My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and fifty-nine, digital industry

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While driving Xia Jingxing to Bao'an Airport, Li Ying couldn't help but talk to him about the transformation plan mentioned during the day.

"You want to spin off the home appliance production business to form a huge OEM group similar to Futukang?"

Xia Jingxing was silent for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "Yes, this idea came to me a long time ago."

“Separate technology and industry?”

“No, it’s not division, but better integration of its business resources.

For example, we cannot rely on others to manufacture high-end mobile phones. If we do it ourselves, we can better control the quality.

As for the automotive business, it is impossible for us to adopt the OEM model, as that would make it difficult to control costs.

Coupled with the scattered businesses such as drones, tablets, watches, and glasses, it is enough to support the operation of an OEM group.

It does not need to continue to expand in scale with 100,000 people and dozens of factories to compete with Futukang. The more important role is to preserve the industrial genes of our group. "

Xia Jingxing turned his head and looked at Li Ying, who was concentrating on driving the car, and asked, "Do you know why I keep saying that Samsung, Siemens, GM, and IBM can't do high-end manufacturing?"

Looking from the side, a smile appeared on Li Ying's beautiful face, "I often hear you mention that they either have industrial genes but no technological genes; or they have technological genes but no industrial genes."

“Yes, whether industrial software or the industrial Internet, they all need to be designed according to the actual needs of the factory.

If the design is just based on imagination and is divorced from actual needs, the products produced will increase the difficulty of factory production and reduce production efficiency. "

Li Ying glanced at Xia Jingxing out of the corner of her eye and said, "So you want to use the OEM group as a guinea pig?"

Xia Jingxing did not deny it, "Although it is a white mouse, as long as it succeeds, it will be the first white mouse in the world to be injected with super genes.

You have also seen the current situation. The production lines are outdated and backward, and not even a few industrial robots and robotic arms are used. They are still far from being truly internationally leading factories.

Why can employees in foreign factories eat steak while our employees can only eat old rice?

Are foreign capitalists kinder? No, they make too much. "

"Shouldn't it be that their union is more powerful?" Li Ying joked.

"There is also a reason for this!"

Xia Jingxing spread his hands, "Our country still gives preferential treatment to entrepreneurs who can bring jobs and tax revenue."

"This is not something you can say from your class standpoint."

"My ancestors belong to the working class, and my generation should be grateful."

Li Ying smiled and said, "We're going too far. Let's go back to the foundry group. Such a transformation of yours will probably make everyone worried. Another industry has completed the closed loop within the revitalized industrial system.

Let me do the math!

The entire semiconductor industry chain is one link;

Semiconductors - mobile phones - foundry is one link;

Semiconductors - home appliances - OEM is one link;

Semiconductors - power batteries - automobiles - OEM is one link;

The Cloud and Smart Industry Business Group can empower almost all industries including foundry groups with technology, including mobile phone AI voice, smart home appliances, smart cars, industrial Internet and Internet of Things, industrial intelligent robots...

Oh, by the way, there is also an aerospace business group. DJI also needs image recognition, semantic recognition and other technologies to improve the accuracy of existing flight control technology and make drones more intelligent, convenient and reliable. Operationalization. "

Xia Jingxing smiled. It was easy to talk to a female computer major. She could always draw inferences.

"You missed something, Rocket! I plan to bring something different to Rocket, so that Rocket will fall in love with learning!"

Li Ying turned her head and glanced at Xia Jingxing's proud expression, and chuckled: "Rockets are a complicated thing. You have to maintain the same entrepreneurial passion as you do now to truly achieve world-renowned achievements."

"I have always been passionate about the Rockets and firmly believe that this is the end of my entrepreneurial life."

"End point?" Li Ying emphasized.

"Yes, it's the end. Maybe Qiuji will stick to this entrepreneurial project all his life."

Xia Jingxing looked out the window with a smile on his face, looking at the bright stars in the sky, mysterious and distant.

If you choose the stars and the sea as your destination and ending in this life, perhaps your journey through this world will not be in vain.

Li Ying didn't notice the expression on Xia Jingxing's face, but continued to drive and said: "Except for rockets, Fuxing Industrial's other business sectors have shown a trend of integration. This is a good thing, just like an aircraft carrier formation that has gone through arduous training. , finally began to form an integrated combat effectiveness.

I was worried about you before..."

Speaking of this, Li Ying suddenly shut up again.

Xia Jingxing came to her side, sniffing the light fragrance that smelled good, and asked, "Why are you worried about me? Will the debt burden explode?"

"Absolutely! Many friends around me thought I was crazy and had boarded a lunatic's pirate ship. They kept urging me to jump off the ship."

Xia Jingxing laughed loudly and asked, "What about now?"

"It's still a pirate ship, but it's quite comfortable to sit on."

Xia Jingxing's eyes widened, what kind of talk of tiger and wolf is this?

Li Ying realized that she seemed to have said the wrong thing, and her face suddenly turned red to the root of her neck, "I mean... you are like a thief."

"What kind of thief? A heart thief or a flower picker?"

After expressing her passionate emotions last night, Li Ying became more conservative again.

Although she went to college in the United States, she grew up in China before she was a teenager. She is also a Hakka girl, and her personality is generally reserved and reserved.

If she had been more proactive, she might have been able to assemble a mahjong group of four four years ago.

Seeing that Li Ying was thin-skinned, Xia Jingxing stopped teasing her and quietly looked at the road in front of the car.

Or Li Ying couldn't stand the silence, so she took the initiative to find a topic: "When do you plan to split up Fuxing Zhijia?"

"Now that Fuxing Zhijia has just completed the privatization of several major home appliance brands, it is the time to start a new round of resource and business integration. Otherwise, it can be done in one step? What do you think?"

Li Ying thought for a few seconds and replied: "Yes, yes, but in the early stage, we can only unify the OEM of our home appliance brands, and it will take a certain amount of time to start OEM of mobile phones and automobiles.

If we start a comprehensive transformation right from the start and ignore cars for the time being, I'm worried that it will affect Fuxing's mobile phone shipments, quality, etc. "

"Then take your time and start with home appliances."

Xia Jingxing thought for a while and added, "The new company will be called Fuxing Digital Industry Co., Ltd., or Digital Industry for short, and it will continue to be placed under Fuxing Smart Home Group.

In the future, when it enters more OEM fields and even exports digital industrial solutions, it will then establish a separate business group or a company directly under the parent group. "

Li Ying nodded lightly, "Then I will start preparing for the split. I will take this opportunity to reunify the supply chain, dealers and other channels, and completely integrate the six home appliance brands into one."

"You make up your own mind. People like me with a weak stomach are destined to eat soft food in this life."

Li Ying smiled slightly and continued to drive seriously while holding the steering wheel.

Soon, the car arrived at Baoan Airport.

Xia Jingxing got out of the car and joined Liu Xiaoduo, Zhang Chenguang and others who were following behind. Then he waved to Li Ying, "It's very late, go back quickly!"

Li Ying didn't leave. She stood there and watched Xia Jingxing's figure disappear completely. Then she turned around, got into the car, started the car and left.

Xia Jingxing noticed Liu Xiaoduo's searching eyes and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Liu Xiaoduo hesitated and said: "Let me see...I see if I dropped anything?"

"You dropped something and lost your eyes! You can't even be a secretary. I originally wanted to entrust you with important tasks. Forget it, you're just going to work as a secretary until your hair is gray and your face is wrinkled!"

After being beaten and scolded by Xia Jingxing, Liu Xiaoduo felt a little aggrieved at first, but then he felt a burst of ecstasy, wondering if his job could be regarded as an iron rice bowl.

Moreover, ordinary iron rice bowls cannot see the spectacular scene that can be seen with Mr. Xia. If there are many members in the group, they can play mahjong. How can it not be spectacular?

However, she only dared to criticize a few words in her heart, and did not dare to joke about her iron rice bowl.


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