My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and sixty. New competitors are coming to us with their heads held high.

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“As of the 8th of this month, Fuxing fx2s has been on sale for a full month.

The third generation of Fuxing mobile phones has been put on sale in the first batch in 42 countries and regions around the world, including mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and has achieved a total sales volume of 5 million units.

The first batch of sales countries and regions mainly cover several developed countries and regions in North America, Europe and Asia.

Next, Fuxingfx2s will be sold in South American countries including Argentina and Brazil and African countries including Nigeria and Kenya. Middle Eastern countries including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are also on the second batch of sales lists.

After completing the second round of sales, Fuxing Mobile's sales network will basically cover more than 100 major countries and regions around the world, truly realizing a global layout. "

At the headquarters of Fuxing Industrial Group in Zhongguancun, Lin Bing is using a set of charts to introduce the first-month sales performance of the third-generation Fuxing mobile phone.

Xia Jingxing turned his chair half a circle back, then sat sideways under the stage, looking at the ppt chart on the big screen seriously.

He also holds a pen in his hand, and from time to time he lowers his head to write and draw on an A4 paper spread out on the conference table, recording some key data.

Behind him on both sides sat Honor Mobile CEO Zhu Zhaojiang, group vice presidents Zhou Guangping, Huang Jiangji and other senior executives of the consumer electronics business group.

Everyone was like Xia Jingxing at this moment, craning their necks to look at the stage.

Looking at the beautiful growth data, everyone's face was filled with joy.

There is no doubt that this is another record-breaking success for Fuxing Mobile. An international mobile phone giant has risen, and no one can stop the rise of Fuxing Mobile.

Different from the optimism of others, Xia Jingxing knew that this was the last time for Fuxing Mobile to make money, and that the real challenges would come next.

He opened his mouth, thought for a few seconds and then said: "Have you ever calculated the cumulative sales of Fuxing mobile phones? How many users are expected to reach by the end of this year?"

These figures were already familiar in his mind, and Lin Bing blurted out without even thinking: "Since the first-generation Fuxing mobile phone was released two years ago, a total of 27.86 million units have been sold.

It is expected that by the end of this year, the cumulative sales of Fuxing mobile phones will exceed 40 million units. "

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly and asked again: "I remember that in 2007, the revival fx1 only achieved sales of 2.8 million units. After a year and a half, the sales volume increased nearly ten times?"

Lin Bing smiled and replied: "Yes, in recent years, the concept of smartphones has been accepted by more and more people. Fuxing Mobile and Zhiguo have enjoyed this "switching bonus."

I have a detailed data reference here. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Bing immediately called up another set of ppt data.

Renaissance FX1 sold 2.8 million units in 2007 and 4.01 million units in 2008;

Renaissance FX2 has sold 12.16 million units in 2008 and has achieved sales of 3.89 million units so far in 2009;

The revival of fx2s has achieved sales of 5 million units so far in 2009.

There is also a growth curve accompanying the histogram. It can be clearly seen that the growth rate of sales of each mobile phone every year is more than three-digit growth.

Looking at these data, Xia Jingxing asked with a smile: "Have you ever compiled statistics on shipments to the mainland?"

“Less than 10 million units, more than 7 million units to be precise.

According to the latest Fuxing fx2s sales data, the proportion of mainland sales in total global sales has further declined compared with last year and the year before last, accounting for only 15% of total global sales. "

Xia Jingxing frowned slightly. Although he was fully prepared for the decline in the sales volume of Fuxing Mobile Phone in the mainland market, he was still not happy when he actually heard the news.

In terms of population ratio, the national population last year was 1.33 billion people, while the global population was 6.6 billion, a proper 20% ratio.

As a result, the sales ratio of Fuxing mobile phones was lower than this figure.

What does it represent?

It means that the economy still has a lot of room for improvement, and there is still a big gap between the economic average of countries around the world.

"How are the sales of Meizu m8?"

Xia Jingxing almost forgot about this product. Sassafras once came to fool him, saying that Fuxing Mobile is for the high-end mobile phone market with a price of more than 4,000 yuan, and Meizu is for the mid-to-low-end mobile phone market with a price of less than 4,000 yuan. Let's join hands, don't fight internally, and work together. Divide China's smartphone market.

How could Xia Jingxing not know what Sassafras was up to? He wanted to deceive himself and Fuxing Mobile into focusing on the high-end mobile phone market, leaving the mid- to low-end mobile phone market to Meizu.

In a few years, once Meizu has completed capital accumulation in the sinking market, it will inevitably enter the high-end mobile phone market.

Xia Jingxing was too lazy to expose Sassafras' thoughts and simply agreed according to the other party's wishes.

If you paralyze me, I will paralyze you. At worst, we can all play the paralysis game together.

“Because the Meizu M8 is priced very low, with the 8GB version priced at 2,380 yuan and the 16GB version priced at 2,880 yuan, 100,000 mobile phones were sold within two months of its launch.

Compared with us and Wisdom Fruit, this result is not too impressive.

But considering that Meizu was just an MP3 manufacturer before, and the m8 is its first product to enter the mobile phone market, this achievement is very good. It can be said that it has basically established a firm foothold in the industry. "

Speaking of this, Lin Bing smiled, "But it can be seen that Sassafras has great ambitions and will never be satisfied with being a small mobile phone factory.

Three months after Meizu m8 went on sale, they took the initiative to cut prices. The prices of the two memory versions of the phone were reduced to 1,999 yuan and 2,499 yuan respectively.

This move greatly stimulated the sales of Meizu m8 mobile phones!

With a price of less than 2,000 yuan, not to mention a new generation of smartphones, even a mid-range feature phone from Motorola or Nokia is not enough.

But Sassafras just did this, which is no less than dropping a nuclear bomb on the mobile phone market.

What he did caused us to suffer a lot of infamy. "

Seeing Xia Jingxing's look of surprise, Lin Bing explained: "Many netizens criticized Fuxing Mobile's pricing strategy online, saying that we are too greedy. Meizu is the conscience mobile phone, and we are making money without conscience."

Xia Jingxing smiled silently, "From the perspective of netizens, they are not completely unreasonable. After all, the performance gap between the two mobile phones has not been truly reflected.

What makes us better than Meizu is just our brand.

We have sponsored the Olympic Games, sold well in many overseas markets, and are known as China's most successful overseas technology products. Meizu does not have any of these honors.

However, this should not be the reason why Fuxing fx2s is nearly 2,000 yuan more expensive than Meizu m8, at least in the eyes of price-sensitive users. "

Xia Jingxing turned to look at Zhu Zhaojiang and said with a smile, "Did you see that? Someone is running in front of you. The most powerful competitor of Honor mobile phone in the next one or two years will probably be Meizu."

Zhu Zhaojiang knew that this was Mr. Xia's reminder to speed up the research and development and launch of Honor phones. Bringing smartphones into the era of less than two thousand yuan was originally a good card for Honor phones to debut in the smartphone market, but Meizu took the lead. out.


This was what Xia Jingxing was waiting for. He nodded slightly and said, "There was no need to be in such a hurry, but time waits for no one. If you take a step forward, you can at least make some money for a few years.

If you miss this critical time point, you will not be able to seize the opportunity. If Honor wants to build its brand, it will take at least several more years of effort. "

Zhu Zhaojiang nodded solemnly, taking Xia Jingxing's instructions to heart.

Lin Bing waited for the two to finish the conversation before continuing: "As of last month, the cumulative sales of Meizu m8 are said to have exceeded 500 million yuan, which translates into sales of more than 250,000 mobile phones.

This is a number that cannot be underestimated!

Now is the era of smartphones competing for market share, and Meizu has reaped industry dividends.

Further down the line, more and more feature phone giants will turn around and enter the smartphone market to grab food.

Please look at the big screen. A new competitor is coming towards us with his head held high. "


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