My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and seventy-three, cup bow snake shadow

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Mu Zhixin didn't know how he got home.

Along the way, he reflected on his life.

He came from a distinguished family, and his ancestors were engaged in charity. His fame had spread to the ears of Emperor Guangxu, and he was awarded many honorable plaques.

By the time he was born, the huge family fortune had almost been ruined, or in other words, that era no longer paid attention to this.

He was eager to revitalize the family's former glory as described by his father. To this end, he studied hard to enter college and worked in a respectable scientific research institution.

But by the time he reached his forties, his life had not experienced any major changes. He had neither a prosperous official career, nor a wealthy family, nor a glorious ancestor.

But it was precisely that year that society underwent earth-shaking changes, and he finally got a chance to stand out.

He cherished this hard-won opportunity and used his middle-aged body to fight like a young man.

Until one day, he suddenly realized that no matter how hard he worked, the things he got did not belong to him, at least most of them did not belong to him.

Seeing the friends around him becoming more and more wealthy, living in big houses, driving luxury cars, and wearing luxury watches, he felt very unbalanced in his heart.

Even if he doesn't think about himself, he still has to think about his children.

As the saying goes, if a Taoist does not do something, he will end up like those old men and women in the same hospital, holding a glorious retirement certificate and going home to enjoy their grandchildren and take care of themselves.

He is not willing to do this!

The explosion of mentality brought about turning again and again. He became more and more selfish and unscrupulous.

All the stumbling blocks in front of him had to be removed. To this end, he used a crying scene and acting skills comparable to Uncle Liu's to force away his former best friend Li Guangnan.

He established a conscience company in Hong Kong, leaving himself a way out.

He completed the first restructuring of Conscience Company and initially completed the change in the nature of the enterprise in the name of full-shareholding.

The success of his desperate attempts made him become more and more bold.

He felt that he had mastered the code of the money game and no one could stop him.

Until the sudden news that came from the dinner table today made him feel really scared.

This piece of infiltrating news not only disrupted all his plans, but also reminded him of the strictness of the country's laws.

Mu Zhixin returned home in a daze and collapsed on the sofa in the living room. After sending away the nanny who came to care, he began to think about his retreat.

It was impossible to confess. He was used to living the life of a rich man and he couldn't accept a different lifestyle.

Otherwise... go to the United States to be neighbors with his good disciple Guo Wei? Anyway, I have a US dollar account, so I don’t have to worry about having no money to spend in the future.

Once this idea came to his mind, Mu Zhixin felt as if ten thousand insects were biting him.

At this time, Mu Zhixin’s wife Guo Xin came over.

"Old Mu, you don't look good. Are you sick? You smell like alcohol. How many times have I told you, drink less, drink less, but you don't listen! You have to take care of your body. You are an old man, and your body is no better than that of a young man. .”

His wife's incessant nagging was once the most troublesome thing for Mu Zhixin, but now it sounded more cordial.

Seeing his old wife with wrinkles and gray hair, Mu Zhixin felt a sore nose, and sadness suddenly surged into his heart.

If he falls, his wife, as the former financial director, will not be able to escape.

He thought of his young wife, when she worked with him on the farm. Although it was hard work, they felt very sweet about each other.

Now that I am old, I still have to experience a life that is even more unfree than on the farm. The key is that the two of them have to be separated.

I feel sorry for her!

No, we can't stay here and wait for death!

With guilt for his wife and full desire to survive, Mu Zhixin suddenly woke up!

Gotta go!

And you have to leave quickly, otherwise you won’t be able to leave if it’s too late.

Mu Zhixin stood up with a vigor that was not befitting his age, and said to his wife: "Guo Xin... pack up, let's go to Hong Kong Island to visit Xiaoqing and her grandson."

"Ah? Are you leaving now? Old man, you can do it as soon as you think about it! Let's wait until tomorrow. I also made an appointment with my friends to watch the Peking Opera together today."

Mu Zhixin took a deep breath, thought about it, and decided to tell his wife some truth.

He looked around and whispered, "Come to the study with me."

Half an hour later, the couple finished talking and walked out of the study.

With one more close person to talk to, Mu Zhixin has become calmer.

His wife, on the other hand, felt dizzy and held on to keep from falling.

The huge Mu family was about to collapse.

Fortunately, Guo Xin is not an ordinary woman, otherwise she would have cried and made a fuss.

Seeing his wife's lost look, Mu Zhixin comforted her in a low voice: "It's okay, we can get through this."

Guo Xin said with a pale face: "I'm fine, I'll go pack my things right away."

"Don't bring anything else with you, just bring your ID!" Mu Zhixin warned.

Guo Xin nodded, turned around and took a few steps, then stepped back and said, "Have you ever thought about what if you guessed wrong? It's just a matter of stopping the equity transfer, nothing else?"

Mu Zhixin gritted her back teeth and stared out the window, saying, "This possibility is very small! This matter reveals something abnormal inside and out."

"You are just a little fish, are you worthy of being so aggressive?"

Although Guo Xin is older, his thinking is more rigorous than Mu Zhixin's, and he somewhat suspects that the old man is a scheming figure.

But she was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. She did not dare to persuade the old man to stay. She just put forward an idea, hoping to help the old man do analysis.

Mu Zhixin's eyes suddenly turned cold, "What you said makes sense, even if the possibility is very small, it means that there is a possibility, and you must be prepared.

You go pack your things and I'll call Daqing. "

Guo Xin heard the hidden meaning and wanted to persuade Mu Zhixin to take Yang Daqing with her, but she swallowed the words again.

Although Yang Daqing is a good boy, he is not his biological son after all, and the old man clearly wants to use Yang Daqing to guard the family for them.

If everyone leaves, everything that was fine may become troublesome.

After figuring out the key, Guo Xin would not stop the scene of "teacher is kind and disciple is filial" from happening no matter how much he couldn't bear it.

Sighing in her heart, Guo Xin turned and left.

Mu Zhixin rubbed her face that was stiff due to nervousness, then took out her cell phone and dialed Yang Daqing's number.

"Daqing, where are you now?"

"Oh, you are still in the Magic City. Can you come back tomorrow?"

"Haha, it's okay. I just want to tell you that your wife misses her grandson. I want to accompany her to Hong Kong Island. I'll probably stay there for ten and a half days."

"Huake Holdings has negotiated a deal, and the news will be officially announced tomorrow. If you are a little bit tired during this period, all the rest will be left to you."

"Haha, you are so confident! Okay, okay, I feel relieved when I hear you say that."

"Well, success or failure depends on this! Do it well, and the conscience company will need you to lead it towards a more glorious tomorrow!"

Mu Zhixin hung up the phone and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

I'm sorry, my good disciple, I have no choice but to be a teacher.

If nothing goes wrong, my teacher will definitely compensate you in the future.

If something really happens, then you should take care of it for me!


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