My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and sixty-one, 2-head bet and 5-party camp

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Hearing this, everyone in the room, including Xia Jingxing, looked up at the big screen.

"Have they also transformed?"

Xia Jingxing looked at the familiar logo on the screen, and a smile appeared on his lips.

With the entry of this giant, it means that the era of smartphone competition has finally arrived.

At the same time, it also means that the time of making money is gone forever.

Lin Bing nodded lightly, "Yes, Samsung released it last month. This is a smartphone equipped with Android 2.0 system and full touch screen. It is also the first mobile phone based on Android system launched by Samsung after joining the Android Alliance.

In terms of performance, it is very powerful. In addition to being equipped with a 5-megapixel autofocus camera that is 1.2 million pixels higher than the fx2s and iPhone3gs, the i7500 also uses an amoled material panel jointly developed by Samsung and Bayan Qijing.

Panels made of this material have higher contrast, color saturation and brightness than the TFT panels currently used by us and Zhiguo.

At the same time, the i7500 also supports built-in GPS module and GPS navigation, which is one of its biggest selling points.

Of course, the bigger selling point is the price. The i7500 is priced at 69.9 euros in Germany with a two-year contract and 300 euros for the bare machine.

It is expected to enter the domestic market in the next few months and release the National Bank version. The bare metal price is estimated to be between 3,000 yuan and 4,000 yuan. "

Xia Jingxing said calmly: "The performance seems to be better than fx2s and iPhone3gs, but the price is a little cheaper. What do you think Samsung wants to do?"

Zhou Guangping immediately answered: "Do you still have to think about it? Li Jianxi must have seen the sales of Fuxing mobile phones and Smartphones, and he was a little greedy and wanted to come in and get a piece of the pie.

The new generation of smartphones are so popular that as long as they look a bit like smartphones, they won’t have to worry about selling them. Meizu m8 is a typical example.

Samsung's pricing is slightly lower than ours, but its brand and technology are not weaker than ours at all, and are even stronger than ours. The SOC chips we use are still provided by them.

They must be doing this deliberately to seize the market that originally belonged to us. Oh, by the way, there is also Wisdom Fruit, they are also using Samsung chips. "

Xia Jingxing glanced at Zhou Guangping and said, "Your analysis is correct, but it is not comprehensive enough."

After saying that, Xia Jingxing glanced at Lin Bing again, "Tell me."

Lin Bing nodded slightly towards Xia Jingxing and analyzed: "Samsung is a giant, there is no doubt about it.

But they have not yet fully embraced Android. In my opinion, the launched i7500 is just a test of the waters.

It is said that Samsung will release i8000 next month, which is a smart phone based on Windows Mobile 6.5 system.

Except for the different operating system from the i7500, other software and hardware are at the same level as the i7500.

Once the i7500 takes the lead and performs better than the i8000, Samsung may make up its mind to completely join the Android camp and launch Android phone tactics.

In addition, on the surface, the i7500 seems to be more powerful than the Fuxing fx2 and iphone3gs, but in fact it also has many shortcomings.

The technical department bought a batch of i7500 from overseas a few days ago and came back for testing. They found that the battery life of this phone is very average, the touch screen is not sensitive enough, the GPS and WiFi signals are weak, the multimedia format support is limited, and the software does not run smoothly enough. etc.

Considering this is Samsung's first Android phone, it's actually pretty good to be able to do this.

Next, as long as Samsung exerts its technical strength, these problems will be overcome one by one, and the new Android models launched will become more and more competitive. "

Xia Jingxing nodded secretly. Lin Bing had a good understanding of Samsung. The i7500 was indeed just a test product, which laid a solid foundation for the future launch of the famous Samsung, the Samsung i9000.

Microsoft's mobile operating system is already the rabbit's tail - it won't grow any longer.

Xia Jingxing had just underestimated Microsoft in his mind when Lin Bing came out and slapped him in the face.

“In addition to Samsung betting on both ends, LG is also buying double insurance.

Last year, the world's third-largest mobile phone manufacturer launched the LGKS200 mobile phone based on the WM system, priced at 3,980 yuan in the Chinese market. However, the sales feedback was not ideal, and its performance was directly crushed by the Fuxing FX2 launched at the same time.

According to Lu Qi, LG has found them and is preparing to develop a smartphone gw620 based on Android 2.0 system. This phone will be put on sale in the near future, and sales will determine LG’s choice of operating system.

Not only are foreign mobile phone manufacturers jumping sideways repeatedly, but domestic mobile phone manufacturers are also taking sides.

The n900 launched by Coolpad three months ago is equipped with the Windows CE6.0 smart operating system, compatible with WM6.0 and 6.5, and is mainly sold to business people.

The bluebelt and silverbelt series of smartphones jointly launched by ZTE and local telecom operators in Portugal are also equipped with the WM system.

The c8100 launched by Chrysanthemum Factory last month, the touch series, hd series, diamond series launched by htc in the past two years, and the et series of conscience companies are all equipped with the WM system. "

Xia Jingxing listened quietly, keeping a faint smile on his face.

I have to say that Microsoft's brand is still very strong, and there are still a large number of manufacturers at home and abroad gathered under the wm system.

Even though some mobile phone manufacturers have begun to flirt with Android, they are still reluctant to leave behind Microsoft, a bastard who is nothing but a scumbag!

In the future, China Cool Alliance, except for the conscientious company that firmly refuses to cooperate with Android, the other three companies will wander between the two major operating system camps.

Companies like ZTE, Chrysanthemum Factory, and Coolpad are all secretly developing Android smartphones.

Among them, the Chrysanthemum Factory is the most efficient. Ren Zhengfei quietly revealed to Xia Jingxing that the American telecommunications giant T-Mobile signed an order with the Chrysanthemum Factory and is secretly developing a carrier OEM machine code-named u8220, which will be launched before the end of this year. Debut in North America.

The reason why Ren Zhengfei was willing to explain to Xia Jingxing was because he did not want the strategic partnership with Fuxing Industrial to be affected because Chrysanthemum Factory was still cooperating with Microsoft.

This is what the mobile phone department of Juhua Factory is currently doing, specializing in manufacturing for major global operators.

Strictly speaking, Juhua Factory has not yet begun to build its own brand, and its presence in front of individual consumers is not high. Many people do not even know that such a mobile phone brand exists.

ZTE's x850 and Coolpad's n930, although these two Android phones have been approved as projects, their research and development is slow and they may not be able to keep up with the excitement of this year's mobile phone market.

There is also Motorola, which released the a3100 mobile phone based on the wm6.1 system at the beginning of the year, while secretly developing the mb200 smartphone based on Android 2.0.

HTC, a die-hard member of the WM system, was the pioneer of the Android system and the first Android manufacturer in his previous life. In this life, he followed Microsoft's path and went dark.

Xia Jingxing doesn't care at all what will happen to htc in the future. As long as Android continues to improve the system and ecosystem, there will be no worries about having no partners.

At present, smartphone operating systems are still in a melee stage.

Mobile phone manufacturers in the United States, Japan, South Korea and even China are all manufacturing mobile phones with Android and WM systems. Whichever system sells well, they will produce more mobile phones equipped with that system.

Generally speaking, everyone still prefers Microsoft, which has a deeper trust tree and a louder brand.

This can be seen from the fact that major mobile phone manufacturers took the lead in developing and launching WM system mobile phones.

Nokia is clinging to its Symbian system, which has been completely privatized by it. BlackBerry is very confident in its own company's system.

Looking around the world, there are currently only these five mainstream smartphone operating systems.

Nokia, BlackBerry and Wisdom are equipped with proprietary systems, which are only used by their own mobile phone brands. They are not open source and do not cooperate with external parties.

Microsoft and Android have a certain spirit of sharing, or have chosen different development strategies, open source to the outside world, and solicit mobile phone manufacturers to help promote their systems and build an ecosystem.

In terms of market share, Microsoft currently occupies a leading position, and the tiger's skin has not yet been exposed.

In addition, Nokia and BlackBerry have seen the new trend of smartphones in recent years and have launched several smartphones accordingly. However, in Xia Jingxing's view, the transformation is not complete and can only be called semi-smartphones.

For example, although the Nokia n97 and n900, which were launched successively in the past six months, use resistive touch screens and have new functions such as gravity sensing and light sensing, and their sales are still very good, they may be paralyzed by the results and still insist on using the so-called The classic design "slider".

The n86 released at the beginning of the year was a historical reversal from the n97 and did not support touch screens.

In this era of alternation between old and new technologies, Nokia seems very hesitant and slow. This can be seen from the models it has launched. It has been unable to make up its mind whether to stick to tradition or try new designs and technologies.

Xia Jingxing didn't pay much attention to Nokia, the aging giant. Seeing that it was following the path of its previous life, he focused more on Wisdom Fruit and Samsung.

In addition, according to Lu Qi’s feedback, Google is still engaged in research and development in Silicon Valley, and it seems that it has not given up the idea of ​​entering the smartphone operating system. However, the product release time has been pushed back again and again, and it seems that it cannot keep up with this year’s war.

After reviewing the competitors of various operating systems and the current structure of the mobile phone market in his mind, Xia Jingxing gradually came up with an idea.

He interrupted Lin Bing and said: "Nokia and BlackBerry will definitely go to the dark side, don't worry about them, let them destroy themselves.

Conscientious companies and htc are also bastards who are determined to oppose us. They will not cooperate with Android, and Android does not look down on them.

Needless to say, Wisdom Fruit, their confidence and brand are gradually restored, and they will definitely be a strong opponent in the revival of mobile phones in the future.

And Samsung will become our enemy sooner or later. The leader of the Android camp will most likely be blamed on us and them.

These domestic mobile phone manufacturers are not in business for the time being. If we can successfully secure the top spot in the country in the future, their market share will inevitably be squeezed.

If we pay more attention to Samsung, our two families may inevitably have a fierce battle in the future. "


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