing began to speak.

"Mr. Larry Ellison, I think you should apologize to Chamath and all Indians. Your remarks hurt their national sentiments and are not consistent with your status as the world's richest man."

Xia Jingxing's opening immediately attracted Larry Ellison's firepower.

"It has nothing to do with you. You are just a despicable person who got lucky and made money that originally belonged to Americans by relying on the tolerant business environment in the United States."

Xia Jingxing said coldly: "Mr. Larry Ellison, even I can't stand listening to your irresponsible remarks. Wait for the subpoena. I will sue you for defamation."

Larry Ellison suddenly smiled, spread his hands and said, "You are welcome to sue, and I am waiting for you."

The two parties were about to start fighting, and Chris Cohan didn't dare to interrupt at all, but he quickly realized that this was an opportunity.

So he pretended to be a peacemaker and said, "Sure enough, the place where you are standing is the home stadium of the Golden State Warriors. I am the owner of this place. Everyone listen to me and stop arguing."

Larry Ellison was still angry and couldn't help but stab Chris Cohan: "This stadium is named after Oracle, and I can be considered half the owner."

Then he pointed at Xia Jingxing and Chamath and said, "You are not welcome in this stadium. Please leave immediately."

Xia Jingxing was happy, "I bought the tickets. If you chase someone away midway, be careful I will sue you and ask for compensation."

Chris Cohan said quickly: "Dylan, sit down quickly, no one is rushing you here, I am the owner of the team, and I can represent the Golden State Warriors."

After saying that, Chris Cohan turned to look at Larry Ellison again, pretending to be very angry, "Larry, you can't make decisions on my behalf, and don't cause me trouble."

Larry Ellison was stunned on the spot. Is this the same Chris who begged him so lowly that he agreed to sponsor the stadium?

"At least until I decide to sell the team, no one can make decisions on my behalf."

Chris Cohan's words caught Larry Ellison's attention. Yes, I bought the team, so isn't it just me who has the final say?

Thinking of this, Larry Ellison immediately said: "Chris, sell the team to me, and I will give you a satisfactory offer."

Chris Cohan did not answer immediately. He turned his attention to Xia Jingxing, who had not expressed his stance yet.

However, he soon became disappointed. Xia Jingxing did not get into a fight with Larry Ellison angrily and start a "rich fight" mode as he imagined.

How could Xia Jingxing not understand Chris Cohan's little thoughts? He would only compete with Larry Ellison for wealth unless he was mentally ill.

However, he does have his eye on the Golden State Warriors!

The stadium at his feet was called Oracle Stadium, and he had to buy it!

However, he doesn’t plan to pay for it himself. It’s still the same old rule and he must pay for it to the end!

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