My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and thirty-five, 3 carriages

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In late May, Pengcheng Development Bank suspended trading and issued an important announcement.

"According to the resolution of the board of directors, it is planned to issue 587 million new shares to Envision Financial Holdings (China) at a price of 18.26 yuan per share, raising 10.72 billion yuan in funds to supplement the company's capital.

The subscription price per share is calculated and determined in accordance with the formula stipulated by applicable laws and is the average trading price of Pengcheng Development Bank's stock 20 trading days before the announcement of the board of directors' resolution..."

This is the first announcement issued by Pengcheng Development Bank, which mainly involves the private placement of new shares.

The main content of the second announcement is that tpg, the company's largest shareholder, transferred 520.41 million shares held by Envision Financial Holdings to the agreement.

After the completion of the two transactions, the total share capital of Pengcheng Development Bank will increase to 3.692 billion shares, of which Envision Financial Holdings holds 1.10741 billion shares, accounting for 29.99% of the total share capital, replacing tpg as the company's new largest shareholder.

The reason why Envision Financial Holdings does not exceed the 30% holding line is mainly to avoid triggering a tender offer.

Even so, these two transactions also require review by the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

Regardless of the review and release results, the announcement of these two transactions has shocked the domestic banking and capital circles.

Envision Financial Holdings Group spent a total of 22.69 billion yuan (approximately 3.325 billion U.S. dollars) to acquire 29.99% of Pengcheng Development Bank's shares, which has set a new record for domestic bank acquisitions.

Prior to this, although Envision Financial Holdings had successively acquired well-known financial institutions such as Lehman Brothers Asia, AIA, and East West Bank, it spread out ten times the amount of cash in the financial market than the acquisition of Pengcheng Development Bank.

But those acquisitions all took place abroad after all, and were far less shocking than the giant acquisition happening in China today.

This is the first acquisition case of Envision Financial Holdings in China. It snatched food from Ping An and took over Pengcheng Development Bank. It can be said that the appearance is high-profile.

At the same time, this is the first time for many investors to know about a company like Vision Financial Holdings, and through its name, they associate it with Vision Capital, Mangzhong Investment Fund, which has gradually become famous in the A-share market in the past two years.

Some people joked that these were Xia Jingxing's two big hands reaching out to the domestic financial industry. The left hand was the relatively radical private securities investment fund, and the right hand was the banking and insurance business that symbolized tradition and stability.

Among the five major financial licenses of China Banking, Securities, Jibaoxin, they currently only lack securities and trusts, and funds are not that interesting. Their business does not yet cover public funds, but is limited to private equity.

However, Xia Jingxing's domestic financial industry system has been initially sketched out, which also shows the determination of the financial tycoon who has ventured overseas to return to the domestic market.

Faced with this string of good news, the happiest people are the shareholders of Pengcheng Development Bank. They have been cut off countless stubbles of leeks and still treat 000001 as if they were their first love.

Now, with powerful figures like Xia Jingxing taking over Pengcheng Development Bank, the big A-share companies also have their own No. 1.

Mr. Xia, who once tormented Huanghe Industrial, the number one company in Hong Kong stocks, to the A-share market, what kind of legend will he write? Investors are looking forward to this very much.

It’s impossible to short your own stocks, right? Then there is only one option: go long, and everyone can take a ride with Mr. Richest Man.

Those investors who did not buy Pengcheng Development Bank's shares are heartbroken and beating their chests. It is foreseeable that once the stock resumes trading, at least three or five daily limit prices will be set.

This is the appearance of Asia’s richest man and Wall Street tycoon Darren Xia!

Compared with the stockholders who were as happy as celebrating the New Year and started to believe in big A-shares again, Ma Mingming and Goldman Sachs Asia Managing Director Fu Zuqi were a little unhappy.

Ma Mingming was furious in the company. The duck that had been cooked for three years flew away under his nose. How could he not be angry? How not to hate?

Fu Zuqi, who later founded Spring Flower Capital, was misunderstood by the outside world as engaging in insider trading because he transferred 0.1% of the equity of Elephant Financial Services held by the trust plan he managed to his brothers and sisters at a 50% discount on the eve of the listing. China's Economist of the Year, who was moved to spend his own money to relieve LP, was there to comfort him with kind words.

"Xia Jingxing is so unreasonable. Everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis!"

"Isn't that right? You can just ask someone to say hello! Just bought Pengcheng Development Bank, and he is the only co-author who has a lot of money?"

After the two of them complained about Xia Jingxing in the office for a few minutes, Ma Mingming suddenly said, "Zu Qi, do you think we should swallow this?"

Hearing this, Fu Zuqi instantly became energetic. Listening to this tone, Mr. Ma still wants to find his place again?

Xia Jingxing is a vicious person!

The pony next door was always treated as if he had no temper at all, like a doormat. He had to change several ashtrays every month;

Mr. Dama of Lin'an was also managed by him to be docile, and he looked like he was following Mr. Xia's lead.

If you, Mr. Ma, don't know what to do and rush forward, don't help me form a troika.

Fu Zuqi is a smart man, and he has worked at Goldman Sachs for a long time. He is somewhat aware of Xia Jingxing's methods and his unfathomable strength, and he does not dare to participate in such a dangerous plan.

"Mr. Ma, do you want to disrupt this deal?"

Ma Mingming didn't answer, because he was hesitant in his heart. Now the matter was almost a foregone conclusion. If he continued to stalk her, it seemed that there would be no benefit at all. Instead, Xia Jingxing would hold a grudge against him.

Every one of the old-school people in the Huashan Society who claimed to be the leaders in China's business world were dealt a blow by Xia Jingxing.

Mu Zhixin's favorite apprentice, Guo Wei, was forced to go overseas to avoid trouble. Huaxia Digital, which was originally split into two parts by the Conscience Group, has now turned into building Fuxing mobile phone authorized stores everywhere, and is influenced by Fuxing Industrial Group and Vision. It agency company jointly controlled by capital.

Under the strong attack of domestic games, Shi Dazhu's game company's performance and stock price have been cut in half. If the stock price continues to be so sluggish, it may have to return to its old business of selling health care products.

Lao Xu from the Hengdian Group only stood up for Mu Zhixin a few times, but was also targeted. He was worried all day that Xia Jingxing was not satisfied with his large-scale entry into the entertainment industry, and would build a film and television city to compete with him.

As for juniors like Jack Ma and Huang Huazhong, they are even more spineless and have already embraced Xia Jingxing's lap.

Although Xia Jingxing has never participated in any organization or group and is very low-key and humble in public, in fact he has become a big mountain in front of Chinese entrepreneurs. Whether you deal with him or not, you cannot ignore his influence and influence. energy.

Thinking of this, Ma Mingming sighed, "Oh, I just feel uncomfortable, just saying it.

He has such a good relationship with Lou Wei, and I heard that he is often taken to Zhongbeihai to report on work. Who dares to hinder him? "

Ma Mingming smiled a little bitterly, thinking that he had worked hard for twenty years to develop Ping An from a single property insurance company with only 13 employees into one of China's three major comprehensive financial groups.

But in the end, no matter whether it was the assets at his disposal, influence, or various resources, they could not compare to a junior who was nearly thirty years younger than him.

Fu Zuqi was very good at observing people's words. Knowing that Ma Mingming was a little bit shocked, he immediately began to flatter him.

"You are different. How many people in China can turn a poor government-owned enterprise into an industry giant with a market value of hundreds of billions?

And the most rare thing is that you haven’t engaged in MBO or conversion of dividend rights to equity!

No matter from which perspective, you have made a significant contribution to the country, unlike those big rats. "

Ma Mingming smiled and pointed at Fu Zuqi, "You, you, you always speak so freely, and you never guard your lips."

Having said that, Ma Mingming was still quite content.

Except for Lao Wang from the same city, I'm afraid no one can compare with me.

Although the situation at that time was relatively complicated and could not be explained clearly in one or two sentences, it was his highest goal in life to gain fame both before and after his death.

Xia Jingxing, let him go!


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