My Age of Investment

One thousand three hundred and seventy-four, collective loss of contact

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The next day.


Yang Daqing rushed back to the capital from the magical capital in excitement, ready to seize the opportunity left by his master, personally open a new era of conscience holding group, and completely consolidate his position as heir.

But when he arrived at the company, he was stunned!

All the fellow disciples, except Guo Wei, who had gone to a foreign country to avoid trouble, were all here.

Legend Capital Zhu Linan, Hony Capital Zhao Linghuan, Raycom Land Chen Guodong and others were all as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

When a group of people saw Senior Brother Yang Daqing appear, they immediately seemed to have found a backbone. They gathered around and asked about the whereabouts of Master Mu Zhixin. At the same time, they also reported a big "bad news" to Yang Daqing.

"Huake Holdings sent a letter to the company this morning, announcing that it had canceled its plan to list its shares on the Beijing Stock Exchange, but it did not give any explanation."

"We hurriedly contacted Deng Chaomao and Zeng Cunmai, but none of the calls were answered, and no one was seen. It was like they had disappeared from the world."

"I called Master, but he didn't answer the phone."

"Lao Yang, what is going on? We are all confused now."

Not only were the junior brothers confused, but Yang Daqing was also confused.

When he reacted, he immediately took out his cell phone and dialed Mu Zhixin.

The result shows shutdown!

A group of people gave up completely when they saw that Yang Daqing could not contact Mu Zhixin.

However, this group of people were business elites after all. After a brief panic, they quickly discussed countermeasures.

"The top priority is to find out what happened. We cannot be deaf and blind."

The speaker was a middle-aged man with a round face and short hair, named Lin Min. He was not well-known to the outside world, but he was a well-known "close minister" in his conscience. He was Mu Zhixin's secretary and was under Mu Zhixin's supervision. The level of trust is no less than that of several "young marshals".

Yang Daqing pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "The old man called me yesterday and said that he and the old lady went to Hong Kong Island to visit their grandson, and they will not be back until ten days and a half."

As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately exploded.

"Why did he run to Hong Kong Island at this critical moment?"

"Then did he tell you anything?"

"Do you think the old man knows something?"

The executives of Conscience Holdings who were present started talking at once, and their words revealed a hint of dissatisfaction with Mu Zhixin's sudden disappearance.

Yang Daqing's mind was spinning rapidly, and he realized that the old man must be hiding something from him.

Because the old man just left yesterday, such a weird thing happened today. This is so abnormal!

"Everyone should act separately and mobilize the "friends" around them. Let's all inquire about the news together and clarify the matter first."

Yang Daqing ended the meeting hastily, then found a deserted place and called Hai Daqiang of Jiangfan Group.

This time the call was finally connected.

Compared with Yang Daqing, who is a generation younger than his predecessor and has not yet fully grasped the power of the conscientious company, Hai Daqiang holds several bluffing top titles for businessmen on his head, so his information channels are better.

Moreover, he has never participated in the restructuring of Conscience Company before, and this restructuring has not yet been officially announced. If something really happens, it will be considered an "attempted crime" at most.

Therefore, even though Hai Daqiang was quite panicked, he still couldn't reach the point of running away with a bucket.

The reason why Hai Daqiang was willing to answer Yang Daqing's call was because he wanted to exchange information with the other party.

But Hai Daqiang is such a shrewd person. When he discovered that Yang Daqing was also in a confused state, he only revealed a little bit of information and refused to reveal any more. Then he hung up the phone saying that something happened.

Sure enough, something happened at Huake Holdings!

Yang Daqing's eyes were filled with gloom, and the veins on the back of his hand were bulging from the hand holding the phone too hard.

He was very uneasy at the moment!

The sporadic information he got from Hai Daqiang completely confirmed his suspicion that the old man had probably run away.

Thinking about the phone call he made to himself yesterday, it was probably to stabilize himself and let himself bear the thunder for him!

This is not his unfounded random guess, but the old man has a "criminal record."

The outside world is not clear about the matter between Guo Wei and China Digital, but can Yang Daqing still be unclear about it?

After Guo Wei, who came from the same school as him, was taken advantage of, the old man did not hesitate to give up his car to save his commander.

So, now I may have become that "car" that is ready to be discarded at any time.

Thinking of this, Yang Daqing was completely panicked and filled with hatred for Mu Zhixin's ruthlessness.


I want to leave too! We can't sit here and wait to die!

Yang Daqing's desire for survival was no less intense than Mu Zhixin's yesterday, and he left the conscience company in a panic.

When Zhu Linan, Zhao Linghuan and others discovered that Yang Daqing had disappeared, it was already several hours later.

This group of people are not stupid, they are all human spirits, and they have been following Mu Zhixin for a long time. Under the influence of their ears and eyes, how can they not understand that this is "protecting oneself wisely".

So they imitated one after another, and also played the game of collective disconnection.

For such a large conscientious holding group, more than half of the senior management disappeared in just one day.



Compared with the high-level meetings of Conscience Holdings, the high-level meetings of Huake Holdings were filled with a solemn atmosphere.

“After research and decision by the academy, in order to better adapt to market-oriented development and enhance China’s scientific and technological strength...

The conditions for Conscience Holdings to introduce shareholders will be revised to include large technology companies with extraordinary strength in the three major fields of consumer electronics, semiconductors, and software. The original conditions for the three major industries of real estate, energy, and finance will be completely invalidated.

Do you have any different opinions on this? Any opinions can be raised and discussed at the meeting. "

The chairman of Huake Holdings looked at the company executives present with a serious expression, and he couldn't help but curse in his heart.

He basically doesn't care about anything on weekdays, letting go of all the daily management affairs of the company, and giving full trust and power to his subordinates.

As a result, these people set a huge trap for him.

When he received the above document yesterday, he was scared to death.

Then he was worried all night, and finally received a new order today - requiring the modification of the equity transfer conditions of Conscience Holding Group and the introduction of shareholders with more technological strength.

As for whether there will be new documents issued in the future, he doesn't know, let alone imagine.

Seeing that the chairman's main focus was on him, Zeng Cunmai complained secretly in his heart.

He knew that his immediate superior most likely blamed himself for this debt. After all, it was his incompetence in doing things that led to intervention from above, causing everyone to suffer together.

However, what reassured Zeng Cunmai was that the meeting mentioned today was really just an internal meeting, and the group of colleagues who specially invited people to tea did not make a surprise visit.

He was also worried all day yesterday, fearing that there would be a Hongmen Banquet today.

At this point, Zeng Cunmai had already figured out some of the situation.

It wasn't that something was leaked, or that a "sanitary cleanup" had broken out as they imagined. The higher-ups probably simply felt that the equity transfer plan was unreasonable and requested that the plan be re-formulated.

The original plan was already a sure thing, even approved by the superiors, and then suddenly a mysterious force overthrew everything.

The situation is probably like this, and there is a high probability that they are worried too much.

After all, they are not large beasts, and they are not worthy of such attention from above, or even direct intervention.

However, this does not mean that they have completely muddled through.

Next, at least one internal evaluation of "not useful" will fall on myself and others.

After all, even the higher-ups have spoken out, saying that the equity transfer plan is unreasonable. How shameless can you say that you did the right thing?

And whether they do it right or not is not something they can decide. Someone will evaluate the results of their work.

For example, the chairman did not show any good looks to Zeng Cunmai and Deng Chaomao throughout the entire process today.

The two people, who are familiar with the rules of the workplace, knew that they would definitely get slapped this time.

Even if they are just showing it to the big boss, the two of them will still be held partially responsible. The best outcome is to be transferred from their current positions. The worst case is to resign directly. There is a possibility of more serious consequences.

Just because it's okay now doesn't mean it'll be okay in the future.

Zeng Cunmai and Deng Chaomao finished the entire meeting in fear. They did not dare to raise any objections throughout the whole process, and they were both worried about their unpredictable futures.

They couldn't care about Lao Mu for the time being. They had already crossed the river and had no time to care about their teammates.

However, they still contacted Mu Zhixin cautiously last night. They didn't talk too much and just said "peace" to each other.

At present, the two of them don't know that Mu Zhixin has gone to Hong Kong Island, thinking that the other party is appeasing the conscience of the company.

The two of them have been in meetings all day today, and no one dares to contact Lao Mu easily.

The two of them knew nothing about the chaos that broke out at Conscience Holdings.


I'll just update it today. I'll try to make up for it tomorrow and wrap up this plot at the same time. It's a bit timid to write and I don't dare to break through too much.


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