My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and sixty-two, giving the flag and setting off for the expedition

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"After research and decision by the group's board of directors, in order to adapt to the increasingly complex and fierce competition in the international consumer electronics market, it is hereby approved to form a fourth sub-group under the parent group Fuxing Industrial Holdings - Fuxing Consumer Electronics Group, referred to as Fuxing Electronics.

Fuxing Electronics will include consumer electronics brands such as Fuxing mobile phones, Honor mobile phones, Fuxing tablets, Fuxing glasses, and Fuxing watches..."

In the large conference room of Fuxing Industrial Group, the group's chief human resources officer stood in front of the stage and read out important resolutions from the board of directors.

In addition to dozens of executives from Fuxing’s mobile phone and consumer electronics business groups from all over the world, the audience was filled with executives from other business groups and sub-groups, group companies, research institutes and other institutions who also sent their first and second leaders. Watch the ceremony.

"The following announcement is about a personnel change. Lin Bing, the former president of the consumer electronics business group, is promoted to the position of CEO of Fuxing Electronics. He will also continue to serve as the CEO of Fuxing Industrial International Business..."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Lin Bing, who was sitting next to the big boss Xia Jingxing.

Lin Bing couldn't hide the joy on his face. Although he had been promoted to a senior executive of the parent group, in his opinion, the revival of mobile phones was the business that focused his most efforts.

According to common sense, Fuxing Mobile, whose revenue, net profit and valuation account for more than half of the entire group, should have been upgraded to a sub-group long ago, and it was the first to be upgraded!

As a result, because of Xia Jingxing's pressure, Fuxing Semiconductor, Fuxing Automobile, and Fuxing Zhijia, the younger brothers who were established later, moved to the front.

However, Lin Bing still knows this truth.

Regardless of whether it is upgraded to a sub-group or not, Fuxing Mobile has developed into a business card of Fuxing Industrial, and it is the brightest one.

Compared to Lin Bing, who was relatively restrained and calm, the faces of Zhou Guangping, Liu De and other senior executives turned red due to excessive excitement, and their hands seemed to be tireless as they clapped vigorously, and the applause in the room filled the room. It didn't calm down for a long time.

Then, Liu Wenjuan announced the job promotions of other people.

After the consumer electronics business group was upgraded to a sub-group, almost all senior executives were promoted from half a level to one level.

In fact, the positions are still the same as before, and the rights have not increased much. The main promotion is the rank, and the corresponding salary and benefits have been increased.

What everyone is even more happy about is that Fuxing Electronics' important position within the parent group has been consolidated. At least there is no need to be jealous of the three sub-groups anymore.

Zhu Zhaojiang is an exception. Among all the executives, he is the only one who has not been promoted and is still the CEO of Honor Mobile.

However, he is not jealous, because the Honor Phone has not yet made any achievements, Xia Jingxing has already promoted him once, and no matter how thick-skinned he is, he will not dare to expect a second time in the short term.

Next came the solemn flag-presenting ceremony. Xia Jingxing walked up to the stage first, took the red flag embroidered with the eight characters "Fuxing Consumer Electronics Group" from the hands of the dignified etiquette lady, and handed it to him who was next. Lin Bing took the stage and gave a brief speech.

"The national flag is owned by the state, and the company has its own flag! The national flag is a symbol of the country's spiritual will, and the company's flag also embodies the culture, vision, and dreams of a company!

This is the fourth flag I have awarded! It is also the fourth time that it has issued a pledge of war to its subsidiary groups.

The reason why the flag is awarded to Fuxing Consumer Electronics now is because from today on, Fuxing Mobile and Honor Mobile will truly embark on the thorny road of Honor's revival! "

Everyone in the audience held their breath and looked at Xia Jingxing on the stage. The latter's face, which always had a gentle smile, had now turned murderous, and his eyes revealed a kind of perseverance and determination.

“Counting from the release of the first-generation Renaissance mobile phone on December 7, 2006, 947 days have passed today!

Converted to two years, seven months and three days, this was the most comfortable period of time for Fuxing Mobile.

There is no need to worry about selling mobile phones. The most commonly heard words are "queuing up to buy" and "out of stock". "

Someone in the audience had a smile on their face, but Xia Jingxing did not smile. He continued in a calm tone: "Remember the past two years or so, because it will never happen again in the future!

Perhaps we can expand the scope a little further. Until the end of this year, the revival of mobile phones will not encounter too big difficulties. Mobile phones are easily selling well all over the world. Foreign diplomats praise it and Chinese people call it the light of domestic products.

Three years have always been full of comfort and surprises!


Xia Jingxing changed the topic and his tone became extremely serious.

“It is precisely because these three years have been so easy that some of our colleagues have begun to develop slackness, pride, and contempt...

Before it had grown into a large company and before it officially entered the Fortune Global 500, it began to suffer from the big company disease.

I can put it here. If we continue to face the challenging year of 2010 in the current state, there will definitely be endless struggles and all the leading advantages will be lost.

Let’s ask ourselves, what is the core competitiveness of Fuxing Mobile? "

Seeing that the boss suddenly got angry, the executives in the audience were silent, but their minds were still running, thinking about the questions raised by Xia Jingxing.

“I can answer everyone’s question. We currently have only one core competitiveness, which is our first-mover advantage!

We launched a raid on traditional mobile phones with the concept of smartphones. Before all mobile phone manufacturers could react, we quickly established the brand and initially established a firm foothold in the industry.

But the current situation is that they have reacted and the elephant has started to turn around!

Samsung has launched its first Android phone, and it will definitely compete with us for the position of Android phone king!

Mobile phone manufacturers such as Juhua Factory, ZTE, LG, and Motorola are gearing up. Fuxing Mobile has already paved a way for them. There is no reason why they should not follow suit.

Small start-up companies like Meizu are coming fiercely. Meizu is not the only one to see the opportunities of the times. Similar mobile phone start-ups will spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

Don't underestimate these startups. They are more flexible than mobile phone giants, and at the same time they have more entrepreneurial drive and hunger.

Fuxing Mobile has also developed step by step in this way. Looking down on them is the greatest denial of our efforts in the past few years.

There is also our old enemy Zhiguo. They are already developing their own mobile phone processors and are expected to launch a new generation of iPhone next year.

All the above show that although the era of traditional feature phones is gradually coming to an end, the rise of the heroes in the era of smartphones has just begun.

We spent three years of comfortable time, easily selling 40 million mobile phones and earning hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue.

Will it be so easy next time?

Even if we wanted to, our opponents wouldn't let us get our way. "

Xia Jingxing pointed to the flag in Lin Bing's hand, "We have no choice, we have to advance or retreat!

After this comfortable time where it’s easy to get hooked and let your guard down, it’s time to pack your bags and hit the road again!

We can only keep charging forward and plant this flag to one technological peak after another to have a chance of survival.

Otherwise, what awaits us will be sad adjectives such as "flash in the pan" and "falling star" that easily arouse public sympathy and nostalgia.

If you don’t want to live in the remembrance of others and become an inconspicuous splash of the times, then be prepared and be mentally prepared for a war from now on.

No matter how powerful the counterattacks and attacks of the old and new forces are, we must firmly hold our position and even launch counterattacks against them.

Therefore, from today on, Fuxing Consumer Electronics Group has officially opened a new page in history, and together we will embark on a journey that will never end!

Life goes on and the fight goes on! "


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